""Its not much, but its enough" is no longer enough" - Yuna to Tidus while locked away and seperated in prison chambers in the Via Purifico. (chapter three (3)).
The extracted quote above should give an impression of development made in June to "The Final Chapters". Putting it simply, development focused in chapter three (3) which although means the countless developments later in "The Final Chapters" have still yet to be implemented, it means a lot of devotion has been placed on rewriting Yuna's rescue and the party's indefinate imprisonment in the Via Purifico. The extracted quote is among the several Yuna narrates to Tidus empathising that knowing and seeing Tidus alive and safe is not enough for Yuna. Yuna is scared and growing wary of the anger and aggrivation growing inside fueled my not being able to fulfill her need to be with Tidus. Yuna believes if Tidus is beside her then Yuna won't be antagonised. For Tidus, the same can be said although instead of anger and aggrivation, Tidus feels depressed not being seperated and locked away from Yuna.
This hopefully gives an explanation and an impression of how Yuna's and Tidus' relationship and feelings for one another have grown to the point where not being together is difficault. Truth be told though this is expressed by Yuna's narration throughout Final Fantasy X-2, so this is essentially following on Yuna's and Tidus' story.
Of course the development on "The Final Chapters" during June (2011) hasn't been entirely focused on purely Yuna and Tidus (though in essence it has). The vital antagonist; Raphas has been taughted somewhat and now has Yuna imprisoned over the Via Purifico Sewers differently then previously. Raphas also sheds a little more light on his ambitions and natrually his over confidence. Though Raphas take pleasure in entrapping Yuna in chains above the Via Purifico Sewers and reflecting on his plans, Yuna is resilient and somewhat rude which is insulting to Raphas.
Prior, Yuna awkens after yet another horrible dream or vision involving Tidus in a beyond fatal situation taking place in Besaid. These dreams/visions indicate something terrible that actaully happened but both Yuna and Tidus are bewildered and conflicted after these dreams/visions. As soon as Yuna awakens from this dream/vision however Yuna calls out Tidus' name. From here on Yuna refers to Tidus by his name, not by "him" or "you" anymore.
Now this is a monumental decision, to have Yuna actually refer to Tidus by his name. I have been speculating about deciding whether Tidus' name is actually used since the very beginning of the Final Fantasy X-3 project. I thought I should honour Final Fantasy X and X-2 by sticking to "him" or "you" whenever Yuna or the party refer to Tidus and allowing the player to name Tidus differently if desired. This I have implemented into X-3 but then I have been playing Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy and hearing Yuna say Tidus' name not only resolves the pronounciation of Tidus' name but sounds right. At the moment only Yuna calls Tidus by his name, I've made it as though Yuna gives Tidus his name upon Yuna being rescued by Tidus. It will take some further implemention but I think Yuna calling Tidus by his name is better than refering to Tidus in person or through narration by "him" or "you".
All this shared on this post is of course only a taster of the development undertaken in June (2011), I won't spill all the beans. But I will state that as a result of these implementations "The Final Chapters" has reached a milestone of 500 pages. That's over 287,000 words and yet there is still more to come. While this in July though, my focus will revert to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The next post will come in a month's or a so's time so until then, see ya.
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.