Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
Thursday, 31 December 2009
2009 Evaluation
So what you might be wondering was accompliced in this last month of 2009. Well, despite the obvivious growth of "The Final Chapters", I have payed particular attention to additional scenes and secondary missions. This includes a new and optional secondary mission where the player controls the party of Baralai and Gippal as they uncover and destroy the secret and dangerous experiments the Machine Fraction had been developing. I've payed more attention on the development of relationships between characters and one in particular is the one between Rikku and Gippal. Sorry but I won't spill the beans on specific details!
Of course the main focus of "The Final Chapters" which is Yuna's and Tidus' story has been upgraded as well. I have even thrown in possible songs of which Yuna (and Lenne, providing the necessary requirements have been met) for chapter five (5). Originally I thought about one (1) song but in my attempt to develop the "our way or the highway" stipulation for Yuna and Tidus, I have made Yuna's emotions more present of which tend to take control of her against her will later at times. So now there are two (2) songs: there is the intenional song which for the time being is based around The Prenders' "I'll Stand By You" and then the second (2nd) song which is inadvertant but is sung when Yuna's anger, frustration, sorrow and fear gets the better of her will and take over. The second (2nd) song is "It Won't Matter -Kaze No Toorimichi" by Saint Vox which in my opinion expresses that the things that Yuna cherishes such as Tidus won't matter should their goal not work out at the end of their journey.
Well with 2010 now in full swing, I will be getting my head down and continuing my work on my project. And if there are any major developments in the project, you can be sure you'll hear it from me via posts. So, so long but not goodbye.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
The Final Fantasy X-3 project - After two or so years review part three (3)
Whilst working at the Weymouth College as a volunteer, I got to get a grips with other software such as Photoshop and Blogger even (hence this blog I setup). When I worked on "The Final Chapters" I had always paused and thought about what do some of the new implentations look like. The airship for example becuase in chapter one (1) of "The Final Chapters" the Gullwing's airship known as the Celsius is destroyed. And later on Cid's personal airship (used in Final Fantasy X) know as the Ferinheight is struggling on it's last legs before it gives up the ghost completely. The party would require another airship. Naming it wasn't difficault, sticking with the measurement of degrees which celsius and fernheight come from I came up with Kelvin. But for what it will look like was a bigi. Purposely I've stated that it is the largest of all the airships and that the Cabin is luxurious with its own en-suite rooms, bar and Sphere Theatre. The airship design had to be immense but different. Using Photoshop I've come up with numerous drafts.

Its far from final and there's so much more to do but with Photoshop and other graphical software I could come up with drafts putting my ideas into practice.
During 2009 I have gone though so many rethinks and rewritting I couldn't possibly count. For example; In "The Final Chapters" near the stories conclusion I made it so that Yuna is pregant even though she and Tidus thought it couldn't be possible given their situation. Only to later on the unborn child to be killed before Yuna and her friends engage in the desisive battle. Now I have no problem of defying reality because the story is fantasy but going along with this caused complications (of which I won't share yet). So instead I've scrapped the "baby" addtion and came up with a new twist which I think makes more sense to Yuna's and Tidus' dilema.
These changes are apparent in both stories because I decided to save and show the project's development as evidence and proof that I had though of countless scanarios and can proof that this project is my doing. It would be a bad idea in my opinion to hand over one Word document which cannot show all the changes and developments made thoughout. So I keep numerous forms of the documents in the project created on a daily basis. So for example I can have numerous versions of the "The Final Chapters" enitled "(25112009)" and another "26112009)". My rule was that with each passing day I would save and keep various copies of the project's main documents such "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" and then use the latest as a template to continue though the next day before saving as a different file entitled "(27112009)" for example.
