
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.

Monday, 5 December 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" update December 2011

First off: my sincere apologies for the delay of this update post, work (as a cafe cleaner) has been unpredictable thus far and have occupied my available time and left me too wearisome in evenings.

The most significant update to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has been the more profound usage of Yunalesca while Lenne and Shuyin try to flee from Zanarkand. Because of Yu Yevon's assassination, his daughter; Yunalesca is now the ruler of Zanarkand and despite horrific loses to her family, Yunalesca makes near immediate use of her authority to prevent Lenne and Shuyin from dying in Zanarkand Port by vengeance seeking soldiers, summoners and civilians and machina. Previously Yunalesca was not involved in Lenne's and Shuyin's exodus.

Lenne's and Shuyin's intent to hide in the Floating Ruins of Mt. Gagazet has been expanded to involve more realism (after escaping for their lives barely in tact, ascending a peak high in the clouds shouldn't be straight forward right?).

At the end of November (2011), Shuyin is left barely twitching on the white plains of the Prominence of Mt. Gagazet after Yu Yevon's airship attacked Bevelle and then went after Lenne and Shuyin on top of the Floating Ruins Summit. Lenne is supposedly on board the airship held captive by an unknown figure. What happens next? Wait for the January 2012 update!

Yep, that's it for 2011 regarding "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The new year will hopefully begin to write the finishing touches. From here, I wish everyone a happy Christmas and a happy new year!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

"The Final Chapters" update November 2011

First off, no; I have yet to finish rewriting and reworking chapter three (3). It seems to be taking forever to do this chapter but then there's a good reason for that, following the lateset development of chapter three (3); chapter three (3) is perhaps the most significant to Yuna's and Tidus' future.
Originally I had planned for Yuna to discover the horrific truth, thanks to the events in chapter two (2) becoming a reality Yuna sees and feels and subsequently struggles to cope with. While that hasn't greatly changed and Yuna still pursues to find Tidus with Baralai and Gippal alongside, the inclusion of the same nightmare based upon the ruins of Besaid and the Fayth for Tidus forces Tidus and subsequently Yuna as well to realise their new found connection with one another thanks to the "reluctant" Fayth of Bahamut.
Speaking of Bahamut, I have decided to borrow the concept of Bahamut Sin for Yuna, Baralai and Gippal to battle against in the Bevelle Underground. This marks the third (3rd) time Bahamut is an opponent (a significant one at that, more so then the rest of aeon battles) in FFX-3 and the last (as an aeon that this).
It will grow apparent in the later that while Yuna will now call Tidus by his name and will try to convert her friends (Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Paine, Kimahri, Baralai, Gippal, Lenne, Shuyin and Auron) and even antagonists such as Raphas to call Tidus by his name, Yuna will be the only one who will do so. This has been taken from inspiration that other than the rest of the Warriors of Cosmos who call Tidus by name, no one else from Final Fantasy X calls Tidus by his name other than Yuna (do comment on that if I'm wrong). This would seem trivial but then this isn't a abrupt change for Yuna to call Tidus by name as it would seem. Yuna has known Tidus' name since the first day they met but hasn't experienced a situation so critical until those in Final Fantasy X-3 during the Via Purifico incident.
With these developments and many more (which I won't spill the beans upon!) "The Final Chapters" has reached yet another milestone. Thus far "The Final Chapters" has the contents of over 303,000 words spread across 560+ pages.
I'd hate to be the one printing the whole document off only to then realise there's the additional documention regarding how to play Final Fantasy X-3, Attributes, Abilities and other parts of Final Fantasy X-3 and then stumble upon "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" which is about 300+ pages on its own! Still it has to be done once I am happy if the written structuring of Final Fantasy X-3 and finalise it all for Square Enix to review. Though perhaps the team behind the Final Fantasy Series and Square Enix Product Development Devision 1 will be much like the one overlooking the printing of the written work of Final Fantasy X-3 i.e. close to eruption when its laid in front of them. No need to panic yet though, there is perhaps another year to go before I get to the stage of printing off the finalised written work of Final Fantasy X-3.
Well... its November (2011) now and time to piroritise with "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Unless I have anything else to contribute before December (2011), I'll see ya then.
Note: Its November (2011) already?! Oh Shoopuf! I must get on with the Christmans shopping etc.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" upadate October 2011

"You are a monster! Look at what you've done to everyone in Zanarkand! To the people and races across Spira! To your own daughter and family... You've helped set Spira ablaze and now you must atone for your sins" - Lenne speaking to Yu Yevon.

The extract above pretty much illistrates where "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is after September (2011). Lenne and Shuyin have escaped certain disaster and time paradox from the Zanarkand Underground and quickly find themselves opposing Yu Yevon.

