Holy Shoopuf! Its back?!
Well kind of yes and no... Its been sometime since I last touched this blog and the concept of Final Fantasy X-3 I have come up with. The reason is that after several years of restless nights typing up the ideas and story in my head, I was exhausted. I was also weary of the direction of the Final Fantasy series with its obsession over Lightning and prolonged development of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remasters. I thought it isn't worth alienating Square Enix and the fans with my concept and ideas. I figured if there were to be a Final Fantasy X-3, or a continuation of the story following X-2 International + Last Mission, then it would already be in development.
As it turned out the latter is a reality in the form of Final Fantasy X -Will- and Final Fantasy X2.5 -Eien no Daishou-. There is little doubt that if X/X-2 Remasters sell well and there is enough interest in a sequel, then X-3 could be a possibility and it would carry on from the two (2) story additions included in the Remasters collection. Heck, Yoshinori Kitase and the development staff behind the Final Fantasy series have stated that a Final Fantasy VII remake is possible as long there are sufficient green lights to proceed with its development; so a X-3 isn't as unlikely as one might think. If you think about it, Square Enix could have been 'lazy' and simply ported X and X-2 onto a Blu-ray disk or on the PlayStation Network like Final Fantasy I to IX for X's ten (10) year anniversary; and it would've sold well. And yet Square Enix haven't, not only has there been so much done to really make the Remasters collection stand out from ports, but they've gone through the trouble of teasing us with extensions of the story and plot. What does this mean? Well it could be a love letter to their fans or it could be a sign (troubling though it may be) that there is still life in the world of Spira.
I implied in brackets that this may be a troubling possibility because it can have the effect of alienating fans and prove further how Square Enix and the Final Fantasy series has shifted for the not so good and empathise on the lack of creativity if there are sequels spawning after a new numbered entry (just look at XIII). There was a time when Final Fantasy instalments were unique to one another with new different stories, characters, tones and world. Nowadays there is an expansion on the most popular entries such as VII and X, as well as less received entries such as XIII and underrated entries like XII. and even for future entries like XV as it has been reported. Now it wouldn't be a problem if these expansions or sequels lived up to the promise or hype and the success of predecessors, but if you ask me that hasn't been the case, especially if you look at Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII (they really dropped the ball with that one!). A X-3 has the danger of following in the same path even though it will undoubtedly be a commercial success. I hope on the continuation of X's story as well as any story for any game, but if it is done unsatisfactory like XIII-2 and Lightning Returns and other games like Devil May Cry 2 (and many others), and turned into less of the traditional role playing gameplay and more of a bewildering statement; then pull the plug before its too late! This might sound like nonsense and inappropriate in this era of video games and entertainment, but my views aren't just the fiction of one (1) person trust me.
In other words, X-3 must be sensational and worthy to follow in the progression of X and X-2 if it is to avoid damnation. Having learnt of the events in the story additions -Will- and -Eien no Daishou-, I am both excited and disheartened. In my mind X-3 is a matter of when not if (much like the remake of VII). I think the plot and settings for X-3 already exist on paper or in theory, but it requires the sufficient number of green lights to put into practice. Therefore my concept is purely fan-fiction; that said however it isn't a million miles afar from the events suggested in -Will- and -Eien no Daishou-, there are similarities which in my mind can be adapted into X-3 or the continuation of the story/plot. And even though there are profound differences, the end result may be one in the same, and because my concept is merely Word documents listing the story, direction dialogue, tone and so on, it can be edited to comply should my concept be compared to that of Yoshinori Kitase's and staff's envision.
Even though I haven't touched the concept for some time and it is incomplete in terms of overall completion, the start and end and everything in-between is already there; there are slight tweaks of the story/plot, dialogue and songs (referring to the bespoke songs made for X-2) that haven't been implemented on my Word documents (none of which are overly critical or necessary). What I therefore would like to do is submit my concept to Square Enix free of charge so it can be viewed and considered, and if my work can be of some use for X-3 or another Square Enix project like a new RPG bearing its own identity then so be it.
All I ask is to present my concept and let Square Enix do what they will with it. If its regarded as 'nonsense' and unsuitable then I won't disheartened, neither will I be disappointed if this request is denied or I am weighed with crimes including Copyright infringement as a result. What would sadden me and no doubt many fans is if there is a continuation to the story and it ends up souring the legacy of Final Fantasy X and the Final Fantasy series as a whole, because it misrepresents the high expectations of those who will experience the latest offering from the beloved franchise.
For anyone who is interested, or would like to express their views then don't be a stranger and let me know via comments for this blog (this includes the staff of Square Enix as well). In the meantime I will continue doing what I do and someday I might attempt at fixing the presentation of this blog!
Thank you for your time,
See ya!
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
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