Whoopsie! I said I would create a post on Christmas day 2010 (25/12/2010), but I became so fixated in Yuna's meltdown and taking her frustration out on Seymour that I got a little carried away...
Should I forward my project to Square Enix, I would think initial reactions should be of shock and unwillingness to comply with. Square Snix will propably consider the dark and twisted side of Yuna to be too unfaithful to Yuna's character and can't work. I foresee sufficent controversy aimed at me for suggesting such a different concept for a Final Fantasy and the ambitousness of some of the ideas.
Then again, Square Enix were taking risks with Final Fantasy X-2 and personally I believe it was a tremendous success. Sure there are mixed reactions, with Yuna's changes in particular but look at this way, if Final Fantasy X-2 and the controversial changes to Yuna were unsuccessful then Square Enix wouldn't have rolled out as much related merchandise or made a connection between Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X (X-2 mostly). Who can doubt the success of Final Fantasy X-2 when the English release of Final Fantasy X-2 won the Seventh Annual Academy of Interactive Arts & Science award in 2004 for "Outstanding Achievement in Character Performance" (lookup link here: http://www.square-enix.com/na/company/press/2004/05032004/).
Sorry for the loss of direction there, I guess I'm one who will defend Final Fantasy X-2 to the ends of the Earth if I could. Anyway the purpose of this post is to update the current development on FFX-3 (The Final Chapters). If you hate Seymour Guado as much as I do then you will be pleased that Yuna gives Seymour a much needed thrashing and then goes berserk and makes Seymour beg for mercy numerous times. After the initial battle against Seymour, Yuna will not relent without taking out some of her anger out on Seymour by shooting a downed Seymopur and then kicking Seymour to the back of the Grand Halll of the Mansion in Guadosalam. But Yuna is far from finished and continues despite scaring her party companions. Its only after Yuna gives Seymour a choice to disappear or face further beating that Seymour fades away and the violence halts.
It may seem extreme but you have to consider the difficaulties Yuna is in. Yuna has a terrible and beyond perplexiong experience on a nightmarish Besaid Island and is driven partly insane by all the questions she has that have no answers and the loneliness of being alone and no one to help Yuna except the Fayth of Bahamut who contibutes to Yuna's troubles. As of when Yuna returns to her senses in the Moonflow with Tidus and the rest of the party, Yuna is left with burning questions and emotions of loneliness, fear and anger that follow her allong the North of the Moonflow and Guadosalam. Add to the mix Seymour's return from the Farplane and the dangerous mix will go up like an explosion. Let's not forget Yuna despises Seymour for his intentions to "save" Spira and using her and marrying Yuna and giving Yuna a spine chilling kiss. Does Yuna need any other excuses? At the end of it all Seymour is terrified of Yuna and retreats to the Farplane and the threat from Seymour striving to "save" Spira is foiled. For Yuna the actions justify the means and no one in the party are going to seriously argue with Yuna having witnessed this new and disturbing dark side of Yuna.
Well... that's the update for now. There will be an update on New Year's day regarding the development of FFX-3 (The Final Chapters). I hope this post has satisfied Seymour Guado haters and has given some justification for the project's ambitions. This is the last post of 2010 so I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Have a wonderful conclusion to 2010 and a positive start to the new year. See ya!
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" December 2010 update
With November (2010) come and gone it means two (2) thing: one (1); December is upon us which means its the last month of 2010 and Christmas is nearing once again and two (2), my focus shifts to "The Final Chapters".
Development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has been focused largely upon the first (1st) hundred (100) pages. In particular I have rewritten the beginning of Lenne's and Shuyin's story and have introduced the aggression from Shuyin's BlitzBall comrades by having Shuyin fleeing into the building where Lenne is introduced. I have came up with temporary names for Shuyin's superiors in the armed forces (soldiers division); Captain Lupens and Major Shaft (I got the names from players for the Zanarkand Abes and Zanarkand Duggles).
I've decided that Jece and Aeroon (two (2) Shuyin haters and Shuyin's comrades in BlitzBall and in the armed forces) are disposed of (killed) by their comrades in the soldiers division. The reason being is that they are deliberately offencesive and insulting to everyone they come into contact with including Lenne. Bullying is not tolerated, especially when the whole of Zanarkand is affected and left in near ruins after Bevelle's monstrous machina attack. This act is to demonstrate the kind of ugliness that is brought out by the Machina War and the darkness there is in Zanarkand where the people are in conflict with one another.
A key change in the story is the characterisation of Yu Yevon, otiginally Yu Yevon is a heartless tyrant who cares only about Zanarkand. Shuyin encounters the ruthlessness of Yu Yevon while accompanying Yu Yevon and Yunalesca to Bevelle. Now though Yu Yevon is more calm and much less of a short fuse, Yu Yevon doesn't point a gun in Shuyin's face now for example (beforehand he did). Yu Yevon explains to Shuyin the cause of the hatred between Zanarkand and Bevelle hence the Machina War. Despite Yu Yevon coming out more human and understandable, Shuyin's opinion about Yu Yevon is unaltered.
That's the key changes regarded and as much as I'll disclose regarding the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". January 2011 will be the next opportunity for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Now that its December (2010), I can contribute to "The Final Chapters". And I have a number of implementations for "The Final Chapters". I'll do an additional post on Christmas Day and give an update on Seymour's condition after Yuna (particularlly) and her friends are through with Seymour as a special treat so until then, see ya!
Development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has been focused largely upon the first (1st) hundred (100) pages. In particular I have rewritten the beginning of Lenne's and Shuyin's story and have introduced the aggression from Shuyin's BlitzBall comrades by having Shuyin fleeing into the building where Lenne is introduced. I have came up with temporary names for Shuyin's superiors in the armed forces (soldiers division); Captain Lupens and Major Shaft (I got the names from players for the Zanarkand Abes and Zanarkand Duggles).
I've decided that Jece and Aeroon (two (2) Shuyin haters and Shuyin's comrades in BlitzBall and in the armed forces) are disposed of (killed) by their comrades in the soldiers division. The reason being is that they are deliberately offencesive and insulting to everyone they come into contact with including Lenne. Bullying is not tolerated, especially when the whole of Zanarkand is affected and left in near ruins after Bevelle's monstrous machina attack. This act is to demonstrate the kind of ugliness that is brought out by the Machina War and the darkness there is in Zanarkand where the people are in conflict with one another.
A key change in the story is the characterisation of Yu Yevon, otiginally Yu Yevon is a heartless tyrant who cares only about Zanarkand. Shuyin encounters the ruthlessness of Yu Yevon while accompanying Yu Yevon and Yunalesca to Bevelle. Now though Yu Yevon is more calm and much less of a short fuse, Yu Yevon doesn't point a gun in Shuyin's face now for example (beforehand he did). Yu Yevon explains to Shuyin the cause of the hatred between Zanarkand and Bevelle hence the Machina War. Despite Yu Yevon coming out more human and understandable, Shuyin's opinion about Yu Yevon is unaltered.
That's the key changes regarded and as much as I'll disclose regarding the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". January 2011 will be the next opportunity for "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Now that its December (2010), I can contribute to "The Final Chapters". And I have a number of implementations for "The Final Chapters". I'll do an additional post on Christmas Day and give an update on Seymour's condition after Yuna (particularlly) and her friends are through with Seymour as a special treat so until then, see ya!
Friday, 12 November 2010
"The Final Chapters" November 2010 update
Hmm... I am wondering if there is any excuse for not updating the blog sooner. And the answer is "no" as I have once again had my attention diverted. Not to say "The Final Chapters" suffered as a consequence, with thanks to my personal laptop I managed to devote my focus into "The Final Chapters". The only thing though is that I've realised I work and concerntrate more on the project during the day, afternoon, evening, anytime of the day besides the night where I am tired. If you're reading this post; you might be thinking "well duh" but I find it a little odd in comparision to a year or so ago where I could work though the night and to the dawn of day. Oh well... I'm still committed to the project so I guess that enough.