I'll admit this isn't great progress but I do like it when I compare the updated script to the previous and unimaginative script. Another good thing about the update through September (2011) is that the Zanarkand Underground has now been concluded and there is the potential for Yunalesca to play a more effective role without becoming a victim of dreadful circumstance so soon. Better yet, Lenne's and Shuyin's exodus from Zanarkand follows shortly after which is a lot of fun reading through and adjusting to fit accordingly.

Well... that's the development and future development in November (2011) in a nutshell, I guess there really isn't much more I can add. I will add however that Chapter three (3) of "The Final Chapters" is continuing its complete overhaul and the process is going to be revolutionary and moving.

Until the next update however... see ya.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Worry for Final Fantasy X HD

Since the 14th of September (2011) when the announcement of Final Fantasy X HD was made, my heart has been skipping several beats, or in other words I cried tears of joy. Maybe that sounds wierd and that I am obsessive and really need a lesson on the great outdoors but that's how I felt and almost nothing is going to change that. And while I smile and wait eagerly, I know I am not alone. Final Fantasy X is adored by millions and of whom many would have rejoiced too and wait as eagerly as I do.
Since then however, there have been developments which makes me wary about Final Fantasy X HD. Mainly the developments of "lazy" ports of games such as Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Code: Veronica X and the first three series intallments of Splinter Cell. These games are said to have had the "HD treatment" and as a result are referred to as the definitive editions of the respected game. Now that would be believable if that were true but there's obvious evidence that these are merely slightly tweaked and upscaled counterparts of their former glory put out for the fan consumer hit. When one plays any these recent "HD remakes" there is the obligation to find differences in the games which prove that the games have been "HD'd" and unfortunately it is evident through the upscaling to 1080p (which most HD TVs display) which reveals the decay of aging graphics more so. Textures, lighting effects are mostly ignored and almost nothing is done to correct bugs and errors from before. Surely if a company like Capcom are to remake one of their games to HD standards then there needs to be an appeal other than nostalgia to make it worth the time and £££ of gamers and fans who this will appeal to. Sadly that's not the case and I won't even go down the line as to what this does to the reception of the game. I'll simply stick to playing the original GameCube Resident Evil 4 on my 32" HD TV, it won't cost me nothing and pretty much does pretty much exactly the same as the HD counterpart.
In turn these money grabbing ports of laziness worries me regarding Final Fantasy X HD. I am still going to have the HD version on my PS3 and on my PlayStation Vita but I can't help feel that this is going to be yet another straight up port and that no real attention and care is given to a beloved classic. Of course the controls will differ (perhaps mainly for playing on the Vita) to the original but for all the love I have for Final Fantasy X, I can't ignore the weaknesses of the FFX. There is no Game+ mode after completing FFX and if one is daft enough to wait for an end to "The End" screen then its perhaps handy to be sitting in a coffin because you could be dead long before "To Zanarkand" and "The End" screen finishes. There is also lag in the lip synch of the characters when speaking (notably more so in the Europe and North American versions) and contrasts of character representations throughout the story (i.e. during an FMV; Tidus' facial details and gear are present to full effect but in gameplay which doesn't involve the player's input such as when moving across the Bevelle Cloister of Trails; Tidus' face is rendered like Solid Snake's is in Metal Gear Solid (PSone)). These weaknesses will only become more evident when ported and upscaled to PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita unless acutal work and devotion is taken into rejuvenating FFX for the 10th anniversary.
Sadly I feel that's not likely to happen and that Final Fantasy X HD will be a cheap port unfitting for the legacy of FFX and repuation of the Final Fantasy series/francise as a whole because Square Enix is currently working many projects such as Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Type-0, XIII Verus Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XIV and the many other prodjects under the Square Enix flagship such as Hitman Absolution and the latest Tomb Raider. Given the decreasing time until FFX celebrates its 10th anniversary, the team behind the HD remake of Final Fantasy X will have little time to recreate FFX in High Definition and improve on FFX's weaknesses.
....Which in turn kind of puts a dark cloud over my hopes that Square Enix will make Final Fantasy X-3.
But then I can be wrong and I would like nothing more to be completely wrong this time. I hope Square Enix notifies this and proves me and other doubters wrong and shows to other flagship companies like Capcom, Konami and Ubisoft what a HD remake should look and feel like.

