
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Friday 21 March 2014

2014: The wake up call for Final Fantasy?

The Final Fantasy XIII trilogy could have been revolutionary and epic, but in turned out to be a costly derailment in my opinion. XIII is tolerable though it is a little too easy and the characters and story is as detailed as 50 sheets of almost blank A4 paper. XIII-2 could have been tremendous but it has a mind-boggling plot, a poor concept and the need for paid DLC in order for gamers to see the ending. Lightning Returns therefore had to try resolve the mess and wrap up the trilogy; while it does this in an even more mind-boggling and hollow manner, it is as badly flawed overall as Lightning's supposed use of comedy in the game. 

Bravery Default is far, far better, better recieved around the world and is suparsing Lightning Returns in terms of sales. I wouldn't be suprised if Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster sells more units then Lightning Returns,  oh wait it has already in Japan, and soon in the West. Lets not forget that the HD remastering versions have better reviews then Lightning Returns.

It seems that "the past" is superior to the present for the Final Fantasy series, and although Bravery Default isn't a Final Fantasy per say, it incoporates a fair amount of what made Final Fnatasy the king of RPGs in the first place, and it works. Some might argue that back in the era of PSone and PS2;  Final Fantasy games were arguably the grandest and best of games and there was nothing like Call of Duty and online play like there is now, and therefore were better recieved. Nowadays with so much empathesis on mobile gaming, online gaming and the biggest gaming trends like FPSs, it seems that the Final Fantasy games of today and future have to be more than an RPG, that it must be more "in the real world" and fast-paced action associated in order to compete in today's market. 

I do not share this view however. I think Final Fantasy can be as formulated and stubborn as the Pokemon series on Nintendo's handheld consoles, and be fine in this era. Clearly the simplier Final Fantasy titles of past like VII sell well on the PS Store, (and will do so once its released on Iphones and Android devices). I'd prefer the next Final Fantasy main entry to be faithful to the proven sucessful formula of great storytelling and fun RPG gameplay and beautiful design. Maybe its because I have Aspereges and mild OCD that makes me say this but if XV and XVI were more simplier like X and XII rather than mind-boggling as XIII trilogy then at least in my eyes the Final Fantasy series will have redeemed itself. Square Enix is big enough and covers enough other game genes like action adventures such as Hitman and Tomb Raider and much more to cope with cosumer demand, to allow Final Fantasy to be what it always was in the first place; the king of RPG. And for heaven's sake let all Final Fantasy titles from here on be based and created in Japan as JRPGs because the West ruins everything! Just look at Silent Hill Homecoming or DmC Devil May Cry for examples...

While it may be too late for XV, here are the basics for ensuring great Final Fantasy titles for the future:

  • Deep and interesting characters
  • Rich and beautiful worlds to explore freely
  • Story/plot that is understandable
  • Additional quests that are unique
  • No or less QTEs (Quick Time Events)
  • Compelling sountrack
  • Fun/addictive battle system
  • Less Western influance
  • No Lightning!
If you want to add or comment to this post or any on this blog, then please feel free to do so. I may be unable to accomplice much on my own, but if more and more fans and gamers in general feel that Final Fantasy needs to face reality and go back to basics like the Resident Evil series has to, then the feedback that we give will be that more substancial and have the greater chance of accomplicing changes for the better. Remember that this can work for other causes say a reboot of Dino Crisis or the remake of Final Fnatasy VII. Make sure your voice is heard and have your say on what you beleive (as long as it isn't law breaking).

Until next time, see ya!

Thursday 20 February 2014

FFX-3 (LAF)Concept 2014 Update

Holy Shoopuf! Its back?!

Well kind of yes and no... Its been sometime since I last touched this blog and the concept of Final Fantasy X-3 I have come up with. The reason is that after several years of restless nights typing up the ideas and story in my head, I was exhausted. I was also weary of the direction of the Final Fantasy series with its obsession over Lightning and prolonged development of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remasters. I thought it isn't worth alienating Square Enix and the fans with my concept and ideas. I figured if there were to be a Final Fantasy X-3, or a continuation of the story following X-2 International + Last Mission, then it would already be in development. 