"The Final Chapters" has seen more revamping in the first (1st) chapter (again), this time though the focus of the revamping begins when the party board and leave Besaid Island on the the S.S.Liki. The development of "The Final Chapters" concludes as the party deport from Kilika Island with a mixture of emotions including despair, regret and anger. That's the only insight i'm giving this time (I'm aware that spoilers can be leaked and ruin the presentation of the finished product).
This now being November (2010), the shift of devotion is now upon "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The only thing I'll say about it as of now is "Dispelga Shields", don't bother looking it up on the internet, you won't find anything in relevance to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Soon though it will be December (2010) and the season to be giving and golly. That's why I am giving Seymour a greater beating from an aggrivated Yuna and an additional battle near the end of "The Final Chapters" where he will be gone, gone, gone forever! I feel jolly right now just thinking about it because seriously I hate Seymour and love it when he takes a beating and is defeated. See ya in December (2010)!
"The Final Chapters" has seen more revamping in the first (1st) chapter (again), this time though the focus of the revamping begins when the party board and leave Besaid Island on the the S.S.Liki. The development of "The Final Chapters" concludes as the party deport from Kilika Island with a mixture of emotions including despair, regret and anger. That's the only insight i'm giving this time (I'm aware that spoilers can be leaked and ruin the presentation of the finished product).
This now being November (2010), the shift of devotion is now upon "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". The only thing I'll say about it as of now is "Dispelga Shields", don't bother looking it up on the internet, you won't find anything in relevance to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Soon though it will be December (2010) and the season to be giving and golly. That's why I am giving Seymour a greater beating from an aggrivated Yuna and an additional battle near the end of "The Final Chapters" where he will be gone, gone, gone forever! I feel jolly right now just thinking about it because seriously I hate Seymour and love it when he takes a beating and is defeated. See ya in December (2010)!
Friday, 8 October 2010
"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" October 2010 update
"Oh dear... Isn't this worrying"
Its been seven (7) days since I should've providesd this update and whereas I had plenty of oppertunities to do so, I have been failing to do so until now (08/10/2010). I could give several reasons for this and the lack of satisfactory development which has hindered this project for months but the fact of the matter is this: I have found it increasingly harder to continue the project on a daily basis while factoring work, increasing fatigue and consumption of my thoughts over worrying over someone else. Hopefully the solution will come when I purchase my own personal netbook (small laptop) which will allow me to work on the project wherever and whenever (as long as I have it with me and there is sufficent power).
With that being said there was some development in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Not a lot and a dismal effort due to fault of my own but some at least. I can't forgive myself when I do woefully but I would do myself harm if I were to not make any contrubutions for a week. A month? I don't even want to think about it.
The most notable change is the relationship between Lenne and Shuyin which focuses much more on them staying together while Zanarkand weeps and woes over the devastation inflicted by Bevelle. Lenne reveals more of her emotionless self and regard for her own wellbeing as Lenne tries to help as much as she can despite her condition. Lenne doesn't like to make excuses for failing to fulfill her duty whenever she can. And yet Lenne shows more dependance on Shuyin besides his new objective to ensure Lenne's safety and wellbeing as Lenne's guardian.
The grudge against Shuyin from Jece and Aeroon is more profound as additional contend has been added to the scene prior and after the sending Lenne proforms for the prepared casaulties from Bevelle's attack. Despite what happens in Luca, Shuyin remains professional even when Jece and Aeroon are getting on his nerves which can't be said for Jece and Aeroon who are very arrogant and won't miss a chance to bully Shuyin.
Yunalesca introduces herself to Shuyin and tries to be friendly despite he father being uneasy and treats Shuyin like an infant. Just before Shuyin reluctantly enters Yu Yevon's carrige along with Yu Yevon and Yunalesca, one (1) of Lenne's memories from 1000 Words originates when Shuyin notices a tear running down Lenne's face. "Save your tears 'cause I'll be back". Although Lenne won't confess her worries about Shuyin perhaps not making it back it becomes evidant that Lenne's feelings for Shuyin, though regarded as distracting and wrong are growing.
In Novemeber (2010) I hope to do much better then in August and before the end of October to shake off the bad luck and unfortunateness (perhaps isn't a word or spelt right but you know what I mean) hindering the project. Until then... See ya!
Its been seven (7) days since I should've providesd this update and whereas I had plenty of oppertunities to do so, I have been failing to do so until now (08/10/2010). I could give several reasons for this and the lack of satisfactory development which has hindered this project for months but the fact of the matter is this: I have found it increasingly harder to continue the project on a daily basis while factoring work, increasing fatigue and consumption of my thoughts over worrying over someone else. Hopefully the solution will come when I purchase my own personal netbook (small laptop) which will allow me to work on the project wherever and whenever (as long as I have it with me and there is sufficent power).
With that being said there was some development in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Not a lot and a dismal effort due to fault of my own but some at least. I can't forgive myself when I do woefully but I would do myself harm if I were to not make any contrubutions for a week. A month? I don't even want to think about it.
The most notable change is the relationship between Lenne and Shuyin which focuses much more on them staying together while Zanarkand weeps and woes over the devastation inflicted by Bevelle. Lenne reveals more of her emotionless self and regard for her own wellbeing as Lenne tries to help as much as she can despite her condition. Lenne doesn't like to make excuses for failing to fulfill her duty whenever she can. And yet Lenne shows more dependance on Shuyin besides his new objective to ensure Lenne's safety and wellbeing as Lenne's guardian.
The grudge against Shuyin from Jece and Aeroon is more profound as additional contend has been added to the scene prior and after the sending Lenne proforms for the prepared casaulties from Bevelle's attack. Despite what happens in Luca, Shuyin remains professional even when Jece and Aeroon are getting on his nerves which can't be said for Jece and Aeroon who are very arrogant and won't miss a chance to bully Shuyin.
Yunalesca introduces herself to Shuyin and tries to be friendly despite he father being uneasy and treats Shuyin like an infant. Just before Shuyin reluctantly enters Yu Yevon's carrige along with Yu Yevon and Yunalesca, one (1) of Lenne's memories from 1000 Words originates when Shuyin notices a tear running down Lenne's face. "Save your tears 'cause I'll be back". Although Lenne won't confess her worries about Shuyin perhaps not making it back it becomes evidant that Lenne's feelings for Shuyin, though regarded as distracting and wrong are growing.
In Novemeber (2010) I hope to do much better then in August and before the end of October to shake off the bad luck and unfortunateness (perhaps isn't a word or spelt right but you know what I mean) hindering the project. Until then... See ya!
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
"The Final Chapters" September update
"Oh no. We're here". Its September; the summer season has come and gone for another year and the dawn of Autumn and golden orange tree leafs falling upon routes and pavements. Now Autumn is my favourite season nof the year but inevitably I have to get past my birthday which tends to leave me as red as a robin's chest. But if you were to see me then you may already see some red in my face caused by the frustrations of August. August is one I'll remember for mostly the wrong reasons. This has had an effect on the project and the development of "The Final Chapters".
Despite all the ideas in my mind I could not get them implemented in "The Final Chapters" throughout the course of August. I could give numerous reasons but the truth of the matter is I let everything get the better of me and at least two (2) instances my wellbeing took me away from "The Final Chapters" for more then a day. If you're reading this you might be thinking: "what's the bigi about that? No one is totally committed all the time you know". Sure, there's that but for me, working on the project removes me from the annoyances of living and brings enthusiasm, smiles and laughter when the outlook is grim at times.