Friday, 16 September 2011

The Pros and Cons

If you've been reading my posts on this blog then you would know I am a bit of a fantasist but at the same time aware of logic and reality. I think its clear I want nothing more then Final Fantasy X-3 to become a reality and preferbly (spelling!) based upon my concept not because its what I want but there are fans and people beyond count that would like to see it. For those fans who cherish Final Fantasy X and X-2 like myself, X-3 is like the remake of Final Fantasy VII to fans who crave the possibility, its a fantasy yerned to become a reality. For fans of the characters; would anyone protest against seeing, hearing and playing on behalf of Yuna, Tidus and Rikku just to name a few? For parody makers; new material would fuel their creativity and in turn engage with their fans with their work. For Square Enix and all of the producers, artists and staff behind the Final Fantasy series, a sequel to a sequel would provide a challange and an opportunity to capitalise.

But on the opposite side there are the cons including cost (both financial and time) and negitive responses. Some may dislike the prospect of X-3, partically my concept with the implementation of new ideas etc.

This thus far would sound like old news repeated on and on, and for those who are perhaps getting tired of hearing and reading about it; I apoligise. What I thought I will do is run through some of the pros and cons that come across my mind with regards to my X-3 concept becoming reality.


  • Its not an original idea meaning Square Enix needn't to start from scratch necessarily. In theory the characters and the world of Spira wouldn't be drastically different from Final Fantasy X and X-2. With the development of Final Fantasy X HD, X-3 could simply incoporate the structure in terms of the look and feel of Spira (graphics in other words) and incoporate the new in X-3. Sure that's doing pretty much what was done for Final Fantasy X-2; using much from Final Fantasy X, to which rechieved some negitive responses but come on, Final Fantasy X-2 wasn't a failure (comercially etc.) (although some may argue).

  • X-3 will allow the makers, developers, artists etc. within the Final Fantasy series to explore new ideas, theories, practises and experiment with new implementations in gameplay such as in battle situations for example. Additionlly it will allow the opportunity to perfect already existing ideas and implentations in other Final Fantasy titles which may have flaws or not well rechieved.

  • Money! I know its a rather distasteful subject but its not like we can ignore the elephant in the room. Sure implementation of X-3 will be hugely costly (what isn't in the world of game development?) but then think of the sucess of Final Fantasy X, accourding to a few resources, FFX has sold eight (8) million copies since 2011. Final Fantasy X-2 has been a comercial success so who's to doubt the comercial success of X-3 when there millions of fans and gamers who would fancy the experience.

  • A break maybe? The developers and makers behind the Final Fantasy series much face a mountain at times with the development of new and impending Final Fantasy titles. We all know there's going to be Final Fantasy XV (15) at some point of which will create a new world, characters, story, battles, implementation and so on. I'm not suggesting the implentation of X-3 will be a cake walk in consideration to implentating a new Final Fantasy (and possibly series) like Type 0 but then its not as though Square Enix can only prevail in the new without going back. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (7) implented new ideas to the series whilst be based on the story and world of Final Fantasy VII (7) and it wasn't rated as a failure (again some may argue). X-2 in a sense is the same and was successful so therefore X-3 shouldn't be any different (unless of course it was implemented shodily of which there has never been a case of in the main Final Fantasy series).

  • Fans, with all the pros above, its undeniable that the popularity of any Final Fantasy will make any follow up, sequel or extension to an existing Final Fantasy a must have for fans. Say for example Final Fantasy XIII (13) has over twenty (20) million fans, the sequel XIII-2 will be eagerly awaited by those fans who will want to purchase the sequel. Do the maths; 20,000,000 x 40 (40 being $40 per copy of the game) = 800,000,000! If an online pass system was implented then in theory more will be gained from used sales as well. At the same time this will fulfil the fans demand in turn may produce even more fans who will be eagerly waiting for future installments whether it be a XIII-3 or a new title in the Final Fantasy series.


  • For everything mentioned above in the pros, the opposite can be said representing a con.

  • Cost, at Square Enix's core is a business which needs to sustain itself. Providing fans what they want or may want is all and good but everything must meet a cost efficentcy and if a major project like X-3 isn't going to provide a satisfactory return then its not cost effective and bad for the business core.

  • Undoubtably there were fans of FFX who were put off by X-2 which is a blow. It goes without question that the same will happen in the future (with FFXIII-2 possibly).

  • Used sales; stories of developers losing out significantly to used games sales would make companies like Square Enix and EA wary. Recent implentations such as online passes have been implented to gain some money back from the sale of used games but it still isn't the same as rechieving the full amount from the same game sold new. In order to make a gain, Square Enix will have to do something for future Final Fantasy titles such as DLC for example. Perhaps DLC in the form of music, themes, maps and costumes are a possibility, Dissidia Duodecim (o12) is currently doing this after all, why not expand?

  • Negitive reception.