As it turned out the latter is a reality in the form of Final Fantasy X -Will- and Final Fantasy X2.5 -Eien no Daishou-. There is little doubt that if X/X-2 Remasters sell well and there is enough interest in a sequel, then X-3 could be a possibility and it would carry on from the two (2) story additions included in the Remasters collection. Heck, Yoshinori Kitase and the development staff behind the Final Fantasy series have stated that a Final Fantasy VII remake is possible as long there are sufficient green lights to proceed with its development; so a X-3 isn't as unlikely as one might think. If you think about it, Square Enix could have been 'lazy' and simply ported X and X-2 onto a Blu-ray disk or on the PlayStation Network like Final Fantasy I to IX for X's ten (10) year anniversary; and it would've sold well. And yet Square Enix haven't, not only has there been so much done to really make the Remasters collection stand out from ports, but they've gone through the trouble of teasing us with extensions of the story and plot. What does this mean? Well it could be a love letter to their fans or it could be a sign (troubling though it may be) that there is still life in the world of Spira. 

I implied in brackets that this may be a troubling possibility because it can have the effect of alienating fans and prove further how Square Enix and the Final Fantasy series has shifted for the not so good and empathise on the lack of creativity if there are sequels spawning after a new numbered entry (just look at XIII). There was a time when Final Fantasy instalments were unique to one another with new different stories, characters, tones and world. Nowadays there is an expansion on the most popular entries such as VII and X, as well as less received entries such as XIII and underrated entries like XII. and even for future entries like XV as it has been reported. Now it wouldn't be a problem if these expansions or sequels lived up to the promise or hype and the success of predecessors, but if you ask me that hasn't been the case, especially if you look at Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (they really dropped the ball with that one!). A X-3 has the danger of following in the same path even though it will undoubtedly be a commercial success. I hope on the continuation of X's story as well as any story for any game, but if it is done unsatisfactory like XIII-2 and Lightning Returns and other games like Devil May Cry 2 (and many others), and turned into less of the traditional role playing gameplay and more of a bewildering statement; then pull the plug before its too late! This might sound like nonsense and inappropriate in this era of video games and entertainment, but my views aren't just the fiction of one (1) person trust me.

In other words, X-3 must be sensational and worthy to follow in the progression of X and X-2 if it is to avoid damnation. Having learnt of the events in the story additions -Will- and -Eien no Daishou-, I am both excited and disheartened. In my mind X-3 is a matter of when not if (much like the remake of VII). I think the plot and settings for X-3 already exist on paper or in theory, but it requires the sufficient number of green lights to put into practice. Therefore my concept is purely fan-fiction; that said however it isn't a million miles afar from the events suggested in -Will- and -Eien no Daishou-, there are similarities which in my mind can be adapted into X-3 or the continuation of the story/plot. And even though there are profound differences, the end result may be one in the same, and because my concept is merely Word documents listing the story, direction dialogue, tone and so on, it can be edited to comply should my concept be compared to that of Yoshinori Kitase's and staff's envision. 

Even though I haven't touched the concept for some time and it is incomplete in terms of overall completion, the start and end and everything in-between is already there; there are slight tweaks of the story/plot, dialogue and songs (referring to the bespoke songs made for X-2) that haven't been implemented on my Word documents (none of which are overly critical or necessary). What I therefore would like to do is submit my concept to Square Enix free of charge so it can be viewed and considered, and if my work can be of some use for X-3 or another Square Enix project like a new RPG bearing its own identity then so be it.

All I ask is to present my concept and let Square Enix do what they will with it. If its regarded as 'nonsense' and unsuitable then I won't disheartened, neither will I be disappointed if this request is denied or I am weighed with crimes including Copyright infringement as a result. What would sadden me and no doubt many fans is if there is a continuation to the story and it ends up souring the legacy of Final Fantasy X and the Final Fantasy series as a whole, because it misrepresents the high expectations of those who will experience the latest offering from the beloved franchise.

