
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Friday, 21 March 2014

2014: The wake up call for Final Fantasy?

The Final Fantasy XIII trilogy could have been revolutionary and epic, but in turned out to be a costly derailment in my opinion. XIII is tolerable though it is a little too easy and the characters and story is as detailed as 50 sheets of almost blank A4 paper. XIII-2 could have been tremendous but it has a mind-boggling plot, a poor concept and the need for paid DLC in order for gamers to see the ending. Lightning Returns therefore had to try resolve the mess and wrap up the trilogy; while it does this in an even more mind-boggling and hollow manner, it is as badly flawed overall as Lightning's supposed use of comedy in the game. 

Bravery Default is far, far better, better recieved around the world and is suparsing Lightning Returns in terms of sales. I wouldn't be suprised if Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster sells more units then Lightning Returns,  oh wait it has already in Japan, and soon in the West. Lets not forget that the HD remastering versions have better reviews then Lightning Returns.

It seems that "the past" is superior to the present for the Final Fantasy series, and although Bravery Default isn't a Final Fantasy per say, it incoporates a fair amount of what made Final Fnatasy the king of RPGs in the first place, and it works. Some might argue that back in the era of PSone and PS2;  Final Fantasy games were arguably the grandest and best of games and there was nothing like Call of Duty and online play like there is now, and therefore were better recieved. Nowadays with so much empathesis on mobile gaming, online gaming and the biggest gaming trends like FPSs, it seems that the Final Fantasy games of today and future have to be more than an RPG, that it must be more "in the real world" and fast-paced action associated in order to compete in today's market. 

I do not share this view however. I think Final Fantasy can be as formulated and stubborn as the Pokemon series on Nintendo's handheld consoles, and be fine in this era. Clearly the simplier Final Fantasy titles of past like VII sell well on the PS Store, (and will do so once its released on Iphones and Android devices). I'd prefer the next Final Fantasy main entry to be faithful to the proven sucessful formula of great storytelling and fun RPG gameplay and beautiful design. Maybe its because I have Aspereges and mild OCD that makes me say this but if XV and XVI were more simplier like X and XII rather than mind-boggling as XIII trilogy then at least in my eyes the Final Fantasy series will have redeemed itself. Square Enix is big enough and covers enough other game genes like action adventures such as Hitman and Tomb Raider and much more to cope with cosumer demand, to allow Final Fantasy to be what it always was in the first place; the king of RPG. And for heaven's sake let all Final Fantasy titles from here on be based and created in Japan as JRPGs because the West ruins everything! Just look at Silent Hill Homecoming or DmC Devil May Cry for examples...

While it may be too late for XV, here are the basics for ensuring great Final Fantasy titles for the future:

  • Deep and interesting characters
  • Rich and beautiful worlds to explore freely
  • Story/plot that is understandable
  • Additional quests that are unique
  • No or less QTEs (Quick Time Events)
  • Compelling sountrack
  • Fun/addictive battle system
  • Less Western influance
  • No Lightning!
If you want to add or comment to this post or any on this blog, then please feel free to do so. I may be unable to accomplice much on my own, but if more and more fans and gamers in general feel that Final Fantasy needs to face reality and go back to basics like the Resident Evil series has to, then the feedback that we give will be that more substancial and have the greater chance of accomplicing changes for the better. Remember that this can work for other causes say a reboot of Dino Crisis or the remake of Final Fnatasy VII. Make sure your voice is heard and have your say on what you beleive (as long as it isn't law breaking).

Until next time, see ya!