  • This concept is based on several Open Office documents, there's no artistic sketches, no lyrics thought up of, no finalised logo or finalised documentation. I doubt the effectiveness of my concept's presentation to Square Enix if all the documentation and the story plots are written on Word documents. Especially if the smaller story and plot, "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is 319 A4 pages thus far, who would really want to or have the time to read and go through all the writing of this X-3 concept?

Well... these are used a few that were on top of my mind. Obvivously there are more but what I want to find out is what the readers of this blog think and what Square Enix thinks. If you have a comment then please do not feel alienated about replying to my posts, I appreciate any feedback.

Until my next post, see ya!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

FFX-3 Update... a rather late update

My sincere apoligies, if you're used to the tradition of this blog and post service then you've been waiting for the September 2011 update for Final Fantasy X-3 "The Final Chapters" for over fifthteen (15) days. Its not exceptable, I know that. Holy shoopuf its disgraceful! It hurts me neglecting this part of the FFX-3 project, believe me. Honestly though the chances are that this post wouldn't be posted if it weren't for the announcement of Final Fantasy X HD.

Upon learning this I was enfilled with joy. "At long last! Final Fantasy X is going to be available on a portable console". Technically this is already possible through unoffical means (i.e. homebrew) and its yet another cheap cash in by Square Enix but I don't care about that.

What is apparent however is that this HD remake is due to the tenth (10th) anniversary of Final Fantasy X and here I am thinking that originally I wanted to send this concept to Square Enix, the developers and makers of Final Fantasy X and X-2 with the hope that this will be acknowledged and put into reality. There is little time remaining if I still want to achieve this (and you bet I do) but there is the occurring issue of work (at the Asda cafe) occupying precious time. If this continues like this I might have to send my work incomplete to Square Enix and explain this and that. Not that Square Enix is depending on me to implement this concept of Final Fantasy X-3, frankly I have a suspision that Square Enix will dismiss the concept because it will cost money, which the Japanese game market is losing to Western developers. If I'm wrong then here's my permission to seek vengence upon me.

As for reporting on the implementation of "The Final Chapters"... sadly there has been little. The party have been imprisoned in the Via Purifico, Yuna has exploded in rage over the actions by Raphas to Tidus. Lulu, Paine and Kimahri have been meanwhile imprisoned in the Via Purifico Labyrinth and eventually find Gippal and Sparky. Sadly that's about it. I will do much better next month or I might as well throw myself off a bridge (I'm kidding!). Until October 2011 where there will be an update on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" posted, see ya.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" Update August 2011

"Oh Shoopuf!" - Shuyin

First off, my apoligies for the latenss of this update post, ultimately there is no excuse though it may seem understandable when I've been very busy at my new place of employment and have been needing to rest.

To be honest, not much progress has been made, certainly not to the level I would be happy with. I would've been happy if Lenne and Shuyin had found themselves in the Zanarkand Underground, but sadly that has not been the case.

So what has been done you may ask? Well... Lenne opens up to Shuyin as to why she is so driven to fulfill her duty as a summoner despite Shuyin's disliking (because it will mean Lenne will surely die) and obeying the king Yu Yevon who is an uncaring, cold and scheeming mad man. Yunalesca confesses that one reason for the intensity of the Machina War is because of family (i.e. Lord Zaon oppossing Yu Yevon for the sake of Yunalesca's life). Captain Lupens and Major Shaft find Lenne and Shuyin close to the Yevon Estate and follow the orders of Yunalesca to bring Lenne and Shuyin inside despite Yu Yevon's orders. Lastly, the battle with an underwater machina has been expanded so that it will in theoty allow the player more flexability and options whilst in battle.

"Its not much, but its enough" - Yuna

Hopefully come September, I'll be back on task and implement the implements that I need to do for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". For the month of August however, the focus pioritises on "The Final Chapters". Any hints? How about this; both Yuna and Tidus become increasingly wary of the antagonists' actions to Spira, the Eternal Calm and to Yuna and Tidus as their dreams or rather nightmares seem far too real to be imaginative.

More to expect in September's post which will hopefully not be late coming. Until then, see ya!

Friday, 1 July 2011

"The Final Chapters" July 2011 Update

""Its not much, but its enough" is no longer enough" - Yuna to Tidus while locked away and seperated in prison chambers in the Via Purifico. (chapter three (3)).

The extracted quote above should give an impression of development made in June to "The Final Chapters". Putting it simply, development focused in chapter three (3) which although means the countless developments later in "The Final Chapters" have still yet to be implemented, it means a lot of devotion has been placed on rewriting Yuna's rescue and the party's indefinate imprisonment in the Via Purifico. The extracted quote is among the several Yuna narrates to Tidus empathising that knowing and seeing Tidus alive and safe is not enough for Yuna. Yuna is scared and growing wary of the anger and aggrivation growing inside fueled my not being able to fulfill her need to be with Tidus. Yuna believes if Tidus is beside her then Yuna won't be antagonised. For Tidus, the same can be said although instead of anger and aggrivation, Tidus feels depressed not being seperated and locked away from Yuna.

