So instead the Sphere Grid is used to improve a character’s attributes such as Strength and Magic. HP and MP can also be improved on using the necessary spheres (although HP and MP will naturally increase as characters level up). Also along with HP and MP increasing after each level up when a character does level up one of their attributes will increase by 1 at random.
When Lenne and Shuyin are playable the process is different. When either level up, improvements in their attributes such as HP are predetermined (check "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to find out more). Lenne and Shuyin do not use the Sphere Grid so any improvements in attributes or learning new abilities will come naturally.
AP is used for characters to learn new abilities but it is also used for levelling up. After victory in battle the characters used in that battle will gain AP and eventually with enough AP characters will level up. The higher the characters’ level the more AP is required to level up. In the status window (press triangle to access) CSD is displayed for every character active in the party. To the right is the characters’ Skill Level (
The value of a character’s skill level (say three (3) for example) determines how far the character can move around the Sphere Grid. A Skill Level of three (3) allows players to move the character around or across three (3) nodes on the Sphere Grid. After a move to a node the character’s Skill Level decreases by the size of the move. As characters move around in their Sphere Grid players can use Power Spheres and other spheres to unlock nodes nearby and harness the increase of an attribute. Nodes are improvements for the character’s attributes (HP, MP, Strength, Defence, Magic, Magic Defence, Evasion, Agility, Accuracy, Luck, Stamina or Intimidation).
Another crucial difference is not any character can max out all their attributes (strength, HP, accuracy etc.), For example Rikku’s strength is limited to 95 (not including weapon’s attributes) which is miles off Paine’s limit of 255 but in turn max out on agility and evasion unlike Paine who would be slower. The idea being that the player can no longer have three (3) characters and stick with them throughout the game. Each playable character will have their own role to perform in battles as well as strengths and weaknesses for battles with different opponents. Therefore for example against Gemini the player may need Kimahri, Yuna and Paine because there Paine and Kimahri can cut Gemini to size with their high strength and can withstand strong attacks with high defence limits whilst Yuna can use Sing abilities to strengthen the party’s luck, evasion, defence, HP etc. In a different battle situation however these characters may be inefficient against multiple flying opponents such as Grim Gazes and therefore the likes of Rikku, Wakka and Lulu are chosen to battle. Wakka is the only playable character to have a 255 limit on accuracy which allows the player (if wishes to) make it that Wakka doesn’t miss against opponent’s making him ideal against flying fiends which other characters like Paine will find harder to hit. Lulu’s Black Magic can be devastatingly effective because it never misses and can take advantage of any elemental weaknesses in her opponents. Rikku’s ability to Use and Mix will enable multiple and direct attacks on opponents. You get the idea…This is supposed to encourage the player to use strategy and tactics when in battle situations.
One of the things learnt from Final Fantasy X-2 is essentially the player can stick with one Dressphere throughout the game and only need to level up to 32 or so because it was much easier to max out the characters attributes and just take out any opponent without thinking strategy. In Final Fantasy X it is possible to reach 2/4 of the game without using the Sphere Grid but in Final Fantasy X-3 there will be more difficult battle situations more of the time making it almost necessary to use the sphere grid as soon as possible and get the hang of using it. This divide of the Sphere Grid and limitations on each of the characters changes the perspective of role playing. Essentially in FFX the player can have three (3) characters have all abilities and maxed out attributes so that those characters can cover the many roles in battle such as using White Magic to heal allies. In essence it’s the same that can be done in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. And in FFX-2 the characters could assume these roles by Sphere changing (changing Dressphere) whilst in battle. In FFX-3 however this is changed so that it encourages the player to use a much wider range of tactics and play more of each character during battle.
Since there are ten (10) attributes there are ten (10) links. Every character starts at the centre of the sphere grid and using different kinds of spheres to activate attribute nodes the characters can move along these ten (10) links. Each link corresponds to a different attribute. For example the link open to Paine would have mostly Strength attribute nodes as well as HP and MP nodes. Another link would be based primarily on Agility. However some links have a mixture of two (2) different attribute nodes for example the links next to Lulu and Baralai will have ten (10) nodes each of Magic and Magic Defence.