"So was there anything implemented?" Kind of... The most substancial change is the reworking of the destructive morning over Besaid and Luca. Brother is much more bleak and upset when the Celsius airship is as good as debris floating upoin water. Rikku is overjoyed to have at last met with Tidus since his return and quickly is annoyed by the lack of communication between herself, Yuna and Paine. As for Yuna and Tidus there is teasing and fun remarks about the kind of games they play. If you're familar with the playfulness and upbeat attitude of Yuna in Final Fantasy X-2 then you can probably guess what Yuna and Tidus like to get up to when their not taking on fiends and resolving other people's problems throughout Spira.
Sadly August has now passed which means "The Final Chapters" has time to rest while I resume my efforts in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". I don't know how both Lenne and Shuyin feel about being apart again because of Yu Yevon's orders for soldiers and summoners to brace the frontlines and meanwhile taking Shuyin along with him to learn more about Zanarkand's foe Bevelle. Probably none to happy about it and no better both physically and mentally either.
You'll hear soon enough as for though, see ya!
Despite all the ideas in my mind I could not get them implemented in "The Final Chapters" throughout the course of August. I could give numerous reasons but the truth of the matter is I let everything get the better of me and at least two (2) instances my wellbeing took me away from "The Final Chapters" for more then a day. If you're reading this you might be thinking: "what's the bigi about that? No one is totally committed all the time you know". Sure, there's that but for me, working on the project removes me from the annoyances of living and brings enthusiasm, smiles and laughter when the outlook is grim at times.
"So was there anything implemented?" Kind of... The most substancial change is the reworking of the destructive morning over Besaid and Luca. Brother is much more bleak and upset when the Celsius airship is as good as debris floating upoin water. Rikku is overjoyed to have at last met with Tidus since his return and quickly is annoyed by the lack of communication between herself, Yuna and Paine. As for Yuna and Tidus there is teasing and fun remarks about the kind of games they play. If you're familar with the playfulness and upbeat attitude of Yuna in Final Fantasy X-2 then you can probably guess what Yuna and Tidus like to get up to when their not taking on fiends and resolving other people's problems throughout Spira.
Sadly August has now passed which means "The Final Chapters" has time to rest while I resume my efforts in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". I don't know how both Lenne and Shuyin feel about being apart again because of Yu Yevon's orders for soldiers and summoners to brace the frontlines and meanwhile taking Shuyin along with him to learn more about Zanarkand's foe Bevelle. Probably none to happy about it and no better both physically and mentally either.
You'll hear soon enough as for though, see ya!
Sunday, 1 August 2010
"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" August 2010 update
The last month of summer has dawned upon us which means I bid farewell (but not goodbye) to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" and turn my efforts to "The Final Chapters". Reflecting upon the project's development during July can only be described as pitiful. I'll be honest, I've had my mind occupied on others things such as starting my first (1st) employed job and getting through the first (1st) week along with other hurdles. This means "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" hasn't progressed as much as I would like. But let's not jump to conclusions and state July was a complete failure for the project, some things did surface.
For starters, I have revised the night in Zanarkand when Bevelle unleases its assault which leaves Zanarkand not in complete ruins but certainly worse off. Whereas Shuyin is unhappy playing BlitzBall in Luca during the annual BlitzBall tournament, Lenne is training to become a summoner but quickly proves to be exceptional and an issue for the rest of trainee summoners along with her. In the midst of this, Bevelle launches a suprise attack sending only a few of their machina to hamper Zanarkand's defences before the fatal night (or more accuately early hours of the morning) where everything in Zanarkand changes. At the moment of attack, Lenne finds Shuyin washed ashore. Their unexpectedly sooner reunion is devstated however when the night sky pours with Bevelle's machina. The story of the attacks are now much more descriptive and no longer feel as hollow as a couple of sentences.
A new character, Painenarok who is Lenne's trainer at the summoner's training facility meets her untimely demise after being found by Lenne and Shuyin a few hours after the attack began. What's been made more evident in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" from the previous working month is that Lenne sees the good in everyone except herself. When Shuyin or Painenarok ask after Lenne has acknowledged and helped them, Lenne reclines and puts a brave but untruthful acknowledgement about herself. Most of the time its clear that Lenne has little regard to what happens to her as long as she believes she is doing the right thing. Although telling Painenarok that they are not machina but are human beings who are strong, fighting for their hopes and dreams and in the meantime caring for one another, Lenne feels she is not like that and much more cold and duty oriented like a machina.
Outside "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I have been revising my ideas for the Sphere Grid and the use of the Garment Grid in terms of developing the attributes of the playable cast and intiating bonuses whilst using a particular Garemnt Grid in battle. I have also been revising Yuna's nightmare-like moment alone on Besaid in chapter two (2) of "The Final Chapters" in my mind. I intend to implement this during the course of August and develop on the concept and implications of Shadow Surge.
Well that's about it. I'll have more next month so until then, "see ya!"
For starters, I have revised the night in Zanarkand when Bevelle unleases its assault which leaves Zanarkand not in complete ruins but certainly worse off. Whereas Shuyin is unhappy playing BlitzBall in Luca during the annual BlitzBall tournament, Lenne is training to become a summoner but quickly proves to be exceptional and an issue for the rest of trainee summoners along with her. In the midst of this, Bevelle launches a suprise attack sending only a few of their machina to hamper Zanarkand's defences before the fatal night (or more accuately early hours of the morning) where everything in Zanarkand changes. At the moment of attack, Lenne finds Shuyin washed ashore. Their unexpectedly sooner reunion is devstated however when the night sky pours with Bevelle's machina. The story of the attacks are now much more descriptive and no longer feel as hollow as a couple of sentences.
A new character, Painenarok who is Lenne's trainer at the summoner's training facility meets her untimely demise after being found by Lenne and Shuyin a few hours after the attack began. What's been made more evident in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" from the previous working month is that Lenne sees the good in everyone except herself. When Shuyin or Painenarok ask after Lenne has acknowledged and helped them, Lenne reclines and puts a brave but untruthful acknowledgement about herself. Most of the time its clear that Lenne has little regard to what happens to her as long as she believes she is doing the right thing. Although telling Painenarok that they are not machina but are human beings who are strong, fighting for their hopes and dreams and in the meantime caring for one another, Lenne feels she is not like that and much more cold and duty oriented like a machina.
Outside "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I have been revising my ideas for the Sphere Grid and the use of the Garment Grid in terms of developing the attributes of the playable cast and intiating bonuses whilst using a particular Garemnt Grid in battle. I have also been revising Yuna's nightmare-like moment alone on Besaid in chapter two (2) of "The Final Chapters" in my mind. I intend to implement this during the course of August and develop on the concept and implications of Shadow Surge.
Well that's about it. I'll have more next month so until then, "see ya!"
Thursday, 1 July 2010
"The Final Chapters" July update
When I look back at June, all I can say is "oh poopie!" I have all these thoughts regarding what happens in each chapter and yet do I implement them into "The Final Chapters"? The answer is no. I admit my plan do swap between the two stories after each month has its flaws or in other words "it sucks" but I don't like going back on what I said. I don't give myself nearly enough time each monh for each story but then that's me.
One of the thoughts going through my mind is changing the contents slightly when "Disasterific!" Occurs so when Yuna loses her cool then Yuna really loses her cool and behaves with surpassing rage and break stuff from someone's bones and then leaving his or her life at the hands of an unmerciful terror to breaking through one of the prison spheres located in the Via Purifico. Imagine what you will what happen's when Yuna in a foul mood enters the Manor/Manson in Guadosalam and finds Seymour. The result is frieghtening and yet Yuna has yet to know the truth of what's happened. It begs the question what will happen if Yuna really lost all control having lost the only person that matters in her fragile state. Yuna's loyal companions who have fought beside her and the world she has saved for a third (3rd) time can rot because it won't matter at all to Yuna. Scary huh?