With November gone and passed it means I have stopped work on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" and will not be resummed until January 2010. Though I'd admit my rule of switching from one story to the next after each month has its cons, I managed to extend the story's plot and answer or explain some questions about Spira's past. For example; there is a scene in Final Fantasy X where Yuna and her companions see a recreation of Yunalesca and Lord Zaon in Guadosalam. In "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" this scene is explained with Shuyin overhearing their conversation. To prevent confusion, Shuyin is never spotted at the scene or along with Yunalesca or Lord Zaon because he remains outside the room. With the scene in Final Fantasy X there is no dialogue between Yunalesca and Lord Zaon so creating the scene in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" wasn't difficault and I feel it complies along with the setting of the story with the Machina War and Sin.
In the later scenes of the story I have worked on Lenne's dilema as she lies a prisoner in the Gaol, Bevelle Underground. What I set out to do is to express the difficaulty for Lenne to move on assuming Shuyin is dead. As Lenne goes on, her confidence and her beliefs gradually deteriate and leaves Lenne in a state of depression and meaninglessness. Lenne expresses becoming a zombie without its master. A lifeless being without a cause. Whilst in Bevelle before Lenne is captured, Lenne's hope is revived and has a goal to find Shuyin who she believes is in Bevelle. But once captured, Lenne goes back into her depression believing the sight of seeing Shuyin was only her imagination playing horrible tricks on her. In her dreams, Lenne's imagination creates scenarios where she has a duty to fulfill but then her situation is complicated when Shuyin becomes a pirority and has to decide to believe in her duty or believe in Shuyin. These dreams serve as further dilema.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
The Final Fantasy X-3 project - After two or so years review part two (2)
At first I thought it could be a quest for Rikku and Paine to travel up Yadonoki Tower together searching for the feeling of being a good friends and as a team with Yuna being alongside. I would make it so that both Rikku and Paine feel this emptiness inside themselves with Yuna gone. They seek to conquer Yadonoki Tower and along the way sharing what they have been doing since they last met. They hope to find the strength they soughting for so they can fill the empty holes in their hearts and continue with their lives. But then I thought "Nah!" In theory it could work but then I didn't want to copy what is essentialy already been done. Plus I want the story behind the Final Fantasy X series to stay faithful to Yuna and Tidus. And anyway I wanted Yadonoki Tower to be a scene of a vital part of Final Fantasy X-3's plot.
Around about the same time, I wanted to find out what other gamers and fans would think about a Final Fantasy X-3 and if they had any ideas. This was setup as a topic on Facebook. I kept it brief and didn't want to give away any key parts otherwise that will spoil the story of my concept of Final Fantasy X-3. It took a while and beyond the responses from those who felt Final Fantasy X-2 was bad or had something not pleasent to share, I got mixed responses. Some wrote about being satisfied with Final Fantasy X-2 and felt there was no need to continue the story. The majority of the other resonses wrote about a prequel to Final Fantasy X. There were some that suggested that the next story should be not about Yuna or Tidus but about the other characters such as Rikku, Vidina, Braska, Jecht and Auron and so on. Now I didn't oppose to any of the ideas but I wanted Final Fantasy X-3 to be mostly about Yuna and Tidus. And of course I had my own ideas but a prequel would be a good idea. ...Just not based around Braska's pilgramige.
One of the things brought up was the storyline of Final Fantasy X-2. The central plot was really about Lenne and Shuyin, two who existed in Zanarkand at the time of the Machina War. Now at first I didn't mind it although it wasn't as central to Yuna and Tidus as I first imagined before completing the game and it didn't really feel like it was Yuna's story as she implied. But I went along with it because the story wasn't confusing and it was touching. And the same time it didn't feel like an outxast to the story in Final Fantasy X. Though it did prompt a couple of questions.
And then that's when it hit me. Rather then doing a follow up to Final Fantasy X-3 I would set about a prequel based 1000 years before Final Fantasy X explaining Lenne's and Shuyin's story. But like Last Mission on Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission this additional story would be set as an unlockable mode. And I thought I'd be clever with this. Instead of being a direct prequel where it is told in the past from Lenne's and Shuyin's perspective.having no reference to Yuna and Tidus, I thought it would be based as a follow up to the events of Final Fantasy X-3 providing the conditional criteria was fulfilled before hand.