For anyone who is interested, or would like to express their views then don't be a stranger and let me know via comments for this blog (this includes the staff of Square Enix as well). In the meantime I will continue doing what I do and someday I might attempt at fixing the presentation of this blog! 

Thank you for your time,
See ya!           

Thursday 4 October 2012

Answering the question: "When do you put an end to..." and the October 2012 update

First off; sorry for this post's lateness!

A lot has been going through this mind of mine after seeing and reading the extensive life of so many franchises. To name a few in the gaming world; there's Mario, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, FIFA and so on. In movies too there are franchises that go on like 007, Paranomal Activity, Saw (albeit that one thankfully ended after the sixth (6th) sequel) and perhaps many more that I cannot think of (because movies aren't my thing really). TV, music, technology companies, the Ford Mustang, heck even the world's many gripes such as Euthanasia and poverty. Simply put it; there is an awful lot that goes on, for better or worse.

Let's take the latest entry in the Resident Evil series; Resident Evil 6 as an example. The game tries to blend in the old school peek-a-boo survival horror that the first few Resident Evil titles exhibited with the ability to go nearly guns blazing and all the while offering a single player or a multiplayer online or offline experrience. The term used by Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear: "Ambitious but rubbish" comes to mind, although "rubbish" may be considered a little harsh (another way of putting it through my words is that there are undoutably better Resident Evil titles out there and there are games that seperately nail all the ambitions of Resident Evil 6 far better (i.e. if you want a frantic multiiplayer or single player first person shooter then turn to any of the Gears of War games)). It might be too early to call but I think Capcom will be disapointed by this latest entry in a series that has spanned over 15 years. Truth be told I think Capcom need to knock some better sense into their heads with anchors because Resident Evil titles of late have been far from expectations (Operation Racoon City for instance). Is this then going to be the last Resident Evil game? Heck no! There's a better chance of the Queen of England turning into the Pink Panther! Should Resident Evil end though?

Final Fantasy is in the same boat. How much longer will Final Fantasy as a series be remembered, how many games, movies, concerts and cosplay will there end up being and how can the series continue to generate business? 

The horror franchise Saw has hit an assumed stop movie wise after entry number seven (7). Does this mean Saw is put to rest for good? Regrettably I don't think so.

I won't condem the continuation of franchises or TV programs but the question remains: "How do you put an end to whatever it may be?" When will people feel like enough is enough. Do BBC watchers want to watch Only Fools and Horses again in the afternoon instead of something more original? Would someone in a suffering relationship be able to put a full stop to the hardship de;ivered by the partner or be helpless, vainfully hopeful and clingy to the relationship despite the sometimes overbearing odds and difficaulty?

Yes or no really have no bearing because ultimately if there is a cash cow or a potential gold mine within the continuation of a franchise or series then that's what those who run the said franchise or series are going to do. Everything inevitably comes to an end, its just a matter of when and how.

Regarding the FFX-3 concept as a whole, the endings are almost already done but does this mean that that's it? Having created this concept for half a decade now, I know what I intend to do, but I can be distracted by possibilities and the allure of one's imagination. Hyperthetically if FFX-3 is made into a video game as desired and based on this concept then it would serve as a conclusion to Final Fantasy X and X-2. But the way my thoughts work and how I've constructed this concept leads the potential for exploitation and futher plots and games or anything related such as action figures.

Apprently I could be a producer according to a dear friend of mine due my "creativeness". It is incredibly flattering but I am already aware that my creativity is a monster in the form of many things such as 'Jes XXIV- The Nightfall Of Penance' and this concept for Final Fantasy X-3. Regardless of my objectivity I still make monsters and complete nonsense even though I am afraid of what is to become...the inability to put an end. Perhaps its not just me who feels this way, perhaps even the staff behind francises are saddled with the same guilt and wariness.

As for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story"; Kilika Island plays more interesting parts then previously intended and involves a 'Legendary Guardian'. That's about it I'm afraid. The 'Writer's wall" is still in the way. I can only hope this wall get's torn down and destroyed so then I can return to FFX-3 with full spirits.

Until then however, I nust bid you all reading this; farefell for another month.See Ya.