Because that's stuck into my head like the replicas of Yuna's tail (long red hair braid) are held together with all sorts of super glue, I won't forget to add this to "The Final Chapters" for a long time. So what did I do with "The Final Chapters" by the end of June you might ask. I've fiddled around with the early goings of chapter one (1) and have added additions that indicate that life together in the Eternal Calm doesn't exactly give what Yuna and Tidus a break from helping others across Spira. Of course Yuna and Tidus aren't frustrated by this and believe their magic words "No matter where we go and no matter what happens, it won't matter aslong as we are together". Wakka meanwhile strives to become fit and in shape after gaining "presence" which Wakka finds out he can't have any longer while his son grows up (Vidina is only a year or so old but already Wakka is feeling the consequences of his actions for his family". Paine also makes an addition during the first (1st) day of which "The Final Chapters" begins. Instead of introducing Paine during in the midst of the choas in Kilika on the second (2nd) day, I decided to intrroduce Paine earlier and paint a clearer picture of the complications between Nooj, Baralai and the fractions which they lead. This adds to the depth of trouble Spira faces not only from strange and sudden attacks thought Spira but also the tensions between the Youth League and New Yevon reaching the point that they did in Final Fantasy X-2.
There's more to it then that of course but i don't want to give the plot so much so that someone else can copy the project and claim it as their own (whether that's already happened or no I don't know). The result of these additions mean that the contents of day one (1) on its own consists of fourteen (14) or so pages of A4. ?!??!!!!! Overkill certainly crosses the mind and yet I'm not quite finished with the first (1st) day. ?!??!!!!????!!! I still have to think of the lyrics of Yuna's song.
"The Final Chapters" now stands at over 403 pages and consists of over 230,000 words. Only know I'm beginning to think that my project might be rejected by Square Enix not because of financial costs or lack of interest but because its far too long. Hedy Burress and Mayuko Aoki (English and Japanese voice actors for Yuna) may faint at the amount of dialouge for Yuna in the entirety of Final Fantasy X-3 (because FFX-3 consists of "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" lets not forget!)
More posts when progress develops. Until then, "see ya!"
One of the thoughts going through my mind is changing the contents slightly when "Disasterific!" Occurs so when Yuna loses her cool then Yuna really loses her cool and behaves with surpassing rage and break stuff from someone's bones and then leaving his or her life at the hands of an unmerciful terror to breaking through one of the prison spheres located in the Via Purifico. Imagine what you will what happen's when Yuna in a foul mood enters the Manor/Manson in Guadosalam and finds Seymour. The result is frieghtening and yet Yuna has yet to know the truth of what's happened. It begs the question what will happen if Yuna really lost all control having lost the only person that matters in her fragile state. Yuna's loyal companions who have fought beside her and the world she has saved for a third (3rd) time can rot because it won't matter at all to Yuna. Scary huh?
Because that's stuck into my head like the replicas of Yuna's tail (long red hair braid) are held together with all sorts of super glue, I won't forget to add this to "The Final Chapters" for a long time. So what did I do with "The Final Chapters" by the end of June you might ask. I've fiddled around with the early goings of chapter one (1) and have added additions that indicate that life together in the Eternal Calm doesn't exactly give what Yuna and Tidus a break from helping others across Spira. Of course Yuna and Tidus aren't frustrated by this and believe their magic words "No matter where we go and no matter what happens, it won't matter aslong as we are together". Wakka meanwhile strives to become fit and in shape after gaining "presence" which Wakka finds out he can't have any longer while his son grows up (Vidina is only a year or so old but already Wakka is feeling the consequences of his actions for his family". Paine also makes an addition during the first (1st) day of which "The Final Chapters" begins. Instead of introducing Paine during in the midst of the choas in Kilika on the second (2nd) day, I decided to intrroduce Paine earlier and paint a clearer picture of the complications between Nooj, Baralai and the fractions which they lead. This adds to the depth of trouble Spira faces not only from strange and sudden attacks thought Spira but also the tensions between the Youth League and New Yevon reaching the point that they did in Final Fantasy X-2.
There's more to it then that of course but i don't want to give the plot so much so that someone else can copy the project and claim it as their own (whether that's already happened or no I don't know). The result of these additions mean that the contents of day one (1) on its own consists of fourteen (14) or so pages of A4. ?!??!!!!! Overkill certainly crosses the mind and yet I'm not quite finished with the first (1st) day. ?!??!!!!????!!! I still have to think of the lyrics of Yuna's song.
"The Final Chapters" now stands at over 403 pages and consists of over 230,000 words. Only know I'm beginning to think that my project might be rejected by Square Enix not because of financial costs or lack of interest but because its far too long. Hedy Burress and Mayuko Aoki (English and Japanese voice actors for Yuna) may faint at the amount of dialouge for Yuna in the entirety of Final Fantasy X-3 (because FFX-3 consists of "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" lets not forget!)
More posts when progress develops. Until then, "see ya!"
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" June 2010 update
May has come and passed which means the focus is switched from "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to "The Final Chapters". What did I do? I've made a few tweaks to the early story and introduced new contents which focuses on Lenne and Shuyin individually prior to the assault that destroys most of the machina in Zanarkand. The BlitzBall tournament is being held in Luca and as captain of the reigning champions, the Zanarkand Abes, Shuyin has a duty to ensure their triumphant success. Lenne meanwhile stays in Zanarkand to embark on becoming a fully pledged summoner. Lenne desires helping her people as much as she can and is prepared to go off into the frontlines as a summoner to defend her people. Of course Shuyin isn't aware of this but writes Lenne letters to update Lenne thoughout the duriation of the BlitzBall tournament. The lyrics in 1000 Words "Wait for me, I'll write you letters" is burrowed from Shuyin's vow to Lenne during the night before departing to Luca. Meanwhile Lenne befriends Yunalesca, the daughter of the ruler of Zanarkand Yu Yevon and a fellow summoner also training to become a fully pledged summoner.
Whilst attending to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I have been "fiddling" with designs for the Kelvin airship which will orginates from the Machina War and is reused in "The Final Chapters". Now I'll admit I know nothing about airship design and I'd be hoping on the infamous designers behind the Final Fantasy series to produce a far better design then I can (providing my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 is taken up). In the meantime I have come up with a few 2D side designs of which I'll share the latest.
I am still thinking of a four winged airship but I looked at my past designs and thought they're somewhat bland and uninspiring for airship design. When I produce a front view of this airship design I'll share it but for the time being imagine the angel tipped wings flying through the air and the gun emerging from the centre of the airship in an instant when pitted in a dogfight.
There's still much to do and in particular with "The Final Chapters", a fair amount to update. So I'll get to it and update this blog in the start of August or sooner. Until then, see ya!
Whilst attending to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I have been "fiddling" with designs for the Kelvin airship which will orginates from the Machina War and is reused in "The Final Chapters". Now I'll admit I know nothing about airship design and I'd be hoping on the infamous designers behind the Final Fantasy series to produce a far better design then I can (providing my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 is taken up). In the meantime I have come up with a few 2D side designs of which I'll share the latest.
I am still thinking of a four winged airship but I looked at my past designs and thought they're somewhat bland and uninspiring for airship design. When I produce a front view of this airship design I'll share it but for the time being imagine the angel tipped wings flying through the air and the gun emerging from the centre of the airship in an instant when pitted in a dogfight.
