Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Worry for Final Fantasy X HD
Friday, 16 September 2011
The Pros and Cons
But on the opposite side there are the cons including cost (both financial and time) and negitive responses. Some may dislike the prospect of X-3, partically my concept with the implementation of new ideas etc.
This thus far would sound like old news repeated on and on, and for those who are perhaps getting tired of hearing and reading about it; I apoligise. What I thought I will do is run through some of the pros and cons that come across my mind with regards to my X-3 concept becoming reality.
- Its not an original idea meaning Square Enix needn't to start from scratch necessarily. In theory the characters and the world of Spira wouldn't be drastically different from Final Fantasy X and X-2. With the development of Final Fantasy X HD, X-3 could simply incoporate the structure in terms of the look and feel of Spira (graphics in other words) and incoporate the new in X-3. Sure that's doing pretty much what was done for Final Fantasy X-2; using much from Final Fantasy X, to which rechieved some negitive responses but come on, Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't a failure (comercially etc.) (although some may argue).
- X-3 will allow the makers, developers, artists etc. within the Final Fantasy series to explore new ideas, theories, practises and experiment with new implementations in gameplay such as in battle situations for example. Additionlly it will allow the opportunity to perfect already existing ideas and implentations in other Final Fantasy titles which may have flaws or not well rechieved.
- Money! I know its a rather distasteful subject but its not like we can ignore the elephant in the room. Sure implementation of X-3 will be hugely costly (what isn't in the world of game development?) but then think of the sucess of Final Fantasy X, accourding to a few resources, FFX has sold eight (8) million copies since 2011. Final Fantasy X-2 has been a comercial success so who's to doubt the comercial success of X-3 when there millions of fans and gamers who would fancy the experience.
- A break maybe? The developers and makers behind the Final Fantasy series much face a mountain at times with the development of new and impending Final Fantasy titles. We all know there's going to be Final Fantasy XV (15) at some point of which will create a new world, characters, story, battles, implementation and so on. I'm not suggesting the implentation of X-3 will be a cake walk in consideration to implentating a new Final Fantasy (and possibly series) like Type 0 but then its not as though Square Enix can only prevail in the new without going back. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (7) implented new ideas to the series whilst be based on the story and world of Final Fantasy VII (7) and it wasn't rated as a failure (again some may argue). X-2 in a sense is the same and was successful so therefore X-3 shouldn't be any different (unless of course it was implemented shodily of which there has never been a case of in the main Final Fantasy series).
- Fans, with all the pros above, its undeniable that the popularity of any Final Fantasy will make any follow up, sequel or extension to an existing Final Fantasy a must have for fans. Say for example Final Fantasy XIII (13) has over twenty (20) million fans, the sequel XIII-2 will be eagerly awaited by those fans who will want to purchase the sequel. Do the maths; 20,000,000 x 40 (40 being $40 per copy of the game) = 800,000,000! If an online pass system was implented then in theory more will be gained from used sales as well. At the same time this will fulfil the fans demand in turn may produce even more fans who will be eagerly waiting for future installments whether it be a XIII-3 or a new title in the Final Fantasy series.
- For everything mentioned above in the pros, the opposite can be said representing a con.
- Cost, at Square Enix's core is a business which needs to sustain itself. Providing fans what they want or may want is all and good but everything must meet a cost efficentcy and if a major project like X-3 isn't going to provide a satisfactory return then its not cost effective and bad for the business core.
- Undoubtably there were fans of FFX who were put off by X-2 which is a blow. It goes without question that the same will happen in the future (with FFXIII-2 possibly).
- Used sales; stories of developers losing out significantly to used games sales would make companies like Square Enix and EA wary. Recent implentations such as online passes have been implented to gain some money back from the sale of used games but it still isn't the same as rechieving the full amount from the same game sold new. In order to make a gain, Square Enix will have to do something for future Final Fantasy titles such as DLC for example. Perhaps DLC in the form of music, themes, maps and costumes are a possibility, Dissidia Duodecim (o12) is currently doing this after all, why not expand?
- Negitive reception.
- This concept is based on several Open Office documents, there's no artistic sketches, no lyrics thought up of, no finalised logo or finalised documentation. I doubt the effectiveness of my concept's presentation to Square Enix if all the documentation and the story plots are written on Word documents. Especially if the smaller story and plot, "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is 319 A4 pages thus far, who would really want to or have the time to read and go through all the writing of this X-3 concept?
Well... these are used a few that were on top of my mind. Obvivously there are more but what I want to find out is what the readers of this blog think and what Square Enix thinks. If you have a comment then please do not feel alienated about replying to my posts, I appreciate any feedback.
Until my next post, see ya!
Thursday, 15 September 2011
FFX-3 Update... a rather late update
Upon learning this I was enfilled with joy. "At long last! Final Fantasy X is going to be available on a portable console". Technically this is already possible through unoffical means (i.e. homebrew) and its yet another cheap cash in by Square Enix but I don't care about that.
What is apparent however is that this HD remake is due to the tenth (10th) anniversary of Final Fantasy X and here I am thinking that originally I wanted to send this concept to Square Enix, the developers and makers of Final Fantasy X and X-2 with the hope that this will be acknowledged and put into reality. There is little time remaining if I still want to achieve this (and you bet I do) but there is the occurring issue of work (at the Asda cafe) occupying precious time. If this continues like this I might have to send my work incomplete to Square Enix and explain this and that. Not that Square Enix is depending on me to implement this concept of Final Fantasy X-3, frankly I have a suspision that Square Enix will dismiss the concept because it will cost money, which the Japanese game market is losing to Western developers. If I'm wrong then here's my permission to seek vengence upon me.
As for reporting on the implementation of "The Final Chapters"... sadly there has been little. The party have been imprisoned in the Via Purifico, Yuna has exploded in rage over the actions by Raphas to Tidus. Lulu, Paine and Kimahri have been meanwhile imprisoned in the Via Purifico Labyrinth and eventually find Gippal and Sparky. Sadly that's about it. I will do much better next month or I might as well throw myself off a bridge (I'm kidding!). Until October 2011 where there will be an update on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" posted, see ya.