Monday 3 September 2012

"Writer's wall", FFXIII-3 and the September 2012 update

Its official, the Final Fantasy X-3 concept has hit a brick wall. This is "disasterific" bad and I won't make no bones about it; I have been struggling to contribute the same consistent input and passion every day like I have been doing for the past three to four years. Its not like I can't progress with new ideas for plans; I've had the same plots and details in my head for a couple of years now and I still think of new ideas even now. Its just that reality has been rather cruel and getting the better of me. I'm sure people choose to play video games or engage in pastimes (fictional or no) to escape the reality of stress, work and so on. This for me is no different but even my escapes from reality have become wearisome, like reality itself. Sure the increased hours in the kitchen of the Asda Cafe play a significant factor in my fatigue but ultimately life for me has grinded to a halt because of its repetition and as long as I'm in this state of boredom; the FFX-3 concept will be at a near standstill waiting for the writer to overcome the wall.

I don't intend to abandon the FFX-3 concept like Activision cancelled the True Crime Hong Kong game (which is now known as Sleeping Dogs published by Square Enix) after so much development (Activision must be and should rightly be kicking themselves for their decision). Work is still being done to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" since it is September (2012) and come October (2012), the focus will return  to "The Final Chapter". Its just disheartening to admit that the level of progress will be lower than expected. Perhaps when I have broken the cycle of boredom I will be able to return to the FFX-3 concept refreshed and rejuvenated. Let's hope this happens soon eh?

With that being established, I will state that there have been significant changes and revisions made to Chapter 4 of "The Final Chapter", notably as the consisting party of Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Paine and Kimahri are navigating through the Bikanel Desert. Not only has the Fahrenheit airship crashed and is completely unusable and they must get the remaining Kinderguardians (Hana Taro and Shinra), Buddy Brother and Cid to the safety of the new Al-Bhed Home but now there is a menace known as "Omega Cactuar" storming the Bikanel Desert engaging the party to critical battles almost relentlessly whilst the party are outside the new Al-Bhed Home. the idea of "Omega Cactuar" incorporates the Giant Cactuars found in other Final Fantasy titles and Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. Sorry if this is Copyright infringement, this is merely a concept afterall and is subject to change and one of the ambitions for Final Fantasy X-3 is to be revolutionary and the first for Final Fantasy titles.

Which brings me to a rather sour note regarding "Lightning's Returns: Final Fantasy XIII". Let's not beat around the bush here; its essentially "Final Fantasy XIII-3" and to many a black eye to those fans of Final Fantasy who were hoping to hear anything about "XIII Versus Final Fantasy" or "Final Fantasy XV". Personally I'm not thrilled about this unveiling, especially after the confusion of the whole plot and story of the FFXIII saga created by FFXIII-2's time travelling plot. Sure it does come together and tells a story but its not an easy story to get to grips with and I for one prefer linear gameplay and storytelling that complies with its predecessors. 

My biggest gripe however is as you all imagine is that this is all wrong and the honor should belong to Final Fantasy X for spawning two sequels (Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy X-3). Afterall, Final Fantasy X is the first in the main series to have a direct sequel, the first in the main series to have voice actors and so on. In my opinion (and it is perhaps only my opinion) Final Fantasy X-3 should come before Final Fantasy XIII-3. Alas Square Enix has become clearly obsessively in love with Lightning and is going to go down its chosen path. That's fine, I'm not about to throw petrol bombs at Square Enix headquarters or do anything  stupid and I know this is very early days and too soon to be making judgments about Final Fantasy XIII-3 (it may prove to be superb in the end and I will undoubtedly give it a chance) but like the wearisome reality I find myself in; I hoped for better things.

Of course I'm aware that what I've been saying can just as easily apply to my concept to Final Fantasy X-3 and I accept that. I accept that not everyone is as tickled pink as I am about Final Fantasy X-2 and may gripe with grinding teeth at the sound of anything regarding Final Fantasy X-3. In the end though this concept for Final Fantasy X-3 is only the work of fictiion created by a fan of Final Fantasy X and X-2 and it won't be the end of the world if that's all it is and will ever be. If I can however make someone smile and enjoy the concept then I know I have succeeded in achieving my goal in life (to enrich someone's life for the better). And maybe if one can put aside the whole business and making money element of Square Enix then it can be argued that Square Enix is setting out to do the same thing with Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

Who knows what goes on? All I can say is thank you for reading and I'll be back with a new post in due time. See ya!               