There's still much to do and in particular with "The Final Chapters", a fair amount to update. So I'll get to it and update this blog in the start of August or sooner. Until then, see ya!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Final Fantasy X-3 "The Final Chapters" April 2010 update
It being the month of May now its time to switch from "The Final Chapters" to "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". I most be honest that Aprul did not go well for the "The Final Chapters". Yes, I upped the word count to over 220,000 and chapter (2) has much nore depth then it had previously. I've essentially restructured evnts such as Yuna's nightmare on Besaid Island and the demise of Djose Temple. And on the plus side I've started to revise the Sphere Grid and designs of the "Kelvin" airship. But I can't help but feel I could've got a lot more done if it hadn't been for a hinderance. This was the monitor of the home PC kicking the bucket, without a monitor the PC was practically useless for up 'til a week or so when I got a working monitor. I'm not too disheartened because I can remember of where I left off and what I intend to do for up to a month while working on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Eventually it will come together, I know it.
For "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I intend to resume from where I left off and near its completion. But I have my concerns, at this rate "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" introduces a lot that has never been noted in Spira's history. I just wonder if I were to present it to Square Enix, they might dismiss the concept or argue that the contents of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" cannot be implemented. Of course that would be fine with me and who's to say I wouldn't create alternitive versions of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" along the way. If I do this then if I were to present this to Square Enix (which is what I eventually want to do!) Then I can give options instead of just one idea and give the wrong impression that its "this way or no way".
For "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" I intend to resume from where I left off and near its completion. But I have my concerns, at this rate "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" introduces a lot that has never been noted in Spira's history. I just wonder if I were to present it to Square Enix, they might dismiss the concept or argue that the contents of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" cannot be implemented. Of course that would be fine with me and who's to say I wouldn't create alternitive versions of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" along the way. If I do this then if I were to present this to Square Enix (which is what I eventually want to do!) Then I can give options instead of just one idea and give the wrong impression that its "this way or no way".
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Sphere Hunting
Sphere hunting grew into a craze after Sin was vanquished for good. With no need to fear of Sin anymore the residents on Spira could enjoy life in the Eternal Calm. As well as fractions like the Youth League emerging and the various races populating Spira being able to live freely, Sphere hunting brought out exploration and keenness to uncover Spira’s past. The Gullwings is at heart a group of Al Bhed Sphere Hunters created by Rikku and Brother which eventually grew including members such as Shinra, Paine and Yuna.
A year on, Sphere hunting has quietened with both the Youth League and New Yevon working together most of the time searching for Spheres leaving Sphere Hunters frustrated to discover Treasure Spheres themselves. Though Sphere Hunters like the LeBlanc Syndicate and Gullwings remain active, it becomes increasingly difficult to hunt for Treasure Spheres with the Youth League and New Yevon beating Sphere Hunters to it. But Sphere Hunters would not rise up and rebel because they sought not to repeat mistakes made previously.
Sphere hunting may have lost some of its competitiveness and eagerness among the Sphere Hunters, the Gullwings in particular with most of its members disbanding to do alternative activities but the interest in Sphere hunting still remains. Even with the Youth League and New Yevon wheeling in most of the rewards, there are still much about Spira’s history to discover. There are still wondrous Treasure Spheres waiting to be uncovered.
In Final Fantasy X-3, Sphere hunting is an optional activity which can be undertaken in much of the game even underwater. Early on, Treasure Spheres can be uncovered in treasure chests but are many that remain unknown to the eyes of the party. This can be resolved however by activating the Search Sphere by pressing Square whilst on the Field Screen. This is the very same Search Sphere obtained in X-2 (which is optional), (yes Yuna has kept it all this time!)
Later on where the party acquire the use of the Kelvin airship, Treasure Sphere waves will be detected which the player can then decide to follow up on or pass. Like in X-2, the party can choose where to go next via a menu listing all the destinations on Spira (minus the Farplane and Dream Zanarkand) once they have obtained the Kelvin airship. Unlike in X-2 however; when a destination is listed as a “Hotspot” in X-3, a “Hotspot” is a destination where a Treasure Sphere has been detected, not the destination to progress on with the game (The objective destination will be highlighted with “Objective” and with a gold highlight instead of red (for Hotspot”)).
When searching for Treasure Spheres via the Field Screen, using the Search Sphere (press Square to activate) will search for any Treasure Sphere waves nearby. If the controller starts to vibrate it means the Search Sphere has found a Treasure Spira; the stronger the vibration, the closer the Treasure Sphere is to the character(s) on the Field Screen. Opposingly the lesser vibration will mean the character(s) on the Field Screen are distancing from the located Treasure Sphere. When a music sequence plays, it means the character(s) are in reach of the Treasure Sphere. Press X and the character(s) will obtain the Treasure Sphere. If the controller does not vibrate, it means there are no Treasure Sphere waves in reach.
Sometimes however, the Search Sphere may pick up waves belonging to Broken Treasure Spheres which are no good unless the remaining half can be found. If two (2) halves of a Broken Treasure Sphere are obtained, the halves will fit together and complete the Treasure Sphere making the Treasure Sphere usable.
Some Treasure Spheres will be more useful then others i.e. a new Dressphere for Rikku to use as opposed to a Video Sphere considered “Junk!” There are Video Spheres however that will lead to additional missions and have bearing to characters in the party like Paine for example.
There are times in X-3 where there is no option to Sphere hunt even in Field Screen. Obviously one can’t Sphere hunt while the gameplay shifts to a video but there are particular events where hunting Spheres is disabled. These are:
Ø “Situation Critical!” events
Ø Whilst controlling Yuna after first (1st) spring scene (chapter three (3))
Ø Via Purifico Sewers
Ø Mission: No More Hurt Time!
Ø Yadonoki Tower
A year on, Sphere hunting has quietened with both the Youth League and New Yevon working together most of the time searching for Spheres leaving Sphere Hunters frustrated to discover Treasure Spheres themselves. Though Sphere Hunters like the LeBlanc Syndicate and Gullwings remain active, it becomes increasingly difficult to hunt for Treasure Spheres with the Youth League and New Yevon beating Sphere Hunters to it. But Sphere Hunters would not rise up and rebel because they sought not to repeat mistakes made previously.
Sphere hunting may have lost some of its competitiveness and eagerness among the Sphere Hunters, the Gullwings in particular with most of its members disbanding to do alternative activities but the interest in Sphere hunting still remains. Even with the Youth League and New Yevon wheeling in most of the rewards, there are still much about Spira’s history to discover. There are still wondrous Treasure Spheres waiting to be uncovered.
In Final Fantasy X-3, Sphere hunting is an optional activity which can be undertaken in much of the game even underwater. Early on, Treasure Spheres can be uncovered in treasure chests but are many that remain unknown to the eyes of the party. This can be resolved however by activating the Search Sphere by pressing Square whilst on the Field Screen. This is the very same Search Sphere obtained in X-2 (which is optional), (yes Yuna has kept it all this time!)
Later on where the party acquire the use of the Kelvin airship, Treasure Sphere waves will be detected which the player can then decide to follow up on or pass. Like in X-2, the party can choose where to go next via a menu listing all the destinations on Spira (minus the Farplane and Dream Zanarkand) once they have obtained the Kelvin airship. Unlike in X-2 however; when a destination is listed as a “Hotspot” in X-3, a “Hotspot” is a destination where a Treasure Sphere has been detected, not the destination to progress on with the game (The objective destination will be highlighted with “Objective” and with a gold highlight instead of red (for Hotspot”)).