This hopefully gives an explanation and an impression of how Yuna's and Tidus' relationship and feelings for one another have grown to the point where not being together is difficault. Truth be told though this is expressed by Yuna's narration throughout Final Fantasy X-2, so this is essentially following on Yuna's and Tidus' story.

Of course the development on "The Final Chapters" during June (2011) hasn't been entirely focused on purely Yuna and Tidus (though in essence it has). The vital antagonist; Raphas has been taughted somewhat and now has Yuna imprisoned over the Via Purifico Sewers differently then previously. Raphas also sheds a little more light on his ambitions and natrually his over confidence. Though Raphas take pleasure in entrapping Yuna in chains above the Via Purifico Sewers and reflecting on his plans, Yuna is resilient and somewhat rude which is insulting to Raphas.

Prior, Yuna awkens after yet another horrible dream or vision involving Tidus in a beyond fatal situation taking place in Besaid. These dreams/visions indicate something terrible that actaully happened but both Yuna and Tidus are bewildered and conflicted after these dreams/visions. As soon as Yuna awakens from this dream/vision however Yuna calls out Tidus' name. From here on Yuna refers to Tidus by his name, not by "him" or "you" anymore.

Now this is a monumental decision, to have Yuna actually refer to Tidus by his name. I have been speculating about deciding whether Tidus' name is actually used since the very beginning of the Final Fantasy X-3 project. I thought I should honour Final Fantasy X and X-2 by sticking to "him" or "you" whenever Yuna or the party refer to Tidus and allowing the player to name Tidus differently if desired. This I have implemented into X-3 but then I have been playing Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy and hearing Yuna say Tidus' name not only resolves the pronounciation of Tidus' name but sounds right. At the moment only Yuna calls Tidus by his name, I've made it as though Yuna gives Tidus his name upon Yuna being rescued by Tidus. It will take some further implemention but I think Yuna calling Tidus by his name is better than refering to Tidus in person or through narration by "him" or "you".

All this shared on this post is of course only a taster of the development undertaken in June (2011), I won't spill all the beans. But I will state that as a result of these implementations "The Final Chapters" has reached a milestone of 500 pages. That's over 287,000 words and yet there is still more to come. While this in July though, my focus will revert to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The next post will come in a month's or a so's time so until then, see ya.

Friday, 3 June 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" June 2011 update

First off... Sorry for the sluggishness of this post, I'm afraid I've been too occupied of late.

Being too occupied of late means of course progress on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has been affected. "Booo!" Its not like a week has gone by without some progress being made mind you, its fairer to say not as much progress has been made as initially foresighted.

Continuing from where I had left off before; Lenne and Shuyin awake after taking an unplanned nap upon the Prominence of Mt. Gagazet while still reeling from the thought that Spira's salvations depends on their actions. Niether Lenne or Shuyin can decide on a course of action but decide to return to Zanarkand to see if what the Ronso Elder said is true and that eliminating their king, Yu Yevon is the only course of action. On the way to Zanarkand however, Lenne and Shuyin have an unexpected encounter with Yu Yevon's approaching carriage and are forced to hide in a mysterious and pitch black cave of which Yu Yevon is travelling through oblivious of Lenne and Shuyin.

That's the progress made in a nutshell. I have expanded on Maechen's input in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" and hinted at what lies within the mysterious cave of which no one inside can see past the pitch blackness. Hopefully by July I will have expanded onto the Zanarkand Underground lying underneath the Yevon Estate and reached the conclusion of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story".

One thing I have to do first though is resume with "The Final Chapter" and get the thought of Yuna going omnicdal on Spira upon obtaining the worst epilogue of "The Final Chapter" (Omnicide - death/destruction of everything). Yes this sounds like turning Yuna, the leading female protagonist of the Final Fantasy X series into a vengeful antagonist (sort of like how Seprioth in Final Fantasy VII started off as a protagonist (or rather a hero) and becoming the leading antagonist) but then think of it this way; if you're Yuna, keeping you're desires under the weight of saving Spira/ensuring the continuation of the Eternal Calm and had dreams crushed and broken and then the beloved Tidus fade away forever (where nothing remains of Tidus other then the painful memories with Tidus filling Yuna with regret, sadness and absolute anger, hatred and resentment) wouldn't everything not matter anymore? As did Shuyin in Final Fantasy X-2, omnicide would be the only course of action when the only one thing that truly matters in gone and nothing will ever fill its space.

