May has come and passed which means the focus is switched from "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to "The Final Chapters". What did I do? I've made a few tweaks to the early story and introduced new contents which focuses on Lenne and Shuyin individually prior to the assault that destroys most of the machina in Zanarkand. The BlitzBall tournament is being held in Luca and as captain of the reigning champions, the Zanarkand Abes, Shuyin has a duty to ensure their triumphant success. Lenne meanwhile stays in Zanarkand to embark on becoming a fully pledged summoner. Lenne desires helping her people as much as she can and is prepared to go off into the frontlines as a summoner to defend her people. Of course Shuyin isn't aware of this but writes Lenne letters to update Lenne thoughout the duriation of the BlitzBall tournament. The lyrics in 1000 Words "Wait for me, I'll write you letters" is burrowed from Shuyin's vow to Lenne during the night before departing to Luca. Meanwhile Lenne befriends Yunalesca, the daughter of the ruler of Zanarkand Yu Yevon and a fellow summoner also training to become a fully pledged summoner.Whilst attending to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I have been "fiddling" with designs for the Kelvin airship which will orginates from the Machina War and is reused in "The Final Chapters". Now I'll admit I know nothing about airship design and I'd be hoping on the infamous designers behind the Final Fantasy series to produce a far better design then I can (providing my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 is taken up). In the meantime I have come up with a few 2D side designs of which I'll share the latest.
I am still thinking of a four winged airship but I looked at my past designs and thought they're somewhat bland and uninspiring for airship design. When I produce a front view of this airship design I'll share it but for the time being imagine the angel tipped wings flying through the air and the gun emerging from the centre of the airship in an instant when pitted in a dogfight.There's still much to do and in particular with "The Final Chapters", a fair amount to update. So I'll get to it and update this blog in the start of August or sooner. Until then, see ya!