
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Nostalgia vs climatic and The August 2012 update for FFX-3

The August 2012 blog post begins with a peculiar thought. If you compare Final Fantasy X cutscenes to those of Final Fantasy XIII, you could say that Final Fantasy X is more subtle and more traditional with previous Final Fantasy titles whereas Final Fantasy XIII is climatic and action orientated in comparison. Now that isn't surprising at all when you consider the differences in the characters and story but perhaps more than anything the advances in the game engine, software, art, technology, budget and so on. Just like using voice actors for the characters for all main installments of Final Fantasy titles since Final Fantasy X, it is safe to assume that future Final Fantasy main installments (Final Fantasy XV for example) will have more climatic cutscenes and gameplay.

What does this have to do with Final Fantasy X-3? Well... Final Fantasy X-3 has the possible dilemma of having to choose between being as faithful to its sequels or evolve and become obviously different. While the concept for Final Fantasy X-3 is only a collection of Word documents, it is clear that Final Fantasy X-3 tries to be both these things, an honor and nod to Final Fantasy X and X-2 as well as revolutionary. Typically games that have been remade to boast more capable and detailed graphics like Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes have gameplay that is reminiscent to its original counterpart with subtle tweaks such as aiming in first person view and interacting with lockers and reenacted cutscenes showing Solid Snake doing flips to avoid being killed by the likes of Gray Fox, a Hind D and Sniper Wolf. The problem is that this creation of faithfulness and climatic action is contrasting, the gameplay feels anticlimactic and old fashioned. 

Final Fantasy X-3 is foresighted with potentially the same problem; gameplay and story wise; it could be reminiscent to Final Fantasy X (through battles allowing character switching and linear plot) but almost entirely different in its presentation of its cutscenes and Situation Critical events. To give an example of this in chapter three (3); Yuna, Baralai and Gippal are searching for Tidus in the Bevelle Underground and along the way encounter fiends, machina  and the aeon Bahamut in battles. In these battles since there are no other active party members to switch to, the gameplay is reminiscent to battles in Final Fantasy X-2, albeit with some unique circumstances and gameplay additions such as body wear and Stamina. Outside these battles (in cutscenes), Yuna is shown to be able to walk on air and disappear through the surrounding walls and then traverse into a recreation of Dream Zanarkand. In another cutscene, Tidus' Brotherhood sword is disposed off by Raphas which flies straight for Baralai in the Gaol of the Bevelle Underground, Yuna pushes Baralai aside and is inflicted horrendously by the Brotherhood sword. 

In reference to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story", Yuna and Tidus do something very uncharacteristic by pulling Lenne and Shuyin off the peak of Yadonoki Tower. Lenne and Shuyin though shocked hit the sea below without any harm inflicted due to the fact that both Lenne and Shuyin are already dead. Subsequently Yuna and Tidus gracefully dive into the sea from the same peak of Yadonoki Tower. This example of a cutscene is evident of Final Fantasy X-3 being different and climatic. While this maybe welcome, it may also be dismissed because it promotes noticeable contrasts in gameplay and cutscenes and unfaithfulness. Should Final Fantasy X-3 become a reality then potential imperfections like contrasts cannot and mustn't exist. The solution? To establish a balance, which is easier said than done but something I am addressing to both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". 

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" throughout the previous month of July (2012) has had its share of altercations. One of which I will share for free is that the Kelvin airship which Lenne and Shuyin along with Lord Zaon are on-board no longer get struck my Sin's charging attack because if that were to happen it would be unacceptably difficult to believe Lenne, Shuyin, Lord Zaon and the Kelvin airship could survive. To amend this, the Kelvin airship instead plummets into the sea between Yadonoki and the Moonflow after the turbulence created by Sin disables the airship's ability to sustain itself in flight. 

There are more changes implemented in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" of course but there is no need to explain everything or else this post will go for an eternity. I'll finish off this post be stating that throughout August (2012), the development focus turns to "The Final Chapters". Come September (2012), I will have a new update for all readers to view and read.

Until then, see ya!