When searching for Treasure Spheres via the Field Screen, using the Search Sphere (press Square to activate) will search for any Treasure Sphere waves nearby. If the controller starts to vibrate it means the Search Sphere has found a Treasure Spira; the stronger the vibration, the closer the Treasure Sphere is to the character(s) on the Field Screen. Opposingly the lesser vibration will mean the character(s) on the Field Screen are distancing from the located Treasure Sphere. When a music sequence plays, it means the character(s) are in reach of the Treasure Sphere. Press X and the character(s) will obtain the Treasure Sphere. If the controller does not vibrate, it means there are no Treasure Sphere waves in reach.
Sometimes however, the Search Sphere may pick up waves belonging to Broken Treasure Spheres which are no good unless the remaining half can be found. If two (2) halves of a Broken Treasure Sphere are obtained, the halves will fit together and complete the Treasure Sphere making the Treasure Sphere usable.
Some Treasure Spheres will be more useful then others i.e. a new Dressphere for Rikku to use as opposed to a Video Sphere considered “Junk!” There are Video Spheres however that will lead to additional missions and have bearing to characters in the party like Paine for example.
There are times in X-3 where there is no option to Sphere hunt even in Field Screen. Obviously one can’t Sphere hunt while the gameplay shifts to a video but there are particular events where hunting Spheres is disabled. These are:
Ø “Situation Critical!” events
Ø Whilst controlling Yuna after first (1st) spring scene (chapter three (3))
Ø Via Purifico Sewers
Ø Mission: No More Hurt Time!
Ø Yadonoki Tower
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
No rest in the afterlife?!
When beings, plants and other forms of life die, their soul becomes pyreflies. If there is an emotion strong enough such as anger then the host won't simply lay to rest. Instead the pyreflies continue the life the host once had; sometimes as Unsent who live among the living of which no one could tell if they were an Unsent (unless a Guado happens to notice) or as fiends who prey and envy the living. To eliminate the risk, Summoners are to perform a "Sending" in order to guide the fallen to the Farplane and find rest. But of course all the "Sending" really does is move the potential problem onto some place else i.e. the Farplane.
But there is more to pyreflies then that. Pyreflies are assumed to cause a number of phenomenons throughout Spira. There are many unknowns about pyreflies and afterlife in Spira. Unsents live among the living that cannot find rest and therefore stay on Spira. Needless to say, the afterlife in Spira can be anything but restful.
In Final Fantasy X-3 "The Final Chapters", a titanic tragedy will send shockwaves throughout and alter the stories of many on Spira. But it is a tragedy with complications which are eventually understood and imply the magic words "We have no choice". And in the meantime while at first not knowing and then gradually knowing, the party and the inflicted have to restore the Eternal Calm and the road so then many stories can unfold upon which has been torn asunder by terror and the sorrow of what will be a loss to Spira like none other. Clearly death is not the ultimate and final liberatation where it frees the fallen from life's hardship which it is expected to be! And if the ending does not go the way as so dearly wished upon then there will be rest whatsoever for anyone or anything until its destruction where Shadows will remain alone searching for the one thing they want but cannot have.
The life of a Shadow fated to an eternity of wondering, pain, angrish, torment, harrowing and unanswered yearning sucks don't it? Not quite the peace hoped for after the journey of life is it?
But there is more to pyreflies then that. Pyreflies are assumed to cause a number of phenomenons throughout Spira. There are many unknowns about pyreflies and afterlife in Spira. Unsents live among the living that cannot find rest and therefore stay on Spira. Needless to say, the afterlife in Spira can be anything but restful.
In Final Fantasy X-3 "The Final Chapters", a titanic tragedy will send shockwaves throughout and alter the stories of many on Spira. But it is a tragedy with complications which are eventually understood and imply the magic words "We have no choice". And in the meantime while at first not knowing and then gradually knowing, the party and the inflicted have to restore the Eternal Calm and the road so then many stories can unfold upon which has been torn asunder by terror and the sorrow of what will be a loss to Spira like none other. Clearly death is not the ultimate and final liberatation where it frees the fallen from life's hardship which it is expected to be! And if the ending does not go the way as so dearly wished upon then there will be rest whatsoever for anyone or anything until its destruction where Shadows will remain alone searching for the one thing they want but cannot have.
The life of a Shadow fated to an eternity of wondering, pain, angrish, torment, harrowing and unanswered yearning sucks don't it? Not quite the peace hoped for after the journey of life is it?
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
The sinking feeling
One of the key elements introduced by Final Fantasy X is water. BlitzBall is an underwater sport which in reality in possibly impossible to try and replicate in real life. As is the ability of some characters to swim and stay underwater unaided and indefinatley. Water is an element of Magic. Much of Spira is water and its become a custom for Yuna to fall/jump into the Moonflow. Needless to say, Spira is full of water. Its the kind of world that will make those who suffer from Thalassophobia, Potamophobia, Hygrophobia, Ablutophobia, Cymophobia or those with bladder weaknesses look away.
But aside from BlitzBall, Final Fantasy X-2 doesn't embrace the use of water like its predecessor did. Well all that changes in my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 so water haters beware!
Expect recreations of events featured in FFX to reappear in FFX-3 and then some. One of these new events will be a critical situation event where if failed will lead to game over. Yuna falls into the Via Purifico Sewers with chains entrapping her body and the added weight causes Yuna to sink to the bottom more quickly. What's worse is there is a chain around Yuna's mouth making breathing extremely difficault. "That's cruel!" You might be thinking and you'd be right. Blame the antagonist Raphas for that one.
In both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" the same airship crashes into the sea beside Yadonoki Tower though over a 1000 years apart.
There's more of course but I don't want to spill the beans. But here's an insight to think about: If my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 was made reality, imagine the way water, rivers, and sea will look and reflect against the golden glow of an evening sunset or the moon and starlit night sky brought to life by current generation visual graphics made possible by HD/Blu-ray gaming.
But aside from BlitzBall, Final Fantasy X-2 doesn't embrace the use of water like its predecessor did. Well all that changes in my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 so water haters beware!
Expect recreations of events featured in FFX to reappear in FFX-3 and then some. One of these new events will be a critical situation event where if failed will lead to game over. Yuna falls into the Via Purifico Sewers with chains entrapping her body and the added weight causes Yuna to sink to the bottom more quickly. What's worse is there is a chain around Yuna's mouth making breathing extremely difficault. "That's cruel!" You might be thinking and you'd be right. Blame the antagonist Raphas for that one.
In both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" the same airship crashes into the sea beside Yadonoki Tower though over a 1000 years apart.
There's more of course but I don't want to spill the beans. But here's an insight to think about: If my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 was made reality, imagine the way water, rivers, and sea will look and reflect against the golden glow of an evening sunset or the moon and starlit night sky brought to life by current generation visual graphics made possible by HD/Blu-ray gaming.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
"Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" - March 2010 update
The 2010 edition of March is over. Which means the development on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" takes a break for a month and I focus on "The Last Chapters". Now i've done a little bit of irrelevant reasearch but is good to know since I have a habit of wanting to know everything relating to the project. I should've guessed that a sequel to a sequel is defined as a theequel. That is essentialy what Final Fantasy X-3 and "The Final Chapters" in particular is. "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is a mix really; the plot takes place after "The Final Chapters" and yet its mostly based as a distant prequel to Final Fantasy X (based at the time of the Machina War). And yet it is also a sidequel where it allows the potential player to go down different stories whilst relating to the universe of the Compilation of Final Fantasy X. Think of it this way; the potential player can explore side stories and see what characters like Rikku and Paine are doing or check upon New Yevon or visit an infamous part of Spira. Of course its up to the potential player if he or she wants to take a diversion.
