First off; sorry for this post's lateness!
A lot has been going through this mind of mine after seeing and reading the extensive life of so many franchises. To name a few in the gaming world; there's Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, FIFA and so on. In movies too there are franchises that go on like 007, Paranomal Activity, Saw (albeit that one thankfully ended after the sixth (6th) sequel) and perhaps many more that I cannot think of (because movies aren't my thing really). TV, music, technology companies, the Ford Mustang, heck even the world's many gripes such as Euthanasia and poverty. Simply put it; there is an awful lot that goes on, for better or worse.
Let's take the latest entry in the Resident Evil series; Resident Evil 6 as an example. The game tries to blend in the old school peek-a-boo survival horror that the first few Resident Evil titles exhibited with the ability to go nearly guns blazing and all the while offering a single player or a multiplayer online or offline experrience. The term used by Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear: "Ambitious but rubbish" comes to mind, although "rubbish" may be considered a little harsh (another way of putting it through my words is that there are undoutably better Resident Evil titles out there and there are games that seperately nail all the ambitions of Resident Evil 6 far better (i.e. if you want a frantic multiiplayer or single player first person shooter then turn to any of the Gears of War games)). It might be too early to call but I think Capcom will be disapointed by this latest entry in a series that has spanned over 15 years. Truth be told I think Capcom need to knock some better sense into their heads with anchors because Resident Evil titles of late have been far from expectations (Operation Racoon City for instance). Is this then going to be the last Resident Evil game? Heck no! There's a better chance of the Queen of England turning into the Pink Panther! Should Resident Evil end though?
Final Fantasy is in the same boat. How much longer will Final Fantasy as a series be remembered, how many games, movies, concerts and cosplay will there end up being and how can the series continue to generate business?
The horror franchise Saw has hit an assumed stop movie wise after entry number seven (7). Does this mean Saw is put to rest for good? Regrettably I don't think so.
I won't condem the continuation of franchises or TV programs but the question remains: "How do you put an end to whatever it may be?" When will people feel like enough is enough. Do BBC watchers want to watch Only Fools and Horses again in the afternoon instead of something more original? Would someone in a suffering relationship be able to put a full stop to the hardship de;ivered by the partner or be helpless, vainfully hopeful and clingy to the relationship despite the sometimes overbearing odds and difficaulty?
Yes or no really have no bearing because ultimately if there is a cash cow or a potential gold mine within the continuation of a franchise or series then that's what those who run the said franchise or series are going to do. Everything inevitably comes to an end, its just a matter of when and how.
Regarding the FFX-3 concept as a whole, the endings are almost already done but does this mean that that's it? Having created this concept for half a decade now, I know what I intend to do, but I can be distracted by possibilities and the allure of one's imagination. Hyperthetically if FFX-3 is made into a video game as desired and based on this concept then it would serve as a conclusion to Final Fantasy X and X-2. But the way my thoughts work and how I've constructed this concept leads the potential for exploitation and futher plots and games or anything related such as action figures.
Apprently I could be a producer according to a dear friend of mine due my "creativeness". It is incredibly flattering but I am already aware that my creativity is a monster in the form of many things such as 'Jes XXIV- The Nightfall Of Penance' and this concept for Final Fantasy X-3. Regardless of my objectivity I still make monsters and complete nonsense even though I am afraid of what is to become...the inability to put an end. Perhaps its not just me who feels this way, perhaps even the staff behind francises are saddled with the same guilt and wariness.
As for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story"; Kilika Island plays more interesting parts then previously intended and involves a 'Legendary Guardian'. That's about it I'm afraid. The 'Writer's wall" is still in the way. I can only hope this wall get's torn down and destroyed so then I can return to FFX-3 with full spirits.
Until then however, I nust bid you all reading this; farefell for another month.See Ya.
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.