When Lenne and Shuyin are playable the process is different. When either level up, improvements in their attributes such as HP are predetermined (check "Lenne's and Shuyin's Story" to find out more). Lenne and Shuyin do not use the Sphere Grid so any improvements in attributes or learning new abilities will come naturally.
AP is used for characters to learn new abilities but it is also used for levelling up. After victory in battle the characters used in that battle will gain AP and eventually with enough AP characters will level up. The higher the characters’ level the more AP is required to level up. In the status window (press triangle to access) CSD is displayed for every character active in the party. To the right is the characters’ Skill Level (
The value of a character’s skill level (say three (3) for example) determines how far the character can move around the Sphere Grid. A Skill Level of three (3) allows players to move the character around or across three (3) nodes on the Sphere Grid. After a move to a node the character’s Skill Level decreases by the size of the move. As characters move around in their Sphere Grid players can use Power Spheres and other spheres to unlock nodes nearby and harness the increase of an attribute. Nodes are improvements for the character’s attributes (HP, MP, Strength, Defence, Magic, Magic Defence, Evasion, Agility, Accuracy, Luck, Stamina or Intimidation).
Another crucial difference is not any character can max out all their attributes (strength, HP, accuracy etc.), For example Rikku’s strength is limited to 95 (not including weapon’s attributes) which is miles off Paine’s limit of 255 but in turn max out on agility and evasion unlike Paine who would be slower. The idea being that the player can no longer have three (3) characters and stick with them throughout the game. Each playable character will have their own role to perform in battles as well as strengths and weaknesses for battles with different opponents. Therefore for example against Gemini the player may need Kimahri, Yuna and Paine because there Paine and Kimahri can cut Gemini to size with their high strength and can withstand strong attacks with high defence limits whilst Yuna can use Sing abilities to strengthen the party’s luck, evasion, defence, HP etc. In a different battle situation however these characters may be inefficient against multiple flying opponents such as Grim Gazes and therefore the likes of Rikku, Wakka and Lulu are chosen to battle. Wakka is the only playable character to have a 255 limit on accuracy which allows the player (if wishes to) make it that Wakka doesn’t miss against opponent’s making him ideal against flying fiends which other characters like Paine will find harder to hit. Lulu’s Black Magic can be devastatingly effective because it never misses and can take advantage of any elemental weaknesses in her opponents. Rikku’s ability to Use and Mix will enable multiple and direct attacks on opponents. You get the idea…This is supposed to encourage the player to use strategy and tactics when in battle situations.
One of the things learnt from Final Fantasy X-2 is essentially the player can stick with one Dressphere throughout the game and only need to level up to 32 or so because it was much easier to max out the characters attributes and just take out any opponent without thinking strategy. In Final Fantasy X it is possible to reach 2/4 of the game without using the Sphere Grid but in Final Fantasy X-3 there will be more difficult battle situations more of the time making it almost necessary to use the sphere grid as soon as possible and get the hang of using it. This divide of the Sphere Grid and limitations on each of the characters changes the perspective of role playing. Essentially in FFX the player can have three (3) characters have all abilities and maxed out attributes so that those characters can cover the many roles in battle such as using White Magic to heal allies. In essence it’s the same that can be done in Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. And in FFX-2 the characters could assume these roles by Sphere changing (changing Dressphere) whilst in battle. In FFX-3 however this is changed so that it encourages the player to use a much wider range of tactics and play more of each character during battle.
Since there are ten (10) attributes there are ten (10) links. Every character starts at the centre of the sphere grid and using different kinds of spheres to activate attribute nodes the characters can move along these ten (10) links. Each link corresponds to a different attribute. For example the link open to Paine would have mostly Strength attribute nodes as well as HP and MP nodes. Another link would be based primarily on Agility. However some links have a mixture of two (2) different attribute nodes for example the links next to Lulu and Baralai will have ten (10) nodes each of Magic and Magic Defence.
The value of each node varies from such attribute improvements like Strength +1 or HP +200. Some nodes have higher values such as +3, +4, +400 or +40. Each link in the Sphere Gris contains thirty (30) nodes. Each link has five (5) HP and MP nodes. Each link will have higher value nodes for both HP and MP (just like there would be for Strength, Defence, Magic, Magic, Defence, Agility, Accuracy, Evasion, Luck, Stamina and Intimidation).