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Nostalgia vs climatic and The August 2012 update for FFX-3

The August 2012 blog post begins with a peculiar thought. If you compare Final Fantasy X cutscenes to those of Final Fantasy XIII, you could say that Final Fantasy X is more subtle and more traditional with previous Final Fantasy titles whereas Final Fantasy XIII is climatic and action orientated in comparison. Now that isn't surprising at all when you consider the differences in the characters and story but perhaps more than anything the advances in the game engine, software, art, technology, budget and so on. Just like using voice actors for the characters for all main installments of Final Fantasy titles since Final Fantasy X, it is safe to assume that future Final Fantasy main installments (Final Fantasy XV for example) will have more climatic cutscenes and gameplay.

What does this have to do with Final Fantasy X-3? Well... Final Fantasy X-3 has the possible dilemma of having to choose between being as faithful to its sequels or evolve and become obviously different. While the concept for Final Fantasy X-3 is only a collection of Word documents, it is clear that Final Fantasy X-3 tries to be both these things, an honor and nod to Final Fantasy X and X-2 as well as revolutionary. Typically games that have been remade to boast more capable and detailed graphics like Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes have gameplay that is reminiscent to its original counterpart with subtle tweaks such as aiming in first person view and interacting with lockers and reenacted cutscenes showing Solid Snake doing flips to avoid being killed by the likes of Gray Fox, a Hind D and Sniper Wolf. The problem is that this creation of faithfulness and climatic action is contrasting, the gameplay feels anticlimactic and old fashioned. 

Final Fantasy X-3 is foresighted with potentially the same problem; gameplay and story wise; it could be reminiscent to Final Fantasy X (through battles allowing character switching and linear plot) but almost entirely different in its presentation of its cutscenes and Situation Critical events. To give an example of this in chapter three (3); Yuna, Baralai and Gippal are searching for Tidus in the Bevelle Underground and along the way encounter fiends, machina  and the aeon Bahamut in battles. In these battles since there are no other active party members to switch to, the gameplay is reminiscent to battles in Final Fantasy X-2, albeit with some unique circumstances and gameplay additions such as body wear and Stamina. Outside these battles (in cutscenes), Yuna is shown to be able to walk on air and disappear through the surrounding walls and then traverse into a recreation of Dream Zanarkand. In another cutscene, Tidus' Brotherhood sword is disposed off by Raphas which flies straight for Baralai in the Gaol of the Bevelle Underground, Yuna pushes Baralai aside and is inflicted horrendously by the Brotherhood sword. 

In reference to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story", Yuna and Tidus do something very uncharacteristic by pulling Lenne and Shuyin off the peak of Yadonoki Tower. Lenne and Shuyin though shocked hit the sea below without any harm inflicted due to the fact that both Lenne and Shuyin are already dead. Subsequently Yuna and Tidus gracefully dive into the sea from the same peak of Yadonoki Tower. This example of a cutscene is evident of Final Fantasy X-3 being different and climatic. While this maybe welcome, it may also be dismissed because it promotes noticeable contrasts in gameplay and cutscenes and unfaithfulness. Should Final Fantasy X-3 become a reality then potential imperfections like contrasts cannot and mustn't exist. The solution? To establish a balance, which is easier said than done but something I am addressing to both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". 

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" throughout the previous month of July (2012) has had its share of altercations. One of which I will share for free is that the Kelvin airship which Lenne and Shuyin along with Lord Zaon are on-board no longer get struck my Sin's charging attack because if that were to happen it would be unacceptably difficult to believe Lenne, Shuyin, Lord Zaon and the Kelvin airship could survive. To amend this, the Kelvin airship instead plummets into the sea between Yadonoki and the Moonflow after the turbulence created by Sin disables the airship's ability to sustain itself in flight. 

