Specialty: Theif
Secondary ability: Mixing It Up
Ability to swim: Yes
Auto Abilities: Steal, Use, Item hunter
Additional: Allows active party to use the ability Use (when selected).
NOTE: Only Rikku’s Dressphere’s can be destroyed (this doesn’t apply when using her Special Overdrive).
After finding her cousin Yuna Rikku has been with her ever since. Her bubbly character and endless enthusiasm makes it easy for her to make friends and provide encouragement to others. At times however it’s this taking life seriously the least that leads them into trouble. Rikku is hardly outspoken and optimistic but in the presence of Gippal Rikku appears to be bashful. Maybe it’s because she wants to be more like Lulu and at times where Gippal is present it makes her think about life more seriously.
Its often when her friends think of her they find something good to think about and optimism. Rikku will rarely show cowardice or anything but 100% commitment to whatever she sets herself. Extremely loyal to Yuna, Rikku would go along with her and makes doubly sure nothing bad happens to her or any of her friends. Perhaps the person she gets along with better then anyone else is Tidus as she values him like a brother. But more and more Rikku grows inpatient and when mad she won't hesitate to express herself even if it starts an arguement with her friends.
Rikku utilises unique abilities to Mix items as an Overdrive and stealing items, gil, rare items and amongst other things. Added to this Rikku is the only character who can create an order of five (5) Dresspheres for battling (as utilised in Last Mission of Final Fantasy X-3 International + Last Mission). The option to change, manage Dresspheres for Rikku is found when Rikku is selected from the option Status. Although you don’t have to set up a combination of Dresspheres it is well advised to do so to maximise Rikku’s efficentcy in battle for each Dressphere as its set amount of HP and if the HP for the current Dressphere worn reaches zero (0) the Dressphere will break. If there is another Dressphere set in line Rikku will Sphere Change into the next Dressphere however if there are no more Dresspheres after the initial Dressphere is destroyed Rikku will enter the Bare state which reduces Rikku to commands Attack and Item. Strength, Defence, Magic Defence and Intimidation are at their lowest whilst in the Bare state. With the use of different Dresspheres Rikku can utilise many different commands depending upon the current Dressphere.
Rikku is physically weak and not ideal going against larger fiends. However her quick feet and evasion allows her to dodge attacks. Her attacks aren’t anything to write home about but against a group of fiends her ability to use multiple Dresspheres give her good variety and her Overdrive Mix is more then helpful. Rikku’s agility also allows her to steal items from fiends which she can then use on them in the next turn.
Mode: Tactician = the gauge increases when Rikku inflicts a negative status effect on an opponent (poison for example).
Rikku will combine two (2) items from the inventory of the player’s and then Rikku picks a third item from random and combines the lot. The result can produce unique and offensive and defensive effects.
Mode: Tactician = the gauge increases when Rikku inflicts a negative status effect on an opponent (poison for example).
Rikku will combine two (2) items from the inventory of the player’s and then Rikku picks a third item from random and combines the lot. The result can produce unique and offensive and defensive effects.
Special Overdrive
Machina Maw
As her final resort Rikku uses her special Dressphere Machina Maw to perform Vajra which deals heavy physical damage to opponents. Unlike other Special Overdrives the Machina Maw’s Vajra is a single attack but it does deliver the chance of a Critical Hit which will cause opponents to flinch, whether they’re still standing that is!
As her final resort Rikku uses her special Dressphere Machina Maw to perform Vajra which deals heavy physical damage to opponents. Unlike other Special Overdrives the Machina Maw’s Vajra is a single attack but it does deliver the chance of a Critical Hit which will cause opponents to flinch, whether they’re still standing that is!
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