"Oops!" I've kind of unveiled the plot of the worse epilogue in a nutshell!

For those who read this post please do not think of committing (spelling!) omnicide or anything alfawl in the real world. A percentage of the world's population may be gamers and encouraged by video games but the overall fiction of any game (where it be a shoot em'up like Call of Duty or a gritty supernatural adventure like Silent Hill) should never be replicated in reality, in reality people seen as enemies from the narrative of a game are not lines of code which imply no real world implications such as horror and consequences of killing someone. We can take influance from a game and it may educate and encourage people (as Final Fantasy X and X-2 have encouraged me to embrace who I am and sought for a more upbeat and fulfilling outlook on life) but some things that one may have heard from this blog or seen in other video games (such as leaping from one skyscraper to the next recklessly like in Mirror's Edge or slaying demons like in Devil May Cry) should not be tried in real life.

Sorry for the parental guidance like lesson there but do heed the advice and think with responsibility. I shall see ya next month (or earlier).

Sunday, 1 May 2011

"The Final Chapters" May 2011 update

First off, I apoligise for last month's post. The presentation of the post was a shamble and I couldn't do anything to correct its presentation (I tried, honest I did) but nothing I did worked and that is why the post looks like it does without spacing to illustrate the paragraphs. I guess this is what happens when you use a different computer for posting posts, I'll try to not make the same mistake again.

Development of the, "The Final Chapters" has been primarily on Chapter three (3) where the party have escaped to the Farplane to evade Raphas' suprise attack in the form of Bahamut's Mega Flare. Previously the duriation and events in the Farplane were minimal with Tidus meeting Lenne and Shuyin and the party reuniting with Auron temporarily to battle Braska's final aeon who had been manipulated by Raphas. The duriation in the Farplane has been greatly extended and as of yet, yet to reach its conclusion. What's been added? I won't give away much but now Lenne and Shuyin become party members in the duriation of the party visiting the Farplane, Maechen returns and Tidus has another fight with his father Jecht.

While devotion and progress in implementing "The Final Chapters" should've been better, there has been decent progress, in particular regarding the Fayth's revelation to Tidus which will put Yuna's and Tidus' story in futher turmoil. This means futher implementation in "The Final Chapters" will be inevitable which in turn means "The Final Chapters" will likely reach 500 pages and exceed 280,000 words. Overkill? Perhaps and I haven't even got to the additional quest for Yuna if the bad ending is obtained. For those who think Yuna can be an antagonist (villian), this will sound appealing. Unfortunately one will have to wait until June (2011) for any more development upon "The Final Chapters".

This now being May (2011), focus and development will be on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". All I'll say in terms of spoilers is that its about time Lenne and Shuyin return to Zanarkand and decide their and Spira's destiny.

Until June (2011), see ya!

Friday, 1 April 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" April 2011 update

In the words of Shuyin adressing Lenne upon the Prominence, Mt. Gagazet: "How the holy shoopuf did it come to this?". Sorry for the odd opening but this question certainly says a lot about the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has had some evolution over the course of March (2011). An example of this is the expansion upon the Ronso Elder and gathered Ronso confronting Lenne and Shuyin. Previously there is no confrontation with Bevelle's relentless machina but after the month of March, there is. Continuing from where the story was left on the end of January, both Lenne and Shuyin continue among their divided paths. Lenne among the summoners and soldiers of Zanarkand beside her face the seemingly endless machina from Bevelle on the frontlines. Shuyin on the other hand is having trouble trying to flee from the Bevelle Underground. From theses events and up to Lenne and Shuyin making it to the Prominence, Mt. Gagazet (which is where I left the story to be continued in May (2011)) I have greatly expanded the story telling between the two (2) points. Now, the Fayth of Bahamut and Lord Zaon play roles earlier in the story then previously written. I have also expanded on the implications of Stamina depletion, the injuries Lenne and Shuyin encounter and phenomenons of the Thunder Plains and the changing environment (i.e. nightfall). For me, getting to Lenne's and Shuyin's reunion on the frontlines was the goal for the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in March and I am happy that I have reached that point and expanded futher. Although I wanted to implement another development (the secrets lying under the Yevon Estate) in March, March ran out and so I'll implement the development in May (2011) instead. Fine by me, at this rate "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" will reach 300 pages and futher. Isn't a bit much? Perhaps, but then this is a fictional concept like the other concepts found on the internet (unless Square Enix implement use of my concept...) With March gone and April upon us (I know its April Fools day but it changes nothing), development shifts back to "The Final Chapters" and there's a lot to be done. One thing that I haven't been able to get out of my head is a couple of scenes in Bevelle that happen prior to "The Final Chapters" involving Yuna and Tidus. The events lead up to the conclusion in Luca of Chapter one (1) where Yuna and Tidus talk about their future. I won't disclose any more information not while the events are still in my head and not on a Word document. If I were to imply that Yuna and Tidus are being themselves and alone to themselves to boot then you can imagine it yourselves. Its wrong in many ways but then gaming is as much a form of media to educate people then to amuse players these days. For me its impossible to argue that gaming has a reached a state of revolution in terms of story telling, forms of interaction and graphics which are used to educate and help people understand the ways of the real world through a media that is growing and is accepted around the world. Topics about sex, violence, history, ethnics and cultures (and so on) are now becoming more evident in gaming and with the influance gaming has on the education and employment of people, it is more and more important that the world embraces gaming and not criticise the use of real world situations such as the war against the Taliban (as evidenced in the development of the 2010 Medal of Honor). I can go on and on but this is not the post of blog. All I can say is that if topics and issues covered in games and the contents of my concept of FFX-3 such as sex are offensive, controversal and to be put down by others (like the "skimpy" appearance of Yuna in Final Fantasy X-2 being met with controversy) then I apoligise for being human. "Whoa!" If that is adressed to the public, its going to attract some mixed attention. I'll focus on the development of "The Final Chapters" and be back in May. See ya!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