Confused? Lenne and Shuyin will share their story with Yuna and Tidus set not too far off the better or perfect epilogue of Final Fantasy X-3. Lenne and Shuyin will explain their past as a playable story with the "supposedly" player playing as both. So although its a prequel mainly it is setup as a follow up to Final Fantasy X-3 told in the present. I wanted it to feel as a conclusive part of Lenne's and Shuyin's roles in Final Fantasy X-3. Lenne's and Shuyin's story is set to explain and show how Lenne and Shuyin came about and answer some questions to be answered. However this does require taking a risk. I want Lenne's and Shuyin's story to be based upon them but also to explain a couple of things that are noticeable in Final Fantasy X and X-2. Such as Zanarkand becoming ruins, Dream Zanarkand, Yu Yevon, the birth of Sin, the mystery of Yadonoki Tower, Lenne's and Shuyin's end, connections to Yuna and Tidus and so much more. To do this Lenne and Shuyin have to be instrumentally involved in many of these occurances which isn't mentioned in Final Fantasy X and X-2.
I had to be careful of how I create Lenne's and Shuyin's story because it's got to make sense and comply with Final Fantasy X and X-2 without rewriting and changing the history of the Final Fantasy X series. And I have to make it sound like its been told in the present. This would pose a challange along with the rest of the Final Fantasy X-3 project but I wanted to put my thoughts onto a form of back up and get one step closer to my dream becoming a reality.
Monday, 16 November 2009
The Final Fantasy X-3 project - After two or so years review
As of the summer of 2008 I was hard at work developing my idea for Final Fantasy X-3 and I had completed a base for its plot. Essentially much of the plot focused on Yuna and Tidus and their ordeal as they journey once more to restore the Eternal Calm to Spira which had been spoilt by an arrogant summoner called Raphas and the main antagonist being the Fayth being the cause of the problems in Spira. One of the key focuses of Final Fantasy X-3 was that if it were to become a reality and a game I would want it to be the definitive epilogue to the Final Fantasy X series. That meant trying the whole story up in the end and making an ending that would deliver and won't prompt another sequel.
But then when I had the story as it was I felt it lacked a lot. If I wanted to be the definitive end then I have to explian what happens to the likes of Rikku, Paine, Wakka and so on. I couldn't just simply ignore them or kill them off. So I went back to the characters in Final Fantasy X and X-2 and from there the project would begin however slowly to evolve. I wanted to stick with the primary plot and the ending idea but I began to develop the remaining key characters and came up with their own stories that would be sought for and written along the course of the main story.
For example I initially didn't have much regard for Wakka's and Lulu's child Vidina. I thought that Vidina would be snatched away prompting Wakka and Lulu to journey with their friends only to find that Raphas had succeeded in turning him into a Fayth. That has since changed and more has been put into Wakka's and Lulu's story. I focused on a typical family with the parents, their child and a family companion in the form of a pet dog. I wanted Lulu and Wakka to be serious and caring when the family picture has been ruined because Vidina had been snatched away. And yet although they do show depth and emotion, there was at times contrasts between Wakka's attitude and Lulu's attitude. Not so that they start hating each other or get into a fight but that there is consistantcy in their characters and differences like Wakka being more laid back and Lulu being more serious but hardly enforcing.
As the project developed I came up with plot twists and moments that change the outlook from a character's perspective. I focused on how Paine, Nooj, Baralai and Gippal could develop further given what happens in Final Fantasy X-2. There are many fans who are curious about the relationship between Rikku and Gippal but with the three remaining surviving members of the Crimson Squad it was hard to come up with anything. Essentially for Baralai I had him to play the manipulated victim once again this time in the control of Raphas. And then Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission gave me the solution. Now I could explain and develop the situation between the remaining Crimson Squad members, Paine and Gippal's entanglement with Rikku.
