Hmm... I am wondering if there is any excuse for not updating the blog sooner. And the answer is "no" as I have once again had my attention diverted. Not to say "The Final Chapters" suffered as a consequence, with thanks to my personal laptop I managed to devote my focus into "The Final Chapters". The only thing though is that I've realised I work and concerntrate more on the project during the day, afternoon, evening, anytime of the day besides the night where I am tired. If you're reading this post; you might be thinking "well duh" but I find it a little odd in comparision to a year or so ago where I could work though the night and to the dawn of day. Oh well... I'm still committed to the project so I guess that enough.
"The Final Chapters" has seen more revamping in the first (1st) chapter (again), this time though the focus of the revamping begins when the party board and leave Besaid Island on the the S.S.Liki. The development of "The Final Chapters" concludes as the party deport from Kilika Island with a mixture of emotions including despair, regret and anger. That's the only insight i'm giving this time (I'm aware that spoilers can be leaked and ruin the presentation of the finished product).
This now being November (2010), the shift of devotion is now upon "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The only thing I'll say about it as of now is "Dispelga Shields", don't bother looking it up on the internet, you won't find anything in relevance to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Soon though it will be December (2010) and the season to be giving and golly. That's why I am giving Seymour a greater beating from an aggrivated Yuna and an additional battle near the end of "The Final Chapters" where he will be gone, gone, gone forever! I feel jolly right now just thinking about it because seriously I hate Seymour and love it when he takes a beating and is defeated. See ya in December (2010)!
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.