When I look back at June, all I can say is "oh poopie!" I have all these thoughts regarding what happens in each chapter and yet do I implement them into "The Final Chapters"? The answer is no. I admit my plan do swap between the two stories after each month has its flaws or in other words "it sucks" but I don't like going back on what I said. I don't give myself nearly enough time each monh for each story but then that's me.
One of the thoughts going through my mind is changing the contents slightly when "Disasterific!" Occurs so when Yuna loses her cool then Yuna really loses her cool and behaves with surpassing rage and break stuff from someone's bones and then leaving his or her life at the hands of an unmerciful terror to breaking through one of the prison spheres located in the Via Purifico. Imagine what you will what happen's when Yuna in a foul mood enters the Manor/Manson in Guadosalam and finds Seymour. The result is frieghtening and yet Yuna has yet to know the truth of what's happened. It begs the question what will happen if Yuna really lost all control having lost the only person that matters in her fragile state. Yuna's loyal companions who have fought beside her and the world she has saved for a third (3rd) time can rot because it won't matter at all to Yuna. Scary huh?
Because that's stuck into my head like the replicas of Yuna's tail (long red hair braid) are held together with all sorts of super glue, I won't forget to add this to "The Final Chapters" for a long time. So what did I do with "The Final Chapters" by the end of June you might ask. I've fiddled around with the early goings of chapter one (1) and have added additions that indicate that life together in the Eternal Calm doesn't exactly give what Yuna and Tidus a break from helping others across Spira. Of course Yuna and Tidus aren't frustrated by this and believe their magic words "No matter where we go and no matter what happens, it won't matter aslong as we are together". Wakka meanwhile strives to become fit and in shape after gaining "presence" which Wakka finds out he can't have any longer while his son grows up (Vidina is only a year or so old but already Wakka is feeling the consequences of his actions for his family". Paine also makes an addition during the first (1st) day of which "The Final Chapters" begins. Instead of introducing Paine during in the midst of the choas in Kilika on the second (2nd) day, I decided to intrroduce Paine earlier and paint a clearer picture of the complications between Nooj, Baralai and the fractions which they lead. This adds to the depth of trouble Spira faces not only from strange and sudden attacks thought Spira but also the tensions between the Youth League and New Yevon reaching the point that they did in Final Fantasy X-2.
There's more to it then that of course but i don't want to give the plot so much so that someone else can copy the project and claim it as their own (whether that's already happened or no I don't know). The result of these additions mean that the contents of day one (1) on its own consists of fourteen (14) or so pages of A4. ?!??!!!!! Overkill certainly crosses the mind and yet I'm not quite finished with the first (1st) day. ?!??!!!!????!!! I still have to think of the lyrics of Yuna's song.
"The Final Chapters" now stands at over 403 pages and consists of over 230,000 words. Only know I'm beginning to think that my project might be rejected by Square Enix not because of financial costs or lack of interest but because its far too long. Hedy Burress and Mayuko Aoki (English and Japanese voice actors for Yuna) may faint at the amount of dialouge for Yuna in the entirety of Final Fantasy X-3 (because FFX-3 consists of "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" lets not forget!)
More posts when progress develops. Until then, "see ya!"
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
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