
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Secrets and Secondary missions (example)

Secrets and Secondary missions Chapter 4

Mt. Gagazet Floating Ruins Mission: “Moogle Moving Home” (Add to completed score, Additional (Moogle Mascot) Dressphere)

After leaving the hot spring their intentions is to visit Fayth Scar, namely the Fayth Clusters. It is there that they believe they can reach Dream Zanarkand but before there make a move there hear something. “What’s that?” They look around but cannot see anything besides their surroundings. “Kupo!” Something exceeding fast whizzes past them. “What is that?” The unknown flying entity that called out “Kupo!” confronts them. “A Moogle?” “Is it another memory?” “No Kupo” “…!” They are taken by surprise how it talks. “It talks?!” “Who’s “Kupo”?” “You two of course! At last we tracked down the pair who vanquished Sin forever” “! How do you know that?” The Moogle unveils a sphere. “A sphere?” “Quite right Kupo. Actually it’s a farewell message created by your self three years ago” “!” “Hey there’s no way! I threw it off the airship then” “Yes you did Kupo and we Moogles caught it conveniently. We have studied its contents over and over and have since set out to seek the support from those who defeated Sin”

“Right…so what do you need from us?” “A home we yearn for cannot have” “?” “We Moogles have been surfacing this world for so long but we do not have a place of our own to call home. On land we try to find place called home but get admired and adored” “Well you’re kind do look friendly and cuddly if you mind me saying” “Not at all Kupo but its that, that its not safe and although we can fly the skies are unsafe too” When we are about to give up hope we find the perfect home! A place where many do not tread, a place that allows one to see the heart of this world and its surroundings. A place where we are not far from the skies of which we fly upon” “…I don’t get it” “Do you mean the Floating Ruins above us?” “Yes Kupo! That is our home to be but you see there’s a snag. Our home is already home to the Tonberry it seems and we cannot fight for ourselves. Please you must help us”

“Sure…” “Excellent! Simply excellent kupo! Ah but there’s just one thing we request upon” “You want us to help move in the furniture right?” “Not so. We Moogles prefer to remain as hidden as possible away from glaring eyes and adversities. Because you will be aiding Moogles you must fit the part” ”Fit the part”? What do you mean by that?”

The Moogle transforms Yuna and Tidus into Moogle outfits. “Huh?” Looking around with suddenly little visibility and wearing a lot. She sees Tidus dressed in a Moogle garment. To make sure she is in what she thinks she’s in Yuna reaches for her hand and can feel something big, soft and squidgy. “Oh not this thing again…” Yuna sighs. “What’s with the crazy getup Yuna? You look like a Moogle. And why do I feel so much warmer now?” He doesn’t understand it so he checks and he soon realises the answer to his questions. “Wait. This isn’t what I think it is, is it?” He checks again. “Oh man! A Moogle outfit…” “Relax Kupo no one will know about this. Our little secret is safe with us. Plus you look the part” “Yeah sure, no one would know its us in these but its little late for saving my dignity. I feel stupid in this” ”Whew! It’s hot” “The sooner you can help us the sooner you can get out of those garments” “I think we’ll be passing out not before long in these”

The Moogle disappear leaving Yuna and Tidus in the frying pan. “The things I do to help Spira…” “Note to self. Say “no” more often“Well lets get this over with before we pass out” “I’m counting the minutes”

(The objective of this secondary mission is to reach the Summit of Mt. Gagazet, the Floating Ruins and clear the Tonberry occupying. To do this Yuna and Tidus must reach the Summit and defeat Mega Tonberry whilst during the Field Screen and in battles they are restricted to using only the Moogle Mascot Dressphere. Neither can Spherechange and their Overdrives and Special Overdrives are replaced by Moogle Rampage, Moogle Mascot Overdrive until the mission is over. On the way the opposition will consist of Tonberry mostly as well as Recoil and Takouba. Although the destination path is practically the same as taken in Final Fantasy X-2 “Outrun the Leblanc Syndicate!” the starting point is Fayth Scar.)