There are more changes implemented in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" of course but there is no need to explain everything or else this post will go for an eternity. I'll finish off this post be stating that throughout August (2012), the development focus turns to "The Final Chapters". Come September (2012), I will have a new update for all readers to view and read.

Until then, see ya!                     

Tuesday 3 July 2012

The hastiness of game development & the July update for FFX-3

"What the shoopuf?!" Is this the question your asking (or at least along those lines)? If you are a constant viewer or reader of the Final Fantasy X-3 concept blog then you must be scratching your head after reading the title of this post and seething at the latest of this post. For either circumstance I apoligise. I merely entitle this post differently from the rest of the posts because I've had multiple views and opinions as well as experiences occupy my mind.

I started have theses thoughts and opinions over the last month or so whilst playing some of the anticipated games of 2012 so far. I've been playing Silent Hill Downpour and have achieved "Ending A "Forgiveness"" and recently Dragon's Dogma and the exclusive Resident Evil 6 demo only for Xbox 360 owners who purchased Dragon's Dogma. I have to say that theses games all have one thing in common; the effects of hasty development. While the Resident Evil 6 demo can be excused because it is a demo and not the completed game, I find it hard to ignore my disappointment when I experience the roughness of these games, games that I must stress aren't from development companies and publishers that no one has heard of. Capcom and Konami are two of the most well known and respected game companies on the planet and yet it disapoints me when I play a game with rough edges and bugs. Konami in particular is accountable for the number of issues encountered in Silent Hill Downpour (and Silent Hill HD Collection for that matter). My main gripe is that popular titles like Silent Hill, Resident Evil and so on have a long and thorough development . Silent Hill Downpour for example was hinted (albeit not known as Downpour then) in the early days of April 2010 and took near enough two years to come out. Two years give or take and it has more holes than Swiss cheese! I won't go into detail with what these holes/glitches/bugs/freezes are but if your interested then search the internet or play Silent Hill Downpour and find out for yourself.

And yet despite these disappointments, I do enjoy playing Silent Hill Downpour and its the same story with Dragon's Dogma regardless of its flaws and the Resident Evil 6 demo despite the collision issues when striking an enemy, the camera which needs to be controlled to keep up with the character's movements and the uselessness of firing weapons when a character can easily defeat hordes of enemies with punches, kicks and grapples (didn't Chief Irons in Resident Evil 2 state to Claire Redfield that putting a bullet through a zombies' brain or dismembering the body completely were the only ways to stop the T-Virus infecting the host and turning it into a zombie?). Regardless this isn't a review on or the point.

"What is the point then?" you might ask. The point is that gamers hunger for entertainment and "more" doesn't  subside with time. While there are those who boast they can play their favorite game or watch their favorite film back to back, again and again and so on, others will yearn for more and different experiences or even more of the same thing. Picture a Call of Duty fan if you will, he or she may have Modenr Warefare 1, 2 and 3 and the first Black Ops and after hearing the news about Call of Duty Black Ops II (2), he or she is eager to get his or her hands on a copy, play it, love it and then eagerly wait for DLC or the next Call of Duty to appear one year later. This applies to any fan of any game franchise; Hitman, Fifa, Final Fantasy, Oddworld, Pac Man, Mario, Dino Crisis etc. Heck this applies to a fan of anything; even fans of Kellog's cereals. The hunger for more or even just interest in the next installment of whatever grows and in order for game publishers like Konami, Capcom, Square Enix and so on, to keep and maintain their fan base, popularity and  ultimately their company going, they must oblige to demand and give the customers what they want or are seeking for.