Nearing the fall of 2008 I started to put together the base for the story. I decided the story will happen nine months after Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission or roghly a year after the destruction of Vegnagun and the return of Tidus. I decided Final Fantasy X-3 could develop from the perfect ending of Final Fantasy X-2 and that Yuna and Tidus are back together. I also decided that like Final Fantasy X-2 there would be several possible endings in X-3. I had even begun to develop the features involved in X-3 such as the CSD and the development for the characters.
But still something was missing...
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Changes in characters
Perhaps the main consistant attributes to Tidus' character are that he is more mature, more acknowledgable, devoted and more aware of the after effects of his actions. Tidus is far more devoted to Yuna then before and goes with Yuna all across Spira with a promise that they keep to stick together no matter what. Tidus' character has somewhat been toned down a little as Tidus is more aware of what might happen if this or that action was taken and spends less time messing around. But it doesn't necessarily mean Tidus has lost his playful side.
With her beloved back, Yuna feels more complete and no longer does she feel that something is missing. While as upbeat as before and unknowingly commanding, Yuna will still find it hard to say "no" to helping others in need. Yuna has had far from the "lazy blur" lifestyle Rikku had said and predictably has been all of Spira, doing wha Yuna has been doing for the better part of her life, answering the call for help. But Yuna has not been on her own, having Tidus by her side and helping together wherever they go is more then enough. And when Yuna and Tidus have time to themselves they use it to do and see everything. Yuna has become more devoted to Tidus, perhaps dependant.
But Yuna's devotion is put through the test on several occassions. A new development is for Yuna to lose her cool when things don't go the party's way or things become too much and Yuna just has to yell. But when something happens which splits Yuna and Tidus apart, Yuna is a different person and their devotion is seen as an obession friving Yuna to extremes. With this new found angriness comes a side of Yuna that scares her friends where she will lose control and do things driven by her emotions.
Even though he is now a father, Wakka is at ease as one might expect. Creating a family has been achieved and with the addition of the family dog it seems as the story is complete. Although that said, very little has changed and although retired from BlitzBall Wakka can't help get involved. When things take a bad turn Wakka doesn't like the idea of journeying again especially since he's made his task to be a responsible father with a little presence. Wakka isn't as fit as he used to be but he takes all criticism and deals with it his way. That said when is family is in jeopardy, Wakka stops being Wakka and becomes more serious.
Over the years Lulu has opened her self to acceptance and as eased the thorns. Lulu remains as calm as ever only perhaps a little more patient. With a family to look after, Lulu will put family first and although Yuna and Tidus aren't strictly family Lulu sees them as family members. Anything to break up the family though and Lulu will be either sad or mad. Lulu has been seen as a person who is knowledgeable but nowadays that's no longer the case with her focuses based on family. Now and again she'll question with puzzlement particularly when things go wrong without reason.
Seen as the light and soul of the party, Rikku is a bubbly character and very talkative. Its easy for Rikku to make friends. But lately there has been signs of frustration of which her best friends Yuna and Paine recall well when they conquered Yadonoki Tower. Although Rikku is more understanding and tends to hide her other side, her frustration does get the better of her when things don't make sense or things don't go her way. Rikku is looking to be more mature and take life more calmly like Yuna and Lulu but she feels she's incapable of getting anywhere. As ever though Rikku is extremely loyal to Yuna and considers Tidus as a brother despite she actually has one called Brother. Usually Rikku is amongst the first to get a laugh in but over the years whilst knowing Gippal, her friends have seen that there's something between them which she denies but goes red whenever Gippal adresses her.
Appearing as very knowledgeable, understanding and impartial, Lenne's character has barely changed all these years. That said, Lenne wasn't always like the character seen as strong and forgiving in Final Fantasy X-2. Though more of this is apparent in "The Final Chapters" there is a different side to Lenne, one that she started off with is mostly apparent in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story".