Nodes and Spheres
To activate nodes on the sphere grid you need spheres. Nodes contain an increase for a given attribute. For example a HP node when activated will give the character 200 HP. To activate nodes you need spheres. There are as many different spheres as there are nodes in FFX-3 but relating to the sphere grid are particular spheres that will activate certain nodes.

Spheres can be obtained during, after victory in battle, finding or by reward. Most of the time spheres will be salvaged from the aftermath of a battle. When a battle is successfully won; AP is rewarded to those characters who were involved. As well as that items are salvaged such as potions, weapons and spheres. During battle commanding Rikku to use Steal on an opponent (if successful) will also allow the player to obtain items and spheres. Chests are littered all over Spira and contain useful items such as Phoenix Down, Gil or spheres. The last way to obtain spheres is by completing missions during the course of the game and receiving a reward.
DO NOT get these kinds of spheres confused with music or movie spheres. Music spheres can be obtained from the airship sphere theatre as well as movie spheres. However movie spheres can be obtained as a reward by completing missions or finding them. In FFX-3 there are many types of spheres that can be obtained which are used for different purposes.
DO NOT get these kinds of spheres confused with music or movie spheres. Music spheres can be obtained from the airship sphere theatre as well as movie spheres. However movie spheres can be obtained as a reward by completing missions or finding them. In FFX-3 there are many types of spheres that can be obtained which are used for different purposes.

Developing characters
1. Characters that are involved in a battle situation are rewarded with AP following victory. Spheres are sometimes salvaged from after the battle. AP increases a character’s Skill Level (
2. Select sphere grid from main menu (press triangle to open main menu and select sphere grid using X).
3. The sphere grid will appear and will show a close-up of where the character is located. Use select to zoom and L2 and R2 to tilt grid.
4. Select Move in the new window to move the selected character. Accessible nodes are highlighted. You can enter one new node per or you can cross the highlighted nodes. Confirm Move.
5. Select Use if you are on or directly beside a node which has yet to be activated. A new window will appear listing your spheres. Available/useable spheres are highlighted in white.
6. Select the useable sphere on node. Press X to confirm your decision or circle to cancel.
7. The node has been activated and your character has increased an attribute. Now you can see a small coloured mark circling the node (see the Colours on Sphere Grid selection). Either continue or press triangle to view your character’s attributes. You can switch characters using L1 and R1. Press circle to return to the main menu.
Colours of the Sphere Grid
At the start of the game some nodes are not activated and are therefore grey. Once a node is activated it will light up. However if you switch to another character, the node will be grey again since it has not yet been activated by the relevant character. Each node has nine (9) small squares arranged around it. If one of these lights is active it means the node is already active for that character. The following colour code is used to denote the various characters. (Incidentally the same colour applies for that character in the story of FFX-3 for whenever that character is talking.)
1. Characters that are involved in a battle situation are rewarded with AP following victory. Spheres are sometimes salvaged from after the battle. AP increases a character’s Skill Level (
2. Select sphere grid from main menu (press triangle to open main menu and select sphere grid using X).
3. The sphere grid will appear and will show a close-up of where the character is located. Use select to zoom and L2 and R2 to tilt grid.
4. Select Move in the new window to move the selected character. Accessible nodes are highlighted. You can enter one new node per or you can cross the highlighted nodes. Confirm Move.
5. Select Use if you are on or directly beside a node which has yet to be activated. A new window will appear listing your spheres. Available/useable spheres are highlighted in white.
6. Select the useable sphere on node. Press X to confirm your decision or circle to cancel.
7. The node has been activated and your character has increased an attribute. Now you can see a small coloured mark circling the node (see the Colours on Sphere Grid selection). Either continue or press triangle to view your character’s attributes. You can switch characters using L1 and R1. Press circle to return to the main menu.
Colours of the Sphere Grid
At the start of the game some nodes are not activated and are therefore grey. Once a node is activated it will light up. However if you switch to another character, the node will be grey again since it has not yet been activated by the relevant character. Each node has nine (9) small squares arranged around it. If one of these lights is active it means the node is already active for that character. The following colour code is used to denote the various characters. (Incidentally the same colour applies for that character in the story of FFX-3 for whenever that character is talking.)

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