"The Final Chapters" March update

February (2011) has passed which means development with "The Final Chapters" has concluded for a month and development with "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" will resume. The time devoted to "The Final Chapters" has been rather good despite the loss of a week or so due to the month being February. The word count has extended beyond 260,000 and 455 pages. However development has been primarily focused on chapter two (2) which means the ideas for the later stages of "The Final Chapters" have not been implemented and will have to wait until April (2011).

I can't complain though, chapter two (2) has been expanded significantly and now develops the circumstances Yuna and Tidus find themselves, in particular to their friends (Wakka, Lulu, Rikku, Paine and Kimahri). Yuna and Tidus are confronted with the same nightmarish dreams and fears and sought to find the connection and cause behind the nightmares and terror across Spira. But both Yuna and Tidus choose to protect their friends by not sharing their fears with their friends because the daunting thoughts will cause hurt and frieght.

That's a hint of what development has been undertaken. With March (2011) upon us, development will be based on where development was left off with "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". I intend to expand on Lenne's and Shuyin's return to Zanarkand which in turn leads to the discovery of Yu Yevon's intentions and ultimately his defeat. From there on development will focus on the intersections between Yuna, Tidus, Lenne and Shuyin. With these implementations implemented; "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is essentially completed.

"What the... Shoopuf?!"

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Whether one has noticed or not, there are hundreds of fan made tributes from everything from baked beans to fictional characters. The Final Fantasy series is no exception and like thousands of popular games and characters, there are tributes for Yuna, Tidus and so on. Please don't think that I'm biased, there are just as many tributes for other characters of equally popular games such as Cloud from Final Fantasy VII or Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Series, perhaps more.

The point is there are these tributes made by fans of Final Fantasy X and X-2. These tributes can be from a range of different things from cosplay, posters, fan fiction, reenactments, duplications of characters on ohter games (Second Life amongst others), videos, letters and so on. What I thought I focus on though is video tributes, there are many video tributes for Yuna and Tidus (on youtube for example) where videos from Final Fantasy X and X-2 are created together with a song that is not from the referring games. For example: one can find a tribute to The Spring/Yuna's and Tidus' love scene from Final Fantasy X with "Hero" from Enrique Iglesias. There are tributes which use different songs from the singer Jade "Valerie" "Villalon who sung "Real Emotion" and "1000 Words" for Final Fantasy X-2.

Now I'm not one to condemn anyone's efforts whether it be a tribute or a parody. I truly appreciate that Final Fantasy X and X-2 are popular among fans and their efforts and devotion. This Final Fantasy X-3 project is a sign of my passion and devotion for Final Fantasy X and X-2, as well as the posters in my room. If I had the patience or time to create my own tribute video, I would do so but I'll think I'll stick to writing fan fiction for Final Fantasy X-3 since I'm so deep and devoted to the cause. That said it hasn't stopped me from wondering about the possible tributes made if my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 were made into an offical and A+ game.

In "The Final Chapters", there is a developing situation where Yuna's and Tidus' relationship falls apart. Tidus believes he has hurt Yuna and broken Yuna's heart once more and falls apart when left alone on 60th floor of Yadokoni Tower. Tidus feels weak and lost without Yuna and wishes he can amend their torn relationship. Of course Yuna and Tidus do pull through and their relationship was never in doubt but in the meantime Tidus feels accountable and wants to apoligise to Yuna for their dermise.