Climbing the Base towards the Summit they help one another up the ruins. Put its slow, painstaking and added to the lack of vision, freedom to move as usual and the exceeding warmth in the Dresspheres it becomes a frustrating process. “Aren’t we there yet?” “We aren’t too far off now. Just a little further up here” “I hope so. Any greater amount of time in this ridiculous getup or to be seen by our friends in this and I might just throw myself off these ruins” “Don’t be silly! Although given the choice, this or fight Sin again I’ll go with the second option” “I’ll gladly take on Sin, Seymour and then take over Baralai’s position in New Yevon any day” “That bad huh?” Yuna thinks about it. “Yep”

At long last it feels like to them they reach the Summit. “Phew! Are we finished here?” “I don’t think the Tonberry before us will see it our way” Mega Tonberry slowly makes it way. “Give me a break!” Yuna sighs. “Alright then…take out this fiend and we’re out of here”

(Mega Tonberry is a tough opponent indeed at first glance it seems hopes of beating it or remote. It has very strong Defence, Magic Defence and Strength. Chef’s Knife will almost certainly KO its opposition providing the attack isn’t evaded. However Chef’s Knife is the main attack for Mega Tonberry and is easily evadable providing Evasion for each character is sufficient. Agility is also appalling as it takes Mega Tonberry some time to utilise Chef’s Knife and then walk back ready to use the attack again. In a pinch it will use Cry in the Night which deals large non-elemental magic damage to all enemies. If Yuna has learned Gunner then Gunplay can be used. Likewise if Tidus has learnt Warrior then Swordplay becomes available in battles. Mega Tonberry has 48, 600 HP but once defeated the secondary mission ends successfully.)

Yuna and Tidus remove the Moogle Mascot Dressphere as their task has been complete. “Phew! I’m out of that thing” “This place is now officially clear!” “Do we get paid extra?” “Oh splendid, simply splendid! You’ve cleared out the Tonberry. Now we have somewhere we can call “Home”” Moogles pour into the Summit and around it. “Is this place really going to be big enough for you? There’s so many of you” “Its more then we could’ve wished for. Thanks to you Kupo” “Its what we do” “As a token of our appreciation you can have back your sphere” Yuna receives her sphere from three years ago. (This becomes an accessory for Yuna to equip). Yuna is unsure what to think. “I had prepared this for after I had defeated Sin. I wanted my friends to see this after I had gone. In a way I’m relieved. I didn’t take the same path as my father and made the sacrifice. But then I think about what I’m prepared to sacrifice and realise not much has changed. You are the paragon... of pastlessness” “You’re wrong. Although I’ve wished to be stronger, and I’ve wanted to change… I realised that losing my past would be losing myself”

“And as further appreciation and sign of gratitude you can keep the garments” “What? Wait!” The Moogles scarper. “Well I suppose its kinda fun. We’re find use for them right Yuna. Yuna?” Yuna appears to be occupied with mixed emotions having her sphere returned. He hasn’t forgotten the contents of the sphere and knows what may be going though Yuna’s mind right now. This doesn’t help him shake his own fears. Yuna puts the sphere away. “Lets go. Down to your Zanarkand” “Yeah…”

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Sung songs in Final Fantasy X-3

In Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna could sing. So too can the Songstress/Summoner Lenne. Both were represented by Jade Villalon (Europe and US versions) and Kumi Koda (japanese versions). With Final Fantasy X-3 I've decided to continue along. For European and US it would be best suited for Jade Villalon to voice as both Yuna and Lenne as she did excellently in Final Fantasy X-2. By the same token Kumi Koda to resume as the voice of Yuna and Lenne for the japanese versions. This time around there will be more songs sung by Yuna and Lenne. (In "The Final Chapters" there will be two inital songs, one at the near beginning and later on near the end of chapter five (5)). Obvivously sticking with the theme of the Final Fantasy X series a key theme is used later on as an orchestra version like "Suketi de ne" In Final Fantasy X and "1000 Words" in Final Fantasy X-2. X-3 will follow along the same lines.