Interestingly, a compilation of Final Fantasy X can allow parallel stories of which an already told story, Final Fantasy X-2 for example is told from a different perspective i.e. another character. Think of Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Damned which is a Parallel of Grand Theft Auto IV and hopefully you'll get the idea. In a sense "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" works along the same concept since events such as the destruction Zanarkand and the Machina War are already defined in Final Fantasy X and X-2 but told from the perspective of Lenne and Shuyin.
Aside from pointing out the obvious (sorry), there havve been development in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Now I portray Lenne's upbringing that brings about Lenne's somewhat negative attitude which later brings about a positive and starts to influance a more positive perspective for Lenne. I define events much clearer and added additional content to make better sense of content already existing. Sidequel events have been created which optionally are available via Unsent Privilege. At the end of March, "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has the contents of 112,102 words. Going well! More on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in May.
Interestingly, a compilation of Final Fantasy X can allow parallel stories of which an already told story, Final Fantasy X-2 for example is told from a different perspective i.e. another character. Think of Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Damned which is a Parallel of Grand Theft Auto IV and hopefully you'll get the idea. In a sense "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" works along the same concept since events such as the destruction Zanarkand and the Machina War are already defined in Final Fantasy X and X-2 but told from the perspective of Lenne and Shuyin.
Aside from pointing out the obvious (sorry), there havve been development in "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story". Now I portray Lenne's upbringing that brings about Lenne's somewhat negative attitude which later brings about a positive and starts to influance a more positive perspective for Lenne. I define events much clearer and added additional content to make better sense of content already existing. Sidequel events have been created which optionally are available via Unsent Privilege. At the end of March, "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" has the contents of 112,102 words. Going well! More on "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" in May.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Compilation of Final Fantasy X?
Is it possible you think? After all there would be three (3) games in the series of Final Fantasy X if X-3 were to become a reality. Its only come to my attention when I see the various titles spawned from Final Fantasy VII (7) and the series of titles that will come under Final Fantasy XIII (13) known as Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII.
I'm not trying to oversell Final Fantasy X and X-2 but lets face it, these two Final Fantasy titles are among the more popular Final Fantasy titles like FFVII. And its not like Square Enix didn't make good use of its popularity, Final Fantasy X-2 is the first ever direct sequel and even that spawned an extensive variation known as Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission (although be it, it was only released in Japan. Oh poopie!).
Now I'm not going to say that if my concept of X-3 is realised then Square Enix will turn it into its own series where there are more sequels, prequels, remakes, collecter's items etc. Square Enix doesn't require me to promote my ideas for X-3 in order to rejuvenate and create a compilation of Final Fantasy X, Square Enix decide if they choose to take that COA (Course of Action).
But supposing if FFX-3 did become reality (as a game, not a movie (bad idea in my opinion), what could it mean? As mentioned above there could be sequels, prequels and remakes etc. DLC (downloadable content) can become a factor. Spin-off titles that follow different characters like Rikku might come a possibility. Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission could even be ported over and then adapted so it is available with English vocals and subtitles.
All of which I'm somewhat against actually because I wouldn't like to see the main plot of FFX and FFX-2, Yuna and Tidus exploited further and drive the series to the point where it loses sight of its orginal intention, plot and everyone becomes annoyed with it. The key reason why I want FFX-3, my FFX-3 to become reality is so that fans aren't scratching their heads on what happens to Yuna and Tidus after Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission because that is not explained in the end of Last Mission. I wish to continue from where Last Mission finished off and then wrap up the story of Yuna and Tidus in a satisfactory or unsatisfactory (depending upon which epilogue obtained) whilst providing a story that will live in fans hearts and gameplay that will be bringing fans and gamers back for more.
Then... the series can deviate from the main story and focus on the lives of Yuna's and Tidus' companions. There are those who believed Final Fantasy X-2 would be about Rikku so why not create a story that revolves around Rikku once the main story is complete? I don't go along with the idea for various and some personal reasons but even I can't ignore the potential there is to be made and let my mind roam free with possibilities. "Hmm... Lenne and Yuna sitting by a fire in their bra and panties..." No wait did I just say that?! That was meant to stay in my thoughts! Oh dear...now i've given gamers and fans a wet dream.
Anyway, should Square Enix decide to take this COA, there needs to be an alternitive title for these potential titles. Not FFX-4, or FFX-5 because these titles may not be part of the main plot with Yuna and Tidus. Perhaps "Dopo Final Fantasy X". "Dopo" is the Italian for "after". Or "Durante Calma Eterna Final Fantasy X", "Durante Calma Eterna" is Italian for "During Eternal Calm". Why Italian you may ask? I have Lenne (more often) and Yuna use Italian musical terms reflecting their situation instead of normal terms because it reflects music of which a Songstress uses.
What do you think? About the contents of this post, anything I've said or feedback about my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 are welcome.
I'm not trying to oversell Final Fantasy X and X-2 but lets face it, these two Final Fantasy titles are among the more popular Final Fantasy titles like FFVII. And its not like Square Enix didn't make good use of its popularity, Final Fantasy X-2 is the first ever direct sequel and even that spawned an extensive variation known as Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission (although be it, it was only released in Japan. Oh poopie!).
Now I'm not going to say that if my concept of X-3 is realised then Square Enix will turn it into its own series where there are more sequels, prequels, remakes, collecter's items etc. Square Enix doesn't require me to promote my ideas for X-3 in order to rejuvenate and create a compilation of Final Fantasy X, Square Enix decide if they choose to take that COA (Course of Action).
But supposing if FFX-3 did become reality (as a game, not a movie (bad idea in my opinion), what could it mean? As mentioned above there could be sequels, prequels and remakes etc. DLC (downloadable content) can become a factor. Spin-off titles that follow different characters like Rikku might come a possibility. Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission could even be ported over and then adapted so it is available with English vocals and subtitles.
All of which I'm somewhat against actually because I wouldn't like to see the main plot of FFX and FFX-2, Yuna and Tidus exploited further and drive the series to the point where it loses sight of its orginal intention, plot and everyone becomes annoyed with it. The key reason why I want FFX-3, my FFX-3 to become reality is so that fans aren't scratching their heads on what happens to Yuna and Tidus after Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission because that is not explained in the end of Last Mission. I wish to continue from where Last Mission finished off and then wrap up the story of Yuna and Tidus in a satisfactory or unsatisfactory (depending upon which epilogue obtained) whilst providing a story that will live in fans hearts and gameplay that will be bringing fans and gamers back for more.
Then... the series can deviate from the main story and focus on the lives of Yuna's and Tidus' companions. There are those who believed Final Fantasy X-2 would be about Rikku so why not create a story that revolves around Rikku once the main story is complete? I don't go along with the idea for various and some personal reasons but even I can't ignore the potential there is to be made and let my mind roam free with possibilities. "Hmm... Lenne and Yuna sitting by a fire in their bra and panties..." No wait did I just say that?! That was meant to stay in my thoughts! Oh dear...now i've given gamers and fans a wet dream.
Anyway, should Square Enix decide to take this COA, there needs to be an alternitive title for these potential titles. Not FFX-4, or FFX-5 because these titles may not be part of the main plot with Yuna and Tidus. Perhaps "Dopo Final Fantasy X". "Dopo" is the Italian for "after". Or "Durante Calma Eterna Final Fantasy X", "Durante Calma Eterna" is Italian for "During Eternal Calm". Why Italian you may ask? I have Lenne (more often) and Yuna use Italian musical terms reflecting their situation instead of normal terms because it reflects music of which a Songstress uses.
What do you think? About the contents of this post, anything I've said or feedback about my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 are welcome.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Realising something about the project
With January (2010) come and gone it means I've now shifted my efforts from "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to "The Final Chapters". March (2010) will be the nesxt period of time devoted to "Lenne's abd Shuyin's Story". So what I thought I would do is give a little update on the development of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story".