Despite Lenne's ability to spread joy and confidence through songs and performances, the person behind it is rather contrasting. Not depressive or griefing or mad but her attitude to life is based on the importance of her duty and nothing else. Even when her duty is fulfilled for one day, Lenne can't ease and instead is thinking of how she can help. Lenne believes what she does when being a songstress and being a summoner is for the greater good and wanrts to ensure she gives it her all. Should that duty though turn to fighting for Zanarkand in the frontlines, Lenne won't hide from it. Though she questions the morale and if its really the right thing to do, Lenne will follow her order. With Shuyin with her, Lenne does question more and more about herself, discovering she is rather shallow and begins thinking outside of her duty. But even so despite knowing her foolessness and shallowness, Lenne will think about her duty and try to accomplice that.
The reunion that had waited for a 1000 years has almost silenced Shuyin's despair and has put a stop to his desire to destroy Spira. What one immeadiately notices now is that just how much Tidus and Shuyin have in common. The only differences besides some appearances is that Shuyin is more knowledgeable and is a shadow. Other then that it astounds Shuyin and even more so does the realisation that his and Lenne's lives runs almost parallel to Yuna's and Tidus. Its hard to imagine, after what he tried to do and that is to command Vegnagun and destroy Spira, that Shuyin is rather a friendly and down to earth person. But if anything were to happen to put Lenne in danger then one becomes reaquainted with the anger that has driven him for over a 1000 years.
More to come as the project develops!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Secrets and Secondary missions (example)
Secrets and Secondary missions Chapter 4
After leaving the hot spring their intentions is to visit Fayth Scar, namely the Fayth Clusters. It is there that they believe they can reach Dream Zanarkand but before there make a move there hear something. “What’s that?” They look around but cannot see anything besides their surroundings. “Kupo!” Something exceeding fast whizzes past them. “What is that?” The unknown flying entity that called out “Kupo!” confronts them. “A Moogle?” “Is it another memory?” “No Kupo” “…!” They are taken by surprise how it talks. “It talks?!” “Who’s “Kupo”?” “You two of course! At last we tracked down the pair who vanquished Sin forever” “! How do you know that?” The Moogle unveils a sphere. “A sphere?” “Quite right Kupo. Actually it’s a farewell message created by your self three years ago” “!” “Hey there’s no way! I threw it off the airship then” “Yes you did Kupo and we Moogles caught it conveniently. We have studied its contents over and over and have since set out to seek the support from those who defeated Sin”
“Right…so what do you need from us?” “A home we yearn for cannot have” “?” “We Moogles have been surfacing this world for so long but we do not have a place of our own to call home. On land we try to find place called home but get admired and adored” “Well you’re kind do look friendly and cuddly if you mind me saying” “Not at all Kupo but its that, that its not safe and although we can fly the skies are unsafe too” When we are about to give up hope we find the perfect home! A place where many do not tread, a place that allows one to see the heart of this world and its surroundings. A place where we are not far from the skies of which we fly upon” “…I don’t get it” “Do you mean the Floating Ruins above us?” “Yes Kupo! That is our home to be but you see there’s a snag. Our home is already home to the Tonberry it seems and we cannot fight for ourselves. Please you must help us”
“Sure…” “Excellent! Simply excellent kupo! Ah but there’s just one thing we request upon” “You want us to help move in the furniture right?” “Not so. We Moogles prefer to remain as hidden as possible away from glaring eyes and adversities. Because you will be aiding Moogles you must fit the part” “”Fit the part”? What do you mean by that?”
