
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Monday, 3 September 2012

"Writer's wall", FFXIII-3 and the September 2012 update

Its official, the Final Fantasy X-3 concept has hit a brick wall. This is "disasterific" bad and I won't make no bones about it; I have been struggling to contribute the same consistent input and passion every day like I have been doing for the past three to four years. Its not like I can't progress with new ideas for plans; I've had the same plots and details in my head for a couple of years now and I still think of new ideas even now. Its just that reality has been rather cruel and getting the better of me. I'm sure people choose to play video games or engage in pastimes (fictional or no) to escape the reality of stress, work and so on. This for me is no different but even my escapes from reality have become wearisome, like reality itself. Sure the increased hours in the kitchen of the Asda Cafe play a significant factor in my fatigue but ultimately life for me has grinded to a halt because of its repetition and as long as I'm in this state of boredom; the FFX-3 concept will be at a near standstill waiting for the writer to overcome the wall.

I don't intend to abandon the FFX-3 concept like Activision cancelled the True Crime Hong Kong game (which is now known as Sleeping Dogs published by Square Enix) after so much development (Activision must be and should rightly be kicking themselves for their decision). Work is still being done to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" since it is September (2012) and come October (2012), the focus will return  to "The Final Chapter". Its just disheartening to admit that the level of progress will be lower than expected. Perhaps when I have broken the cycle of boredom I will be able to return to the FFX-3 concept refreshed and rejuvenated. Let's hope this happens soon eh?

With that being established, I will state that there have been significant changes and revisions made to Chapter 4 of "The Final Chapter", notably as the consisting party of Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Paine and Kimahri are navigating through the Bikanel Desert. Not only has the Fahrenheit airship crashed and is completely unusable and they must get the remaining Kinderguardians (Hana Taro and Shinra), Buddy Brother and Cid to the safety of the new Al-Bhed Home but now there is a menace known as "Omega Cactuar" storming the Bikanel Desert engaging the party to critical battles almost relentlessly whilst the party are outside the new Al-Bhed Home. the idea of "Omega Cactuar" incorporates the Giant Cactuars found in other Final Fantasy titles and Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. Sorry if this is Copyright infringement, this is merely a concept afterall and is subject to change and one of the ambitions for Final Fantasy X-3 is to be revolutionary and the first for Final Fantasy titles.

Which brings me to a rather sour note regarding "Lightning's Returns: Final Fantasy XIII". Let's not beat around the bush here; its essentially "Final Fantasy XIII-3" and to many a black eye to those fans of Final Fantasy who were hoping to hear anything about "XIII Versus Final Fantasy" or "Final Fantasy XV". Personally I'm not thrilled about this unveiling, especially after the confusion of the whole plot and story of the FFXIII saga created by FFXIII-2's time travelling plot. Sure it does come together and tells a story but its not an easy story to get to grips with and I for one prefer linear gameplay and storytelling that complies with its predecessors. 

My biggest gripe however is as you all imagine is that this is all wrong and the honor should belong to Final Fantasy X for spawning two sequels (Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy X-3). Afterall, Final Fantasy X is the first in the main series to have a direct sequel, the first in the main series to have voice actors and so on. In my opinion (and it is perhaps only my opinion) Final Fantasy X-3 should come before Final Fantasy XIII-3. Alas Square Enix has become clearly obsessively in love with Lightning and is going to go down its chosen path. That's fine, I'm not about to throw petrol bombs at Square Enix headquarters or do anything  stupid and I know this is very early days and too soon to be making judgments about Final Fantasy XIII-3 (it may prove to be superb in the end and I will undoubtedly give it a chance) but like the wearisome reality I find myself in; I hoped for better things.

Of course I'm aware that what I've been saying can just as easily apply to my concept to Final Fantasy X-3 and I accept that. I accept that not everyone is as tickled pink as I am about Final Fantasy X-2 and may gripe with grinding teeth at the sound of anything regarding Final Fantasy X-3. In the end though this concept for Final Fantasy X-3 is only the work of fictiion created by a fan of Final Fantasy X and X-2 and it won't be the end of the world if that's all it is and will ever be. If I can however make someone smile and enjoy the concept then I know I have succeeded in achieving my goal in life (to enrich someone's life for the better). And maybe if one can put aside the whole business and making money element of Square Enix then it can be argued that Square Enix is setting out to do the same thing with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Who knows what goes on? All I can say is thank you for reading and I'll be back with a new post in due time. See ya!