The latest version of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" consists of 100,409 words and 178 pages. As stated in previous posts, the plot of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is practically finished, the only work being done is proof reading and changing any contents that is either vague or lacking in sense.
What I've realised is that in my ambitions to create a plot/story for Final Fantasy X-3 which may attract some interest, I've got it my head that both its predecessors (Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2) made landmarks in the Final Fantasy series which have since become part of every (or some) Final Fantasy since. For example Final Fantasy X is the first Final Fantasy to include voice actors for the characters, whereas Final Fantasy X-2 is the first direct sequel in the entire series and brought about a more flulid ATB system.
With Final Fantasy X-3, I want to follow in that respect by introducing new elements which may be incorporated in future developments. A few of these new elements is Stamina and its implications in battles, Strategic Damage and events dubbed "Situation Critical!". Final Fantasy X-3 is focused on telling an unforgettible story (stories), being a landmark in graphics, presentation, gameplay sound and audio but also making new ground and providing influance to future developments and ideas as was Final Fanatsy X and Final Fantasy X-2.
Anyway, back with what this has to do with "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story"... What I've come across in my writing is the inclusion of violent scenes and abuse. An example of a scene of violence is when Lenne awakens after a restless night upon Mt. Gagazet to have a companion summoner impaled right before her eyes and to have the summoner's blood splattered over her. Another scene is where Lenne heads to the frontlines (Calm Lands in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2) and whilst passing through Mt. Gagazet, Lenne finds suffering, sorrow, death, those left to die and the look of fear and terror in the eyes of those who watched the devastation and horror of war.
Why have I done this you might ask? "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is based upon the same time a war between Zanarkand and Bevelle is ongoing (known later as the Machina War". What I am trying to do in my work is telling and describing the realities of the war which intensifies into a bloodbath (for Zanarkand) and some of the horrific elements of war. There are scenes of abuse and cruelty which further promote the darker elements of which the war brings out of characters who are cold and cruel anyway like Yu Yevon for example.
One of the implications I write about and want to promote in Final Fantasy X-3 is more realism. In previous Final Fantasy titles there are things that are missed out (either because of technical difficaulties, morality, sensitivity etc.). I may get shot for this but if I may, I would like to take a scene of the Nibelheim Incident from Final Fantasy VII (7) as an axample of what I'm on about. (Warning! Spoiler!) When Sephiroth razes Nibelheim and kills those who oppose, there is a lack of mortality shown (i.e. blood splatter or the reactions before the victims die). There are others scenes too where one can imagine the scene upon stumbling on a dying friend. Don't get me wrong, Its not criticism! And of course in the various additions to the Final Fantasy VII (7) series, such as Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII scenes are remade far more realistically. But these scenes only appear as videos such as the ending and not whilst in gameplay. This is understanable and perhaps the last thing Square Enix wants is bad press about how their products may inadvertantely encourage actions that should not be done in reality.
The point that I'm trying to get at is that my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 is a bit of a rule breaker and if it were actually put into production, I would be shocked if it weren't rated by the BBFC as "15" at the least. I'm not saying that I am deliberately aiming to create a concept for a game that is violent and may offend. I'm not implaying that during battles, a Bevelle Striker has to splurt out blood when a sword is used for attack. Its just I have scenes in both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" that use violence such as Tidus fatally striking Raphas with his sword or Lenne stumbling upon a recently made masacre. "The Final Chapters" includes scenes of a sexual nature. I'm just trying to promote a better sense of what's going on and give an example of the depth and capabilities that can be achieved in this day and age.
Sure, I can "edit" these scenes so it were "acceptable" but understand it when I say there is no aftermath or consequence I haven't considered which may arise if the contents of my project were made public or into a reality and cause controversy, allogations etc. Of course an audience may not approve still but then its something I've taken into consideration from day one and can only apoligise in advance if an audience takes offence or complications.
The latest version of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" consists of 100,409 words and 178 pages. As stated in previous posts, the plot of "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is practically finished, the only work being done is proof reading and changing any contents that is either vague or lacking in sense.
What I've realised is that in my ambitions to create a plot/story for Final Fantasy X-3 which may attract some interest, I've got it my head that both its predecessors (Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2) made landmarks in the Final Fantasy series which have since become part of every (or some) Final Fantasy since. For example Final Fantasy X is the first Final Fantasy to include voice actors for the characters, whereas Final Fantasy X-2 is the first direct sequel in the entire series and brought about a more flulid ATB system.
With Final Fantasy X-3, I want to follow in that respect by introducing new elements which may be incorporated in future developments. A few of these new elements is Stamina and its implications in battles, Strategic Damage and events dubbed "Situation Critical!". Final Fantasy X-3 is focused on telling an unforgettible story (stories), being a landmark in graphics, presentation, gameplay sound and audio but also making new ground and providing influance to future developments and ideas as was Final Fanatsy X and Final Fantasy X-2.
Anyway, back with what this has to do with "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story"... What I've come across in my writing is the inclusion of violent scenes and abuse. An example of a scene of violence is when Lenne awakens after a restless night upon Mt. Gagazet to have a companion summoner impaled right before her eyes and to have the summoner's blood splattered over her. Another scene is where Lenne heads to the frontlines (Calm Lands in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2) and whilst passing through Mt. Gagazet, Lenne finds suffering, sorrow, death, those left to die and the look of fear and terror in the eyes of those who watched the devastation and horror of war.
Why have I done this you might ask? "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" is based upon the same time a war between Zanarkand and Bevelle is ongoing (known later as the Machina War". What I am trying to do in my work is telling and describing the realities of the war which intensifies into a bloodbath (for Zanarkand) and some of the horrific elements of war. There are scenes of abuse and cruelty which further promote the darker elements of which the war brings out of characters who are cold and cruel anyway like Yu Yevon for example.
One of the implications I write about and want to promote in Final Fantasy X-3 is more realism. In previous Final Fantasy titles there are things that are missed out (either because of technical difficaulties, morality, sensitivity etc.). I may get shot for this but if I may, I would like to take a scene of the Nibelheim Incident from Final Fantasy VII (7) as an axample of what I'm on about. (Warning! Spoiler!) When Sephiroth razes Nibelheim and kills those who oppose, there is a lack of mortality shown (i.e. blood splatter or the reactions before the victims die). There are others scenes too where one can imagine the scene upon stumbling on a dying friend. Don't get me wrong, Its not criticism! And of course in the various additions to the Final Fantasy VII (7) series, such as Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII scenes are remade far more realistically. But these scenes only appear as videos such as the ending and not whilst in gameplay. This is understanable and perhaps the last thing Square Enix wants is bad press about how their products may inadvertantely encourage actions that should not be done in reality.
The point that I'm trying to get at is that my concept of Final Fantasy X-3 is a bit of a rule breaker and if it were actually put into production, I would be shocked if it weren't rated by the BBFC as "15" at the least. I'm not saying that I am deliberately aiming to create a concept for a game that is violent and may offend. I'm not implaying that during battles, a Bevelle Striker has to splurt out blood when a sword is used for attack. Its just I have scenes in both "The Final Chapters" and "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" that use violence such as Tidus fatally striking Raphas with his sword or Lenne stumbling upon a recently made masacre. "The Final Chapters" includes scenes of a sexual nature. I'm just trying to promote a better sense of what's going on and give an example of the depth and capabilities that can be achieved in this day and age.
Sure, I can "edit" these scenes so it were "acceptable" but understand it when I say there is no aftermath or consequence I haven't considered which may arise if the contents of my project were made public or into a reality and cause controversy, allogations etc. Of course an audience may not approve still but then its something I've taken into consideration from day one and can only apoligise in advance if an audience takes offence or complications.
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