This has multiple effects on the development of games, one of which I will explain. A popular franchise like Silent Hill must satisfy the existing fans and at the same time introduce new elements to invoke interest from new gamers and keep gameplay fresh and exiting, hence why Silent Hill Downpour has new elements like the Void and side quests while fitting around the familiar psychological horror of which the Silent Hill franchise is known for.If it didn't have these and stuck to the series traditions only, Downpour woundn't stand out from previous installments and be reviewed as uninteresting and unoriginal which in turn can put off fans and casual gamers which effects the companies expectations in terms of profitability and revenue (just look at the difference in reviews, sales and popularity between Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 and Resident Evil 4). While in many instances there is no serious problems fulfilling these requirements, the outlook is increased development which takes more time and time is money. Now if the eagerly awaited next installment is rushed in order to get the game finished and out to stores worldwide then it has the potential to come off buggy and flawed which can put of gamers and invoke disappointment and frustration. Silent Hill Downpour is a prime example of this dilemma, it feels rushed and far from being as great and exciting as it could have been. The solution would be have delayed the games release and gave more time to iron out the bugs and fix problems before releasing the game to the public. Though Konami are saying they will develop patches for both Silent Hill Downpour and Silent Hill HD Collection, its merely like adding a doubler plate over the crack of the fuselage of a 22 year old Boeing 747-209B (reference to China Airlines flight 611 of 25 May 2002), its an improper repair covering up the mistakes that shouldn't have been made in the first place. The patches may fix some of the problems or even all of them (although I'm not that optimistic), but it will come as little too late as the potential for those said titles has gone and passed and little will change the experiences that gamers have of the said titles.

Unfortunately its the "insatiableness" manner which means games have to come out in a hurry and at the same time fulfill the gamer's desires, otherwise the game will come off as a disappointment and not perform as well as predicted. Now I'm well aware that this topic has gone on way too long and that this doesn't necessarily threaten a gaming company like Square Enix, Square Enix has so many hands in different businesses besides games that it won't go down because of the hasty approach taken to games like Final Fantasy XIV or the Kane and Lynch series. That said its not like Square Enix is a selfish egotistic company interested in just money the fatest way, I think it goes to show how dedicated the company are as a whole to prolong the inevitable Final Fantasy VII remake, XIII Verses Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 3 and so on presumably to properly develop these games so that these titles won't be disappointing and I for one would rather wait patiently for these games to be developed and completed to the finest and best qualities rather than rushed in order to meet the quarterly financial time span like the countless Need For Speed titles, WWE simulators, Call of Duty titles and so on. Then again even the long and methodical development cycle can go wrong, just look at Duke Nukem Forever (ouch!)

"What does this have to do with the concept of Final Fantasy X-3?" You must be asking anxiously. I know I'm taking my sweet time with "The Final Chapter" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" and the whole documentation of this concept as a whole because I hate being rushed and this concept, even if it will only be a concept and my pipe-dream means more then words can describe so I don't want to mess it up. If and when the day comes when I submit this concept to Square Enix, I want to be able to show how much thought, care, love and respect I have for the concept and how their work with the Final Fantasy series and Final Fantasy X and X-2 in particular inspired me to create this concept. This entire project has a special and irremovable place in my heart just like the entirety of Final Fantasy X and X-2 that I will carry with me always.

The fear is however that should this concept be given the green light and the fantasy becomes a reality in the gaming world for all of the gaming world to experience and enjoy, I don't want the entire process rushed and executed with any performance and effort beneath the very best. Final Fantasy X-3 has a tremendous legacy to live up to after Final Fantasy X and X-2 and I wouldn't allow myself to degrade the legacy (that is if the concept becomes Final Fantasy X-3 and not a different game). I won't...I can't allow this Final Fantasy X-3 concept come off as a missed opportunity at creating the next greatest gaming moment in history and instead list among the worst games of the respected year. Ultimately I cannot fail Yuna, I can't!

If your thinking I'm a few spheres short of a Garment Grid or just completely and utterly obsessive then your probably right.

Anyway, to the update regarding the development of "The Final Chapter" during June (2012). To be honest; progress has been as slow as ever unfortunately but then as I've explained above I want to take my time and not mess up. Yuna and Tidus are still in the Hotspring in Mt. Gagazet taking a much needed break and coming to terms of what is alienating them both and what they can do to solve their problem, besides not wanting to step outside in the bitter cold instead of being in the Hotspring together (Would you leave a hotspring if you had the choice?) Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Paine, Kimahri and Sparky have at long last reached Bikanel Desert after crashing the Fahrenheit airship with Brother, Buddy and Cid (I know its not that new but this time around the remaining Kinderguardians; Hana, Taro and Shinra are choosing to accompany the party and dub the new airship the Kinderguardian Headquarters). Lenne and Shuyin arrive on Spira's surface, albeit in the Bevelle Underground next to where Vegnagun was once stood. And the Fayth are suggesting to Tidus that his hopes for peace and unity with Yuna are doubtful.