Now I don't envision Tidus singing like Yuna does (unless Square Enix are to think differently (please don't!)) but an idea for a video tribute can be made for this scene. I've been listening to "Lucy" from Hypnogaja and envisioning Tidus falling apart over the grief he thinks he has caused Yuna. If the lyrics "Lucy" were replaced with "Yuna", it would make sense. I'm not suggesting Hypnogaja or James Arnold Taylor (the English voice for Tidus) makes an edit for Final Fantasy X-3 "The Final Chapters"but in the same way that tributes are made using songs that relate to the given scene(s) from Final Fantasy X and X-2, a tribute like the one stated above could be possible (if Square Enixx were to make Final Fantasy X-3 into a game based on my fan fiction). If my fan fiction were to be made into an A+ game, the amount of tributes for the compilation (series) of Final Fantasy X would rise due to the raise of fans.

If you think i'm being mad or delusional about this or anything regarding my fan fiction of Final Fantasy X-3 then you have the right to say so or comment. I'm open to feedback and suggestions. Unless I have any other spontaneous moments or thoughts which I feel I should address to readers and followers, I'll be back with an update on "The Final Chapters" in March. Until then, see ya!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" January 2011 update

The first (1st) month of 2011 has now past but certainly not forgotten. Mainly because of the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" which is great but also because of personal dilemmas which are bad. But then this blog isn't about my personal life (trust me nothing exciting really happens) so enough with the excuses!

Upon inspection I decided to designate all 2011 entries of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to a seperate folder so it will be easier to find an entry with a specific date. The previous setup includes the storing of all the entries I had done for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in 2009 and 2010. That's 194 entries accourding to the laptop from 2009 to 2010. Bearing this in mind that I am after just the most up to date entry among the 194 entries so I can continue development can be difficault at first when each entry has the same title with a different date. Not that I've ever had any difficaulty with the system but others may well do so with the new folder setup, its easier to find the latest entry and keep the folder easier to navigate and tidier.

As for the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story", I have rewritten and expanded the scenes where Shuyin is trying to find his way through the Bevelle Underground and the scenes unfolding in Zanarkand involving Lenne in the meantime. One thing I do find is when I return to what I've written is how daft and in poor grammer the existing text and dialogue is. When Yu Yevon is adressing the armed forces and residents of Zanarkand after his return from Bevelle with Yunalesca and Shuyin (who doesn't return) for example, the dialogue implies his unsympathetic attitude to the drastic measures the Machina War has resulted in. That's fine for a tyrant which Yu Yevon kind of is but it didn't make much sense when he is trying to encourage and talk "effective strategy" to the disheartened and desperate audiance. With a few tweaks however Yu Yevon expresses a more human and understandable side which is frieghtening but also alluring to the audience making it easier to encourage the audience. Of course it doesn't take long or much for the familar tyrant part of Yu Yevon to terrorise the audience.

There has also been changes and implentation of Yunalesca's actions and dialogue which expresses a much more human personality compared to her father Yu Yevon and the friendship and respect between Yunalesca and Lenne.

There's a few hints of the developments undertaken to take away. With Febuary here, the development of "The Final Chapters" resumes. I'll return to the blog in March so until then, see ya!

Sunday, 2 January 2011

"The Final Chapters" December 2010 update

2010 is over and 2011 is upon us. If you're familar with the structure and organisation I take with the project then you should now that with the dawn of January 2011, the focus shifts to Lenne's and Shuyin's Story.

2011 should be an interesting year for the project as 2011 celebrates the tenth (10th) anniversay of Final Fantasy X (2001 being the release date for Final Fantasy X for Japan, Canada and America). At the start of the project I set an ambition to complete the FFX-3 project and have it available to Square Enix in 2011. I intend to meet that and will indeed try my best. However I am wary that Square Enix will be aware of the milestone anniversary of Final Fantasy X also and it will be interesting but not suprising as to how Square Enix celebrate the milestone. Maybe Final Fantasy X-3 is secretly in the works that is different from my concept, who knows?

Of course with 2010 over it means development on "The Final Chapters" is sidelined until Febuary 2011. December 2010 was good for "The Final Chapters", Yuna trashes Seymour Guado and general enhancements have been made to the existing story. One addition in particular is the presented option dueing chapter two (2) is contribute to the affinity between Yuna, Rikku and Paine. Affinity is present in Final Fantasy X where depending upon the player's actions towards a particular party member, the relationship between Tidus and the given party member prompts in scenes. I intend to implent affinity in Final Fantasy X-3 though it should be noted that the affinity between the main playable characters (Yuna and Tidus, Lenne and Shuyin) will be unaffected by the high affinity that Yuna may have with Paine for example.

Well... I besr leave it to that for now, so until the next update, see ya!