Because there are two (2) parts to Final Fantasy X-3, "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" there will be more songs sung overall. Ideally there would be six (6) different songs (two (2) in "The Final Chapters" plus the orchestra ending theme and three (3) in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story").

There's just a couple of drawbacks. Mainly I haven't provided the songs and their lyrics. Remember at this stage this is fan fiction and if this project was to be carried out I would entrust Square Enix, Jade Villalon and Kumi Koda to do their best providing the songs and music for Final Fantasy X-3. The only thing I can do (Lee A. Funnell) can do as the project's author is suggest ideas.

Thoughout the project I have used numerous relating lines from various songs such as "This piece of love is what's left of you. This piece of love, this piece of love. Is all I have of you. Tracing the outlines of a face I can't forget. Inhaling the fumes of guilt of a lifetime of regret" taken from Jade Valerie - "Piece of Love". "not alright and that I need you to come home. I need you to hear that I need you all along. I need to hear from you" taken from Theory of a Deadman - "Since You've Been Gone". Along with other songs including "Suketi de ne", "Real Emotion", "1000 Words" and many others. I have used these songs as inspiration while writing the two (2) stories in Final Fantasy X-3.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Continuing work on "The Final Chapters"

With the dawn of October and a new month its time I swap from "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to "The Final Chapters". If you haven't figured it out yet "The Final Chapters" is the follow up from Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission. This concentrates on Yuna's and Tidus' story together along with their friends and companions.

So what's expected to come out of this month or so working on "The Final Chapters"? I've decided to alter the use of Lenne as a active party member when available. Originally Lenne could summon only in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" but now I've decided that the summoning of an aeon can play a optional role in the later parts of "The Final Chapters" in battles should the player wish to use an aeon to take place of the active party in battles. The initial reasons for not having summons on "The Final Chapters" is because Yuna has forgotten how to summon and the sending for that matter. I wanted Yuna to remain the more upbeat Yuna as in Final Fantasy X-2 where summoning and teachings of Yevon have been disbanded. If I were to have Yuna able to perform the sending and summon aeons not only would it mean having to change significant parts of the already existing plot but it would also mean having to explain why Yuna can summon on X-3 but not on X-2. Other reasons are that summoning might bring back bad memories for Yuna such as the sacrificing of her aeons in order to defeat Sin forever. And I intend to keep the Fayth as the main antagonists.

So to incorporate a change for Lenne's commands I've decided that only one aeon is available to summon. This aeon is Anima. The reason being is that Anima's Fayth (Seymour's mother) is the only remaining Fayth to have survived who rejected the beliefs of the other Fayth such as Ixion, Valefor, Ifrit and Bahamut. Anima's Fayth believes the other Fayth's ideas are wrong and would provide her power to help defeat the Fayth. This means siding the protagonists by appearing as an aeon for Lenne to summon. However I intend to make this only an optional task for the player to complete should the player need to. Initially I would only have Anima obtainable until after Raphas has been defeated, during chapter five (5) and depending upon if mission "Farplane break" in chapter three (3), Lenne and Shuyin defeat Baralai and Gippal in Chapter four (4) and if Lenne and Shuyin defeat Dark Anima in Baaj temple in chapter five (5).

Having Anima on the allies side is only optional but it will provide another asset in battle situations and will help in difficault battle situations. Completing this scene will also increase the completed score. So if the player is to obtain Anima this will make Lenne a valuable asset in battles when available as she is the only playable character able to summon. To fair things up however Lenne loses the command Use in both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Initially both Lenne and Shuyin were to have the command Use in both "The Last Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" but now only Shuyin will be able to use the command Use (besides Rikku in "The Final Chapters"). This is to balance the use of the playable characters thoughout instead of allowing the potential player to utilise only three (3) or less playable characters which would ruin the element of strategy.