Now that its July (2012), the focus shifts to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story"; the objective is to resume from where I left off in May (2012) and allow Lenne and Shuyin their much sought for freedom from the inside of the yet unnamed Sin by using the Kelvin airship. Already I've expanded the scenes prior to Shuyin flying the Kelvin airship so that Lord Zaon continues to mistake Lenne for his wife; Lady Yunalesca until Lenne knocks some sense into Lord Zaon. Don't worry, Lenne doesn't hit Lord Zaon needlessly, its redemption for Lord Zaon leaving his wife in Zanarkand prior to its demise with a cut from an encounter with broken glass (some husband huh?) Development will continue until the first (1st) of August (2012) (01/08/2012) when the focus shifts back to "The Final Chapter".

"Phew!! That was a long read! Is it over?" Almost...I apoligise for the long winded and off topic discussion. Until the next post, see ya!      

Friday 1 June 2012

FFX-3 "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" June 2012 update

If the intention for Final Fantasy X-3 was to implement more realism and to take Final Fantasy game styles to a different level then the progress made with Final Fantasy X-3 "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in May 2012 defines this intention. The question however is whether its going too far with the time paradox endings and gore.

Throughout FFX-3 "The Final Chapter" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story", "Situation Critical" events are supposed to put the respected characters in tremendous jeopardy where if the correct command prompted on screen isn't met, the involved characters are killed and the game ends. If you have been playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 then you should be familiar to the "quick time events" and "Live Trigger system", Final Fantasy X-3 implements the same systems dubbed as "Situation Critical" events.

What's different (besides the name) is in FFX-3, the consequences of failing "Situation Critical" events are "Disasterific!" One "Situation Critical" event in "The Final Chapter" in particular throws Yuna and Tidus in disaster deep in the depths of the Via Purifico Sewers, Tidus must shoot the chain wrapped tightly around Yuna's mouth off in order to let Yuna breath. The consequence of failing is Yuna's assumed death which Tidus cannot accept and "Game Over" follows.

In "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story", the time spent in the yet to be named amour of Yu Yevon called "Sin" throws both Lenne and Shuyin in numerous "Situation Critical" events. The consequences of failing ultimately lead to a time paradox and "Game Over" but the consequences of failing are shocking. For Shuyin there is  one "Situation Critical" event where he is on the verge of committing suicide. Believing Lenne is dead and realising the exceedingly little progress he's made, Shuyin loses it and holds his sword towards his abdomen. Only the echoes of Lenne's voice can coax Shuyin to drop his sword and stop committing suicide. The player must persist by matching the prompted command on screen to coax Shuyin's thoughts with the echos of Lenne's voice. Failure however will result in Shuyin committing suicide and subsequently Lenne's death. This time paradox is very graphic and disturbing, you have to imagine Shuyin pulling his sword upwards through his abdomen, chest and across his neck and then picture Shuyin's neck and head slide off the rest of his body whilst kneeling in a pool of his own blood. Horrific and unlike Final Fantasy isn't it?

That sums up the progress made to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in May 2012. Acknowledging this, this may be too different and gruesome for a Final Fantasy title and may be rejected by Square Enix and Final Fantasy fans. This would be depressing if true but it needn't mean the end of the world beause Square Enix could still implement the this FFX-3 concept under a different title with different characters, in a different world and so forth. 

Maybe I'm being delirious, maybe I'm psychopathic but I remain hopeful for this concept for Final Fantasy X-3 and will continue implementing ideas and concepts and providing posts on this blog. 

With it now being June (2012), my focus shifts to "The Final Chapter". Until next month's update, see ya!