Sphere hunting grew into a craze after Sin was vanquished for good. With no need to fear of Sin anymore the residents on Spira could enjoy life in the Eternal Calm. As well as fractions like the Youth League emerging and the various races populating Spira being able to live freely, Sphere hunting brought out exploration and keenness to uncover Spira’s past. The Gullwings is at heart a group of Al Bhed Sphere Hunters created by Rikku and Brother which eventually grew including members such as Shinra, Paine and Yuna.
A year on, Sphere hunting has quietened with both the Youth League and New Yevon working together most of the time searching for Spheres leaving Sphere Hunters frustrated to discover Treasure Spheres themselves. Though Sphere Hunters like the LeBlanc Syndicate and Gullwings remain active, it becomes increasingly difficult to hunt for Treasure Spheres with the Youth League and New Yevon beating Sphere Hunters to it. But Sphere Hunters would not rise up and rebel because they sought not to repeat mistakes made previously.
Sphere hunting may have lost some of its competitiveness and eagerness among the Sphere Hunters, the Gullwings in particular with most of its members disbanding to do alternative activities but the interest in Sphere hunting still remains. Even with the Youth League and New Yevon wheeling in most of the rewards, there are still much about Spira’s history to discover. There are still wondrous Treasure Spheres waiting to be uncovered.
In Final Fantasy X-3, Sphere hunting is an optional activity which can be undertaken in much of the game even underwater. Early on, Treasure Spheres can be uncovered in treasure chests but are many that remain unknown to the eyes of the party. This can be resolved however by activating the Search Sphere by pressing Square whilst on the Field Screen. This is the very same Search Sphere obtained in X-2 (which is optional), (yes Yuna has kept it all this time!)
Later on where the party acquire the use of the Kelvin airship, Treasure Sphere waves will be detected which the player can then decide to follow up on or pass. Like in X-2, the party can choose where to go next via a menu listing all the destinations on Spira (minus the Farplane and Dream Zanarkand) once they have obtained the Kelvin airship. Unlike in X-2 however; when a destination is listed as a “Hotspot” in X-3, a “Hotspot” is a destination where a Treasure Sphere has been detected, not the destination to progress on with the game (The objective destination will be highlighted with “Objective” and with a gold highlight instead of red (for Hotspot”)).
When searching for Treasure Spheres via the Field Screen, using the Search Sphere (press Square to activate) will search for any Treasure Sphere waves nearby. If the controller starts to vibrate it means the Search Sphere has found a Treasure Spira; the stronger the vibration, the closer the Treasure Sphere is to the character(s) on the Field Screen. Opposingly the lesser vibration will mean the character(s) on the Field Screen are distancing from the located Treasure Sphere. When a music sequence plays, it means the character(s) are in reach of the Treasure Sphere. Press X and the character(s) will obtain the Treasure Sphere. If the controller does not vibrate, it means there are no Treasure Sphere waves in reach.
Sometimes however, the Search Sphere may pick up waves belonging to Broken Treasure Spheres which are no good unless the remaining half can be found. If two (2) halves of a Broken Treasure Sphere are obtained, the halves will fit together and complete the Treasure Sphere making the Treasure Sphere usable.
Some Treasure Spheres will be more useful then others i.e. a new Dressphere for Rikku to use as opposed to a Video Sphere considered “Junk!” There are Video Spheres however that will lead to additional missions and have bearing to characters in the party like Paine for example.
There are times in X-3 where there is no option to Sphere hunt even in Field Screen. Obviously one can’t Sphere hunt while the gameplay shifts to a video but there are particular events where hunting Spheres is disabled. These are:
Ø “Situation Critical!” events
Ø Whilst controlling Yuna after first (1st) spring scene (chapter three (3))
Ø Via Purifico Sewers
Ø Mission: No More Hurt Time!
Ø Yadonoki Tower
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
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