Pounce (new)
Like Strategic Damage, Pounce is exclusive territory of either a fiend or a boss. The idea is that if one of the active characters battling is affected by Sleep, Petrifaction, depleted of his/hers stamina or reduced to half his/hers HP; the character would be in danger. In this situation an opponent can perform what’s known as Pounce. It is the opposition’s answer to the Overdrive in some extent where the opponent can critically damage a downed character multiple times or finish off the character.
Let’s picture a battle and in it Tidus HP is reduced to half his total amount. As a result of this can been shown on the CSD Tidus will show a sign of weariness. In this given situation a fiend (Wild Wolf for example) can use Pounce to take Tidus down and inflict additional if not multiple damage. Depending upon the player’s actions, the amount of HP left and the setting of the fiend’s attribute of attack (Strength or Magic) the Pounce manoeuvre can be devastating.
When a Pounce is imminent there is a safeguard that allows the downed character to dodge the Pounce or prevent it. At the moment of the opponent’s Pounce the player is prompted to press the button prompted on screen in time to counter the Pounce. For example when a fiend is about to Pounce on Yuna who has less then half of her overall HP remaining the player can press the Triangle button (as shown) when prompted to evade the Pounce. This safeguard is available for all playable characters when in downed position as defined above. However the opportunity to evade Pounce lasts very briefly and in some circumstances where the downed character is either affected by Sleep, Curse, Stop or Petrification the Pounce is unavoidable.
If the player is unable to evade Pounce the attacked character will be attacked which can lead to multiple and critical if not even fatal damage caused. However in this situation (provided the downed character is not affected by Sleep, Curse, Stop or Petrification) the player can follow the button display shown on screen and follow it with his/hers matching inputs to getup or kick out of Pounce. In this situation a display of the four (4) buttons, X, Circle, Square and Triangle appear on screen providing which button lights up the player much match and continue to follow in order to break out of Pounce and prevent further damage done.
If a character is petrified and an opponent goes for Pounce on the petrified the outcome will result in Break. The petrified character is broken into pieces and can no longer be usable in battle or brought back into the fray. In a three (3) or two (2) way party the player loses a position for a playable character to enter the fray. In other words if the player has three (3) characters battling but one (1) is then petrified and broken the party is reduced to two (2) characters. The thing is to not get it confused with the effect of physical attacks, abilities or Magic on petrified characters. If an opponent does not opt for Pounce upon a character affected by Petrification the petrified character is still prone to Break via physical attacks, abilities or Magic but in order for the petrified character to be broken the attack or Magic spell of the opponent needs to be critical/strong enough to force Break.
In other circumstances such as Sleep, Curse and Stop the downed character will be unable to defend him/her self when Pounce occurs. Neither will the four (4) button display show up. The effect of Pounce will last until the opponent has finished attacking or casting spells on the downed character (which lasts for six (6) seconds) or the downed character is KO’d. If however the downed character still has HP remaining the effect of Pounce will clear the negative status effect on the downed character. Say like a person who’s sleeping is disturbed that person will awaken. This is what happens if a character is affected by Sleep, Curse or Stop and remains active in the given battle situation.
Embark on the final chapters of their story… Sin has gone; Vegnagun destroyed, the Eternal Calm is here. They thought their peaceful days together would never end. But a sinister attack on their home throws Yuna, Tidus and their friends in a fight to save Spira once more. There they’ll discover the truth…
This blog setup is not official with Square Enix or in any way connected. This project is about how Final Fantasy X-3 can be from my (Lee A. Funnell) perspective. The plot and ideas are mine. Anything that this project contains is not aimed to offend or insult non fictional related. This is a fictional story but an apology in advance anyway. This is just my explanation for my project at hand and for those who wish to learn more.
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