The Moogle transforms Yuna and Tidus into Moogle outfits. “Huh?” Looking around with suddenly little visibility and wearing a lot. She sees Tidus dressed in a Moogle garment. To make sure she is in what she thinks she’s in Yuna reaches for her hand and can feel something big, soft and squidgy. “Oh not this thing again…” Yuna sighs. “What’s with the crazy getup Yuna? You look like a Moogle. And why do I feel so much warmer now?” He doesn’t understand it so he checks and he soon realises the answer to his questions. “Wait. This isn’t what I think it is, is it?” He checks again. “Oh man! A Moogle outfit…” “Relax Kupo no one will know about this. Our little secret is safe with us. Plus you look the part” “Yeah sure, no one would know its us in these but its little late for saving my dignity. I feel stupid in this” ”Whew! It’s hot” “The sooner you can help us the sooner you can get out of those garments” “I think we’ll be passing out not before long in these”
The Moogle disappear leaving Yuna and Tidus in the frying pan. “The things I do to help Spira…” “Note to self. Say “no” more often” “Well lets get this over with before we pass out” “I’m counting the minutes”
(The objective of this secondary mission is to reach the Summit of Mt. Gagazet, the Floating Ruins and clear the Tonberry occupying. To do this Yuna and Tidus must reach the
Climbing the Base towards the
At long last it feels like to them they reach the
(Mega Tonberry is a tough opponent indeed at first glance it seems hopes of beating it or remote. It has very strong Defence, Magic Defence and Strength. Chef’s Knife will almost certainly KO its opposition providing the attack isn’t evaded. However Chef’s Knife is the main attack for Mega Tonberry and is easily evadable providing Evasion for each character is sufficient. Agility is also appalling as it takes Mega Tonberry some time to utilise Chef’s Knife and then walk back ready to use the attack again. In a pinch it will use Cry in the Night which deals large non-elemental magic damage to all enemies. If Yuna has learned Gunner then Gunplay can be used. Likewise if Tidus has learnt Warrior then Swordplay becomes available in battles. Mega Tonberry has 48, 600 HP but once defeated the secondary mission ends successfully.)
Yuna and Tidus remove the Moogle Mascot Dressphere as their task has been complete. “Phew! I’m out of that thing” “This place is now officially clear!” “Do we get paid extra?” “Oh splendid, simply splendid! You’ve cleared out the Tonberry. Now we have somewhere we can call “Home”” Moogles pour into the
“And as further appreciation and sign of gratitude you can keep the garments” “What? Wait!” The Moogles scarper. “Well I suppose its kinda fun. We’re find use for them right Yuna. Yuna?” Yuna appears to be occupied with mixed emotions having her sphere returned. He hasn’t forgotten the contents of the sphere and knows what may be going though Yuna’s mind right now. This doesn’t help him shake his own fears. Yuna puts the sphere away. “Lets go. Down to your Zanarkand” “Yeah…”
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Sung songs in Final Fantasy X-3
Because there are two (2) parts to Final Fantasy X-3, "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" there will be more songs sung overall. Ideally there would be six (6) different songs (two (2) in "The Final Chapters" plus the orchestra ending theme and three (3) in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story").
There's just a couple of drawbacks. Mainly I haven't provided the songs and their lyrics. Remember at this stage this is fan fiction and if this project was to be carried out I would entrust Square Enix, Jade Villalon and Kumi Koda to do their best providing the songs and music for Final Fantasy X-3. The only thing I can do (Lee A. Funnell) can do as the project's author is suggest ideas.
Thoughout the project I have used numerous relating lines from various songs such as "This piece of love is what's left of you. This piece of love, this piece of love. Is all I have of you. Tracing the outlines of a face I can't forget. Inhaling the fumes of guilt of a lifetime of regret" taken from Jade Valerie - "Piece of Love". "not alright and that I need you to come home. I need you to hear that I need you all along. I need to hear from you" taken from Theory of a Deadman - "Since You've Been Gone". Along with other songs including "Suketi de ne", "Real Emotion", "1000 Words" and many others. I have used these songs as inspiration while writing the two (2) stories in Final Fantasy X-3.