First off, I apoligise for last month's post. The presentation of the post was a shamble and I couldn't do anything to correct its presentation (I tried, honest I did) but nothing I did worked and that is why the post looks like it does without spacing to illustrate the paragraphs. I guess this is what happens when you use a different computer for posting posts, I'll try to not make the same mistake again.
Development of the, "The Final Chapters" has been primarily on Chapter three (3) where the party have escaped to the Farplane to evade Raphas' suprise attack in the form of Bahamut's Mega Flare. Previously the duriation and events in the Farplane were minimal with Tidus meeting Lenne and Shuyin and the party reuniting with Auron temporarily to battle Braska's final aeon who had been manipulated by Raphas. The duriation in the Farplane has been greatly extended and as of yet, yet to reach its conclusion. What's been added? I won't give away much but now Lenne and Shuyin become party members in the duriation of the party visiting the Farplane, Maechen returns and Tidus has another fight with his father Jecht.
While devotion and progress in implementing "The Final Chapters" should've been better, there has been decent progress, in particular regarding the Fayth's revelation to Tidus which will put Yuna's and Tidus' story in futher turmoil. This means futher implementation in "The Final Chapters" will be inevitable which in turn means "The Final Chapters" will likely reach 500 pages and exceed 280,000 words. Overkill? Perhaps and I haven't even got to the additional quest for Yuna if the bad ending is obtained. For those who think Yuna can be an antagonist (villian), this will sound appealing. Unfortunately one will have to wait until June (2011) for any more development upon "The Final Chapters".
This now being May (2011), focus and development will be on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". All I'll say in terms of spoilers is that its about time Lenne and Shuyin return to Zanarkand and decide their and Spira's destiny.
Until June (2011), see ya!
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
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