Age 20
Specialty: Warrior
Secondary ability: Copycat
Ability to swim: Yes
Auto Abilities: Cheer
Additional: +10 oparty's Defence and +5 on party's Strength (when selcted)
NOTE: Sphere changing during battle has the same affects as it does for Yuna
A Dream of the Fayth that helped set Spira free from the threat of Sin once and for all. But at the cost of this the Fayth became free from Yu Yevon's grasp. As the Fayth stopped dreaming Tidus would eventually disappear. Tidus has tender feelings for Yuna and promised that he'll always be by Yuna's side but when he disappears her heart is broken. Two (2) years afterwards they are reunited as thanks from the Fayth to Yuna for saving Spira twice. Although there were concerns everyone was glad to have him back. Nowadays he lives alongside Yuna on Besaid with Wakka, Lulu, Sparky (Wakka's dog) and Vidina. And live is peaceful and meaningful. Because he could be named differntly on FFX: his name is never said. Yuna and Rikku tend o refer to him as "Him", "You" or "You know who".
All his friends know how much of a showoff he is when its comes to BlitzBall and they all know about how much he cherishes having his friends alongside but none so much as his fondness for Yuna. Though a little bit more mature Tidus behaves the same as ever and the only time where he doesn't fight for his friends is when he and Yuna spend time together which happens a lot. He enjoys the freedom and calm wherever he goes as long as he has his friends alongside but goes into attack whenever this pleasure is threatened . He is seen along with Yuna as superheroes by their friends because of their commitment to help those who are in need. Other times however he is playful and adventurous.
Efficent against fast fiends he is the second fastest character second only to Rikku. He also has decent chances of inflicting a Critical Hit on opponements (due to his Luck Attribute) but he isn't as strong as Paine or Kimahri. Besides his ability to battle on land and underwater aswell what makes him standout is his ability to copy attacks and Magic spells from previous characters (this is done by using the Copycat command). This makes him agood all rounder in any situation.
Energy Rain (requires Warrior Dressphere)
Mode: Warrior = the gauge fills after Tidus inflicts damage.
After the countdown has started if the bar is stopped at in the middle (success) Tidus will attack all opponents with an increase in Strength of +10. If the bar however doesn’t stop in the middle (failure) then Tidus will attack all opponents without Strength increasing.
Blitz Ace (requires Warrior Dressphere) Tidus will attack one opponent eight (8) times; if successful Tidus will use a Blitzball to perform the ninth attack and strength increases by +10. Unsuccessful and Tidus will have only done eight attacks; Tidus would miss the Blitzball, strength is increased by +5.
Yuna or Tidus: Moogle Rampage (requires Moogle Mascot Dressphere)
(Either Yuna or Tidus (depending upon who’s overdrive is being used)) whistles out loud for support. A stampede of Moogles (some flying, some running) will blitz the battlefield and pass the opponents causing little damage each as they pass. In total fifty (50) Moogles will strike opponents flying or ground based and each Moogle (obvious to the opponents’ Defence status) will inflict 99 or more (depending upon the Strength attribute for whoever uses this overdrive) damage. Ouch! Never cross a Moogle!
Special Overdrive
The Awesome Magnificent Tidus ShotTidus becomes enraged and storms right up to the opponent (s). Tidus slices and dices his opponents 15 times and then leaps into the air like he would perform Energy Rain. In mid air he falls with his sword raining down onto the opponent(s). The special overdrive ends after Tidus performs a vertical slice from mid air though the opponent (s) resulting in the fatal 16th attack. For as long as Tidus have sufficient strength those opposing them (